The problems of Krysyy, Aikar and how EMC is run.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by _REMOVED_87055, Oct 27, 2019.

  1. The Foundation has been shaking for a year at least.
    Krysyy's failures (Yes. She failed. While I do believe she has made sufficient amends by this point, it cannot be denied. She failed.) are only part of a much larger puzzle.
    There are a plague of issues with EMC; it is not all staff. The staff played a role in making the wheel spin, but I do not believe they are spinning it now. Unfortunately, this wheel is not like a normal wheel. The staff are not incredibly incompetent, but they sped this decline up. They did not cause this. They sped it up. EMC's woes are almost all bad luck.
    It spins faster the more it spins.
    I will not say recovery is impossible.
    It is possible. Unfortunately, this conversation should have happened a year ago. It is late. Very late.
    I do not doubt this is a step in the right direction. It is very good. Very. But it is overdue. EMC is a shell of its former self; it has declined.
    I most certainly have something to leave to. There is a reason I am a Vulture. In any case, I look forward to seeing this play out.
    The decline and the actions staff take to stay it should make interesting fare.
    TheBeansyKiraboo likes this.
  2. Here's the bottom line folks: I already said I was sorry for saying what I said in the harsh and gossip tone that I used. I am not going to apologize for saying something negative at all about the player in the first place because I was being questioned about why she wasn't a good fit for a team and I gave my opinion, in private, to my trusted staff member.

    That staff member COULD have told me in the moment that it bothered them I would say that. We COULD have had a discussion about it in private and made corrections without dragging names around publicly or causing inflammatory posts between players. Instead screenshots were taken and held like ammo to use against me when the time was right, and when the staff member was fired, the bullets flew. Now that we've mostly holstered the gun and had some real discussion we should have been focused on in the first place, we can make progress.

    For those of you making comments on EMC events and such when your last log-in was months ago: In addition to staff making changes, perhaps you should log in and actually play the game. 'Forum lurking' is great and all, but it's not helping fix the community feel or the numbers online. Yes, staff can make changes, as we have already addressed at length. The community can too. If you care about EMC, log in, say hi to people, build, share stories, etc. Simple enough to do and it makes the true difference. Posting how EMC is terminal and nothing can be done makes you a part of the problem. It takes all of us to keep EMC going, not just the staff.
  3. Yes, that's the way to make progress...

    Here's my negative post about you. You are a part of the problem right now. I won't even sugar coat it.

    Disappointed in me? Fine.
    Making a bounty for screenshots to encourage more negativity shared? Problem.

    Pretty sure there aren't any screenshots by the way, but frankly I don't even know how far back the rabbit hole goes on time or if you made a post I expressed a frustration over, or a suggestion I may have said 'wtf' to. I do know I've defended you at least once and I stand by my defense regardless of your loss of faith in me. Those screenshots won't see the light of day though.
  4. And back down the chute we go. The game of chutes and ladders is quite the long one.

    Yes, I've said things. As the head of staff, I have given my opinion on matters that happened. I expressed frustration over suggestions I found strange or unfit for EMC. I made comments about players messaging me ridiculous requests. Were some of these harsher or more untasteful than necessary? Probably. It was a private venting ground where I could get my immediate gut reaction out of the way before needing to form an appropriate public response. Ever wondered why I seemed extremely patient with trouble makers? That's why and I am not going to apologize for the act of using that space in order to keep my cool.

    Think this is new? Nope. Staff have been doing that since the beginning, before slack and going all the way back to irc. We talk and communicate as situations are presented. Do I randomly bring up players to gossip about them? No. I discuss ongoing interactions and players that are discussed are a part of those.

    Complain about an event prize not being what you wanted? Yeah I probably said in modchat that you were being greedy and should learn to just enjoy the event.

    Suggest a promo that is clearly OP? I probably made a joke about breaking the economy.

    Make a post about a screenshot bounty? I probably just said 'when will this ever end so I can get real work done?'
    __Devil_, liamwill, ThaKloned and 5 others like this.
  5. I have pretty bad Anxiety and I do want to get this crappy situation behind us so Im game to shut up and we can be more productive for the server and i wish to do more than play a board game :) you ok if we hit the reset button?
  6. I think we just found that one ladder that goes nearly from the bottom to the top. 😊
  7. yay wat can we do to get to the top? sorry if this is irrelevant
    Starsphere likes this.
  8. That community discussion on suggestions thread is the next step.
  9. I am not in this to play. I am in it to watch.
    There have been steps in the right direction for EMC. This is good for EMC.
    The situation is still bad, but there is a chance of recovery.
    I would not be here if there wasn't. It is no fun if one already knows the outcome.
    The odds are not on your side, EMC. Success as much as failure are distinct possibilities.
    I spectate because I have not been a member of the EMC community in a long time. I don't owe EMC anymore.
    TheBeansyKiraboo and Stnywitness like this.
  10. It depends on how the dice is rolled...
  11. How do you mean, and to whom or what are you replying?

    Also, I thought you made a mistake in your post, but apparently
  12. EMC's fate is up to luck at this point, although the staff and community can change the odds to an extent.
    TheBeansyKiraboo and 607 like this.
  13. The discussion about the comments made should be long over at this point
  14. Just... don't mention it. Not worth it.
    Seriously, do you want me to make that rant thread I mentioned?
    Extendingskys likes this.
  15. I mean, if some of the old personal points come up again, which I guarantee they will if this thread stays around much longer, you might as well :V
    FadedMartian likes this.
  16. Your cynicism is less than optimal. I will do what I can to keep Otus off this thread, and he stays off on his own it seems. This whole deal is emotionally charged, and I am far less caring about it than he is.
    But I am his friend, and I agree with him. I am keeping my mouth shut because this thread is not meant for it. I have made my judgement based on what I have seen. I will not disclose this judgement, but Otus knows.
    In any case, I will get to it if it is required. This thread continues to serve its purpose, which entertains me to an extent.
    Extendingskys likes this.
  17. - Agreed.

    Let's not fan the flames anymore. The important stuff has already been discussed. Now let's move on with our lives, yeah?

    I would argue that since things are dying down, and the staff heard our substantive criticism about the server from pages 1 to 7, this thread should be locked... But that's just me personally...
  18. I would say that that ought to be clear by now. This is the third or fourth time you say so, depending on how you count.
    I think staff shouldn't be eager with closing threads. And especially if this thread is dying down, it needn't be closed ever, unless it gets necrobumped in a few years.
  19. Expect more "comments about comments" and quibbles over technicalities that other people say in their posts. Which, yet again, deviate from the thread's main purpose... That's what's going to happen. Scroll up and/or go back a page or two and there's no substantive criticism. It's just quibbles over technicalities over other players's posts...

    (I'm... fairly certain that 20 pages is not "being eager" to close a thread, but that's just my interpretation. Though I do agree that if things stay on-point and substantive towards the thread's main purpose, then I have no problem with this remaining open.)

    I know, it shouldn't have been that long. This thread turned into a damn mess... Page 7 and before was substantive, but almost everything after page 7 is just "Reality TV Drama"...
    Extendingskys likes this.