Empire Minecraft is still 1.8 - 1.9.4 is near!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, Feb 29, 2016.

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  1. Ok.
    I didn't think about that.

    Mojang spent extra time after October to do bug fixing, but in the process, they introduced other bugs...


    Maybe for those feeling down/struggling now, like me a little, try looking at a different perspective.

    Fixing bugs in Minecraft as a whole can be as or more frustrating/difficult than fixing bugs in a really complex redstone contraption made in the game.
    I bet somebody out there can relate to this. ;)
    Sparticals, Kytula and Rhythmically like this.
  2. Wither skeleton farms.
    Dufne and ForeverMaster0 like this.
  3. The vanilla server works just fine on my end, it's not as if the environment is totally unusable (you almost make it sound like that). But combine it with code which relies on specific functions and methods to be there (and behave in a certain way) and I can well imagine that you could run into issues.

    Anyway, I'm quite happy that stuff gets tested on EMC before performing the actual upgrade.
    Sparticals and JesusPower2 like this.
  4. Thats the thing -- mojang only tests in singleplayer / 5 man servers.

    It APPEARS fine in SP, but comparing 30 player servers on 1.8 to 1.9 is a massive drop.

    I'm working with my peers in the Paper community to try to fix these things.
    khixan, Sambish, amadai and 5 others like this.
  5. That'll be nice if it is possible! :D Good Luck! :D
  6. Any word on EMC and gapple crafting?
  7. Were not changing it from vanilla, but they may come as a rare drop in miniboss kills in the future.
  8. nicee
  9. God loves us.
    PenguinDJ and kaptrix like this.
  10. What about Elytra?
  11. They're pretty common actually. Found five in just an hour on SP.
  12. I worked on fixing some of the 1.9 bugs last night (on stream). Though think I wanna get Anti Grief out so probably going to switch focus back to that.
    khixan, ShelLuser, amadai and 2 others like this.
  13. I'm excited about 1.9 but I think I'm more excited about the anti-griefing. Hoping to work on wild public utilities more then.
    Sparticals and ThaKloned like this.
  14. Is there any chance we can just do a waste reset without a 1.9 update?
  15. but its easier to roll it out at once
  16. There's no reason to. Wastelands doesn't NEED a reset, and the End Fortresses in the Wild are updated in 1.9 to be more of them.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  17. Ok, just wondered. Thanks.
  18. I'm avoiding the waste because of that scary reset of doom message. If it looks safe to continue mining, can we change the message date to maybe 3/22 (two weeks) so players can be comfortable mining gain?
  19. The date is not static. It'll happen whenever we feel 1.9 is ready, immediately after the update, which will only be a 1 day notice.
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