Empire Minecraft is still 1.8 - 1.9.4 is near!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, Feb 29, 2016.

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  1. It's because if everyone can place ender crystals, there is nothing special about original dragon eggs.
    Dufne and PenguinDJ like this.
  2. Seriously? Do you really believe because a player can craft and place an end crystal as you can in vanilla that means dragon eggs aren't special anymore? Can I get you a little cheese with that whine? Dude, be cool and let other 99.999% of players have something too.
  3. Original dragon eggs are very rare, and without the endercrystals, there's no way to distinguish between them and normal ones.

    Although, some cheese would be nice...
    Dufne likes this.
  4. This is why they are lored, my friend. ;)
    ThaKloned likes this.
  5. By that same standard there's no difference between regular fireworks and Empire New Year's Fireworks, or between a steak and a Freedom Steak. What makes a promo is it's name and lore, not it's effect. Why should it be different with the eggs?
    Also, you can use an original egg to make an ender crystal and display a regular dragon egg instead, and people will wrongly think it's an original dragon egg. The crystal doesn't help much with telling eggs themselves apart. I think what you really wanted to say is that they help telling people apart: those with original eggs and those without them, and that's sad.
  6. I think bottom line is it's unfair to remove a vanilla decoration from the game simply to give a select few the ability to display it. And as Aikar mentioned, the crystal produced by the egg will have the base attached to it. The crafted ones do not have this.
    FDNY21, ShelLuser, Sparticals and 3 others like this.
  7. Dragon eggs are already worthless IMO. I'm not going to put value on something just because it was available before I joined EMC. :rolleyes:
    Acemox2k, ESSELEM and ShelLuser like this.
  8. arent dragon eggs in general already rare concidering there is only so many in existance? the only 2 dragon eggs ive ever seen was in MoeMacZaps possesion
  9. ^ thats just deep m8 o-o
  10. There are roughly 76-95 normal eggs, but only 4-5 original eggs.
    Dufne likes this.
  11. The reset message's date should be updated...
    Acemox2k and TromboneSteve like this.
  12. How so?

    ShelLuser likes this.
  13. Just a quick note - there are definitely 5 original eggs, so there are 95 normal eggs currently too :) (apart from some that were lost, looking at you JackBiggin ;))
    This isn't really about dragon eggs, they won't be adding more until Dragon Tombs I believe, the ones that are out already are worth a lot simply because they're rare - I bought one even after they were available anyway, I don't see why you think they're worthless? Do you just mean that because you weren't there when they were available, you just don't really care/want one?

    As for Ender Crystals, I'm happy with the decision because the Original Egg Crystals will be different to the craftable Ender Crystals :)
    ThaKloned likes this.
  14. Yeah, I just meant that I personally have no desire to own one. To me, it's junk. (I feel the same about all of the older items like ICC flesh.) So from that perspective, I find it hard to understand why we'd do anything to preserve the market value or the exclusivity of those items.
  15. Items like the ICC flesh and Ore Busters (as with 400k event) can be and have been re-released so the market value is not guaranteed to be preserved. Not even normal dragon eggs are preserved, they'll be out for Dragon Tombs. Original Dragon Eggs are preserved and that's because the original owners were told that they'd be the only ones. They won't go back on that because it's not fair on them. The only other items other than that are preserved are other items that were limited to a certain number - making those items goes back on the original owners of those items too.
  16. Well some bad news.... 1.9 has some serious bugs that is stumping us extremely bad.

    Mojang made some changes, and have broken internals to chunks performance drastically.

    We are completely stumped on what exactly they broke atm... but servers are running EXTREMELY slow to the point it's not useable at this time. People who are running 1.9 are bouncing between running slow and crashing...

    So there may be some unexpected delay.
  17. Can confirm, tried running 1.9 server with friends, kept crashing.
  18. So we're either expecting a 1.9.1 soon, or nothing, because they couldn't care less.

    Probably that second option. :p
  19. I don't know what was said or who said it, but I understand it was said years ago. Things change. I'm sure neither party had an idea then of what Mojang would release in 2016. It's probably time to revisit the discussion and make a new arrangement.
  20. It's not like we're never getting dragon eggs again, we're still getting normal dragon eggs eventually and we're still getting the 1x1 craftable Ender Crystals. I doubt an arrangement will be made about Original Eggs, for it was decided that they would never make more of those - that doesn't stop us releasing many more normal eggs in the future.
    Sparticals likes this.
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