The problems of Krysyy, Aikar and how EMC is run.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by _REMOVED_87055, Oct 27, 2019.

  1. * Laughs in Jeremy *

    Not the first time I've seen this type of thread.
    Also, please don't insult EMC's custom code too much. Ever since Justin chose to stop using a jerry-rigged Bungee (was it the name? can't remember) in favour of a fully (mosyly) homebrew plugin, the possibilities for new and more stable features grew ten-fold (well, at least, as much as a Java game allows XD).
    What one sees today required enormous amounts of work, time and money to be sunk into the technical side behind the scenes.
    Of course, this creates a risk of possibly biting off more than you can chew, but then again, humans only give themselves problems that they can solve, so it's not something to dread.

    And please, don't attack people on the basis that they aren't "morally pure". Only those who are idle can claim such purity, but only because their "purity" stems from their apathy. Those with dirt on their hands are those who were confronted with concrete problems, necessarily full of contradictions and ambiguities, and proceeded to solve them in the concrete ways that were available to them at the time. And their solution will itself contain contradictions, as such is the essence of reality.
    Those with clean hands either subconciously hide it, have others do things for them, or have no hands at all.
    ItsMeMatheus, mba2012, Zbid and 10 others like this.
  2. The reason that joy keeps interjecting over and over saying that the thread is done, the flames are over, and whatnot, is to deter any would-be firestarters who maybe skimmed the first few pages and then jumped to the end with a harsh opinion. If they the most recent comments are joy's saying such, then they will be more inclined to see how it's died down. And as you can see by the fact that the thread has maintained a relatively slow pace compared to prior, with very little new instigation, it's working. Joy knows what he's doing, he's not just acting the part of a broken record, lol.
  3. Maybe! In that case, nice.
    But I think that if we wouldn't be discussing this, this thread wouldn't have even reached 20 pages. It's not pinned or anything, so if it isn't bumped it is unlikely that people who haven't read this thread already will come across it.
    Joy_the_Miner and Extendingskys like this.
  4. Tiki, it's great to see you back! Been a really long time since I've seen your name and face around here :)
    Bungee was the old server method way back when :)
    FadedMartian, Extendingskys and 607 like this.
  5. heh

    edit (about 5 hours after but its ok): alright im confused, why do some of you people still play on this server? if you dont like how emc is run.. leave? its easier than it sounds.
  6. And yet, not everyone was on the first day to see that fateful post go up and explode. So there are going to be more comments as the rest of the community logs in and sees it for the first time. At this point, they are not going to read the entire thing and there will be more drama :(

    If those of us who have seen the whole thing are more metered in our response and just let them vent, then it will blow over quicker. If we engage with heated discourse then it will take longer to blow over.

    The issues at hand are community issues. The community needs to heal. In order to do that, some are going to cry, others yell, and some will laugh inappropriately. It's normal reactions to a passion that we share ... as a community.

    And EMC members are passionate. Oh yes, they are.
    FadedMartian likes this.
  7. haha
  8. One thing though...

    Explains quite a lot on my side of things now, although it would've been quite easy to assume (my people lol).

    Interesting thread! I definitely couldn't see it coming ;). I have no hard feelings towards anyone, especially due to the fact that I haven't actively played in 3ish years. But to everyone getting bored:


    A lot of the chaos that either I or my people have caused are literally due to EMC sheep that choose to play this server/game and nothing else. Yes, EMC sheep. It was quite the majority several years back, but its nice to see that its slowly becoming a minority from activity declines.

    I don't plan on really making any other posts. This thread was just brought to my attention and I thought why not reply. Drama has always been a part of emc from what I've seen, and I find it quite funny to see kryssy saying that "It's not the EMC I know and love" or something of that sort from like 10 pages back lmao.

    Also this post has been sponsored by SquareSpace! Get █% off your first purchase using code ████████████████████!
  9. Im soo sorry

    Joy get the popcorn

    Also i would like to apologise to krysyy for all things i said. I was way out of line and saying things i didnt really mean.

    If you really get to know me you know that i am not like that.

    So im sorry krysyy and anyone else who i may have anoyed or offended
  10. Which is exactly what I have done.
    However, it is only possible if one does not care about EMC.
    I don't. I do not care whether this server prospers or goes down in flames.
    Some others do care. They want to see change. They want to see EMC alive again. I don't care. They do. So they get angry, and demand change.
  11. is that a mantra?
    FadedMartian, Extendingskys and 607 like this.
  12. I can't even tell what this is supposed to be.
  13. Wow. It's been a while since I've been here. I don't even play minecraft anymore. This thread was mentioned in a discord group and I thought I might give my two cents.

    I started playing EMC 7.5 years ago. I was almost 11 at the time. I'm a freshman in college now. I grew up playing EMC and grew away from it eventually. But, I had a wonderful time here. I made friends I still keep in touch with, (shoutout to PenguinDJ, PeculiarPotato, Seanawesome14, Rundercaster, Keliris etc.). Our friendship has evolved beyond EMC and beyond Minecraft and I'm glad. Without EMC, I would have never met them. On EMC, we had a great time playing. Whether it was the different events such as the mob arenas, or dominating Chin's UHC (bring those back , I'd play lmao) we really enjoyed our time here.

    And then eventually, we started getting bored of it. When Mojang broke combat with 1.9, we were at the head of it trying to prevent 1.9 implementation here. When that happened, that was the tip of the iceberg. Slowly, but surely, we all started doing things we shouldn't have and got banned. I was the last one to get banned, and before I did so, Krysyy messaged me a few weeks prior with this.

    This can be removed if you'd like. I assume you're okay with it because it's years old.

    Now, I know this message is from 3 years ago. And I'm not going to pretend I know what's going on with EMC these days. I don't. Look, Krysyy didn't have to send me that. She could've just watched me go on break the rules (which I did anyways lol) and just banned me and been done with me after. She sent me that after I went on a public crusade having a ban appeal in public, parading to be a lawyer defending one of my recently banned friends. Looking back now, I can't believe that was allowed to go on as long as it did. All I am saying is that some of you don't realize the kind of stuff she may deal with sometimes and she has shown in the past that she can be a caring and good member of the community. Now, I don't know if that is still true, but it's definitely something to consider before you go calling for her head.

    Conversely, I also know Krysyy and a few other Senior Staff have talked shit about me in staff chat several times. I have thick skin so that doesn't really bother me, but it still is unprofessional. The fact that it has happened recently, per my skimming of this thread, and offended someone is not a good look and there should be repercussions for that.

    Look, at the end of the day, I moved on from EMC and I'm happy. This server isn't the end all be all. It has major flaws and has declined a lot over the last several years. My message is just this, if you don't enjoy this server anymore, it's time to let it go. You can love something and let it go. It's time guys.

    Disclaimer: This post isn't meant to be negative or drive players away. If there are any issues, please DM me. I will check my DMs for the next 24 hours. After that, I will see you when another huge controversial thing happens lol.

    Chocolate out.

    EDIT: Fixed a few typos and put the image in the spoiler since it is huge.
  14. Dr.Lawyer!! Jkjk

    Glad your doing well and hope enjoying first year of College..
  15. Wow, that is a throwback.

    Also, for anyone who wonders, I do still send a very similar message to other players in the same situation. Sometimes it helps and sometimes it doesn't, but I like to think that everyone is capable of change at critical moments and I like to give them that opportunity to catch it BEFORE it costs them EMC access. Emotions run high and we let our friends or the general internet hype us up on negativity and it festers, slowly changing your own mindset before you even realize it. Remember, it is only a game at the end of the day. A community, yes, but if you only gain toxicity from being around, it may be best to let it go.

    "Soar with the eagles or fall with the turkeys" is something my father has always said (very country sounding I know) and applies here. The people you surround yourself with will cause the greatest effect on your personality and ambitions in life. One day you look back objectively and it all looks different, as Chocolate pointed out. So ask yourself from time to time, do you like what you see?
  16. Krysyy = Krystal?? :confused: TIL
  17. I havent even bothered to read the past 10 pages, it's just repetitive "Leave if you dont agree and dont come back"
    TheBeansyKiraboo likes this.
  18. 607, Burki, Joy_the_Miner and 2 others like this.
  19. I am unable to decipher this post's purpose. What is this supposed to mean?
    Otus_NigRum likes this.