Empire Minecraft is still 1.8 - 1.9.4 is near!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, Feb 29, 2016.

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  1. Any and all decision regarding 1.9 will be revealed once we decide.

    Please stop spamming my pms, profile, and this post with questions. They will all be answered in due time when we release it.

    The land-claiming code is just put on a temporary hold for the update. It's not going to be a long time and Aikar will be back at it. However, this update has quite a few changes from 1.8 and it would be unfair to put it off when we'll eventually need land-claiming to be compatible with it anyways. Minecraft players will WANT to be playing the newest version, regardless of extras.
  2. Now the REAL question is:
    Could we spawn in an Ender Dragon with the new system
    Get a nametag
    And name it Dark Krysyy?
    Trapper777, Kytula, ShelLuser and 3 others like this.
  3. It works pretty well though :p

    I honestly couldn't care less whether we're on the newest update or not, but that's probably just me :p
  4. Dis guy, asking the REAL questions.
    Kytula, Jelle68, DrMadFate and 2 others like this.
  5. Well, I only asked once...
  6. Thats usually the problem with it; you're not alone on the server and if more people think like you then the result can be spammy ;)

    Of course the down side of this is sometimes not reporting / asking something. When we all assume that "someone else" will do so anyway then yah...
  7. As for actual EMC updates, I feel like we need a command on National Cheese Lover's Day, /cheese, that allows you to summon a block of stained yellow clay named "Dah Cheddah"
  8. Wouldn't end stone make a more convincing cheese block? ;)
    Pab10S and TomvanWijnen like this.
  9. No, sponges.
  10. It does not take higher priority. When major versions come out, its a source of major confusion for our players.

    Even with instructions, many players still can't figure out how to connect (think of all the ones that do not use the forums)
    Many players choose to play on other servers that update to 1.9 instead.

    Every new player our advertisements reach also will not join, wasting tons of money.

    Updates will always be highest priority within reason.
    I always give updates time to bake to calm down and resolve bugs. So, I am working on the Anti Grief update as I live streamed it last night and will continue tonight.

    Anti Grief update is coming before Empires and Land Claiming as a stop gap to stop the major griefing until the full system is in place.

    I don't know if that will be released before 1.9 or not though, but it is in progress.
  11. Well my words about this is that i'm disappointed. I really was looking forward to start playing 1.9.0 on EMC first of all.
    And now my greatest hope is that EMC will open itself to 1.9.0.
  12. While I understand your disappointment I think its fair to say that you would probably be much more disappointed (if not plain out angry) if the staff were to "simply" upgrade EMC to 1.9 only to find out that all our promo items have been vanished because of a small bug or glitch.

    Its really in our best interest that the staff does some solid checks before they start upgrading.
  13. Nononono YOU SEE, for some odd reason Yellow Stained Clay looks EXACTLY like cheese.
  14. Yellow cheese? I don't know what kind of cheese you've been eating. Stone Slabs make the best cheese.

    That is Gray Cheese, not a stone slab.
  15. Lol they remove herobrine all the time xD
  16. Ewwww! That looks like a snake swallowed it and spit it out and covered it with scales >.<

  17. Please get off the Hype train at the next stop, DEV team have enough to worry about as is. If you want it badly, there is single player and Buggy 1.9 spigot servers that you can test 1.9.

    Sorry it bothers me that some are "Disappointed" in EMC for not changing over to 1.9 on the spot. I've had it worse back in pre release of beta 1.8 changing over to 1.0.0 Full Release. Do you understand how much time that took? A Hella lot and be grateful you can change versions on the launcher. If you clicked yes to update you would have to download the older files on some websites that are shady.

    In other words... BE PATIENT
    cowland123 and Rhythmically like this.
  18. Relax, it should be here by the time the month's out.
  19. Just might have a competitor;) BTW: Ice is easier for emptying mass quantities of water
  20. I don't want a competitor man ;-;
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