Empire Minecraft is still 1.8 - 1.9.4 is near!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, Feb 29, 2016.

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  1. not everyone tests out new updates right away, Aikar has most likely been very busy at work working on making sure 1.9 wont mess anything up and on top of that all of the updates that are being planed to be released at sometime to make EMC the best multiplayer vanilla(ish) server around :)
    tuqueque and ForeverMaster0 like this.
  2. didnt smp's 7-9 not spawn with a dragon? O-o
  3. Before smp5-9 was release to the public Staff killed the dragons. So wouldn't cause conflict & drama within the community. :D
  4. That's just what the minecraft wiki said, it could be wrong.
  5. I was a bit confused. You are probably right. It was the first kill that Aikar is eliminating an egg drop for.
  6. On the MC launcher, click "Edit Profile", and click the drop down for Game Version, and click "1.8.9". It will set the game to the version right before 1.9.0. :)
  7. Thank you!
    That means its breath for Lingering Potions and among other useful things.
    By the way, the Ender Dragon spends most of its time now around the Exit Portal than it did before.
  8. Since the egg is only the first kill, its drastically unfair that the only people who have a chance are those that are on during waste resets.

    The egg will be obtainable through DTombs in a way that's fair to everyone.
  9. How about end crystals? What will be special about original dragon eggs then?
    Dufne likes this.
  10. end crystals can be crafted....
    ForeverMaster0 likes this.
  11. Exactly.
    Dufne and ForeverMaster0 like this.
  12. -- Nevermind, we are leaving placing ender crystals Vanilla.
  13. Good fix. I like it. :)
    Dufne and StoneSky like this.
  14. there goes my plan to make an awesome house design
  15. I would like to say how much I like this server. I think the way it's setup is wonderful, the players are for the most part great people and the staff is the best of any minecraft server. And I tell people this all the time.

    That being said, and I'm probably going to regret this, but I am very disappointed at the way it appears to me that a small group, should I say, "inner circle" of players position is being protected at the expense of the many players. First, you say that you are going to keep the ender dragon from dropping the egg. You talk about fairness. Isn't it more fair that at least someone have a chance than no one has a chance. It's not like the eggs don't exist, some players have got them. That doesn't appear to be fairness to me. And dragon tombs. That's great and I look forward to it. But how far out is this? 2 years? More?

    Ok, I would not be posting this if the egg was the only thing. But now you say the only players that can have end crystals in town are those older players that also get to have dragon eggs. What? So you are going to alter vanilla again to keep the rest of us from having the ability to craft them. You don't explain why just say, "Placing them in Town will be restricted to original egg owners only". Once again that original "inner circle".

    You obviously have the ability to do whatever you want and I respect that. It is your server. It is not a democracy. If I don't like it I can go elsewhere. And I know that. But I do think you are reasonable enough at least to listen to what I have to say (and I know other players that feel the same way). I'm not trying to upset anyone just voice my opinion in a reasonable manner. Thank you.
  16. I have to agree here. I understand the Egg thing. Even in a SP world it would only drop once. And if it's eventaully going to be obtainable in DT, then cool, I can live with that.

    Ender Crystals are now part of the game and craftable though. Even if everyone had an Ender crystal, it would not break the game, there would be no advantage (is there even a use other then decoration?). All this does is limit it's use to only those that were here long before the majority. Ya it's special to have an Egg, I just don't see the reasoning behind limiting an attached feature.
    kaptrix, God_Of_Gods and Pab10S like this.
  17. Here's the thing that I think is misunderstood:

    In a vanilla Minecraft world, one dragon egg is obtainable, no more. If you started a fresh world in 1.9, it would drop from the first dragon, and all subsequent dragons would just drop exp. EMC has been around for years, though, and we don't start from scratch every time a new update is released, so there's already been a "first dragon". In fact, the first few dragons dropped eggs, years ago, when the End was added. There are already far more eggs than there should be in vanilla Minecraft.

    Aikar is not preventing egg drops that should be occurring. I can't speak for the crystals, but I do not agree with the notion that it would be "vanilla" to throw ten more dragon eggs into the mix.
    FatAndyTheGreat and FDNY21 like this.
  18. I'm not sure what you're trying to say here, but not too long ago we allowed players who had whatever Eggs still existed(6?) to trade trade each in for twenty more.

    Those who kept an original still have the honor of having an original Egg which is all it was in the first place: swag. Putting them on a pedestal was added as a trade off when players who had originals thought their value was being decreased by making Eggs available through DT.

    I'm against artificially adding or removing anything (other than what Mojang does) in order to conserve any perceived value they have. I never expected an Egg and may still never have one, but if Mojang is putting Ender Crystals in our hands, let us place them.
  19. Right, and I'm saying that having ten more dragon eggs appear would be artificially adding, since Mojang wants one egg per world. Just because the End has been updated doesn't mean the next dragons would somehow be the "first" dragons; the eggs have already been dropped.
    FDNY21 and Pab10S like this.
  20. I get that and I'm fine with it, especially knowing that MAYBE someday I might have a chance at one through another avenue. They can have their originals, but I'd rather that my game play experience not be hindered because they need a block to display their trophy.
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