That moment when....

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by WayneKramer, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. That moment when you discover the SMP2 sewer system :D

    Look closely where I am: in town (not on someone's residence) and pretty deep below ground. I'll bet this is where the senior staff hangs out to party deep at night :rolleyes:

    .... or maybe this is the left over of a road edit which hasn't been filled up yet.

    Naaah: secret staff stuff sounds much more logical :D

    Check this out yourself! => /v 3749.m00 (I'm not even kidding!). Or: /v shelluser-3.m00
    TheBidule, 607 and _Devuu__ like this.
  2. I bet its where staff goes to deal hugs and compliments
  3. Nope, you found a secret of old SMP town spawns of EMC's past.

    There are tunnels like that all over, but only at some areas near spawn.

    If i recall correctly, the intent was to be a special underground system that never got completed.

    So some spawn res if they dug at their walls, would find entry into them.
  4. Cool, then I guess you guys went all out because my residence is 1000 blocks away from the current town spawn, still decently close I think :)

    Thanks for your comment!
    607 likes this.
  5. ... EMC's membership becomes the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything !
    607, TomvanWijnen and MCSaw like this.
  6. Dang and I forgot my towel :eek:
    Raaynn likes this.
  7. Right here, we have the definition of logic! :D

    607 likes this.
  8. That moment when you crash and miss the 500,000th member on your favorite Minecraft server
  9. That moment when you got to experience a good server reach 500k members and witnessed the excitement
  10. That moment when....

    I hate you blizz! :p

    Always when you don't need him around will he jump in to come after you. Annoying little bugger.
    TheBidule and 607 like this.
  11. that moment when u put a puppy in a room with rabbits ^.^

    it goes bonkers! :eek:

    i didnt know they did that, and even in town. shell was going crazy with subzones on his res (u should see what he did with groups) and he asked me 2 try if i could tame and breed animals. so i spawn a doggy and it went right after all the rabbits! ^.^

    if ur bored u should try this, its hilarious!
    _Devuu__, TheBidule and 607 like this.
  12. That moment when....

    Totally buried in netherrack I only noticed the outpost shortly before hitting F2. What a relief: I was safe!

    Earlier today I discovered 3 potions of fire protection which I had somewhat misplaced, so then immediately wondered if I could put those to good use. I grabbed the potions and some food and set out in the Nether to look for quartz. Well, I had a really good run: 6 ghast tears, 2 gunpowder and around 18 stacks of nether quartz.

    But as you probably know: once you have something worth bringing home then you can rest assured that a nether hound will spawn :eek: And I knew that I was in serious danger because....

    Forget about Nether hounds: the Nether chicken is far worse! :D

    At the time I discovered the outpost I already used up 2 of my potions and was on my third, which was close to running out. As such it was a real relief to suddenly see that familiar building show up!
    607, PhoenixAffinity and TheBidule like this.
  13. that moment :mad: when you're digging the mother of all holes, have been at it for the last week, and your mind wanders and...
    you punch the stone...:eek:
    and you realize that for the 20th or 30th time, you have ruined yet another one of the now dwindling chest of efficiency 5/unbreaking 3/silk touch/mending pick that were soooooo painfully acquired... and it's gone... again... gone... another one...:(
    BreezyMan and ShelLuser like this.
  14. That moment when...

    but it isn't because you just used a program to make it look like that. (STAFF I REALLY DON'T HAVE THAT MUCH IT IS JUST INSPECT)
  15. That moment when... Your conducting research to give someone a surprise and you end up discovering hilarious old RainbowChin screenshots instead:

    _Devuu__ and ShelLuser like this.
  16. I really enjoy how you also made this your profile picture :) loving this, thanks for sharing!

    Say, just curious: how old were these?
  17. It was priceless, and frankly it was great to see a SS derping around on a horse. So the screenshot with Chin on the horse was back in 2013, while the "Dinnerbone" Chin was in 2014. I'll say, if you really dig around in the Random Screenshot Thread there's alooot to be seen.
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  18. That moment when...

    The most bizarre challenge ever :eek:

    Seriously though: if you go mining directly next to the outpost then you might be surprised to see what you'll find down there. Cave systems within the protected area for example, these can make it very easy to set up a (mini?) mining base which will allow you to head straight into the waste (you'd obviously need to dig some tunnels) while also having relatively easy access to your /vault. Which means that if you have a few empty vault pages you can dig up some pretty nice amounts of stuff and have 'm stored right away (as long as you keep traveling back and forth of course).
    607 likes this.
  19. Hey! I haven't seen you in ages! Meet me on smp2 in 5 minutes?
  20. That moment when...

    A new wasteland (or would that be land to waste? :D )

    (SMP2) Fun fact: This is the 4th time in a row that we've had a huge lava lake around /wnether w (smp2 obviously). The reason I know? Simple really: I'm the one who started building a pick up area / platform around that part and kept doing / maintaining this (with the help of many other anonymous players!).

    Why? Also very simple: I have a lava forge on my residence, in my opinion the best way to (mass) smelt stuff. And the best part is that all the buckets are reusable. I get the smelted items + empty buckets, I hop into /wnether w, fill my buckets, run back to the outpost, then do /home oforge and I'm right back in front of my forge, ready to fill it up with new fuel.