That moment when....

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by WayneKramer, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. Sometimes it comes down to just the minimum.
    Merek_Shadower likes this.
  2. That moment when you are mending at your own private gold farm and think why not do diff 10 for more agro, they are stuck anyway. Well one got out while I had all god armour on except my chest plate, I was mending my elytra, killing them with my god sword. Well I was agroing them with rotten flesh when said 1 got out.

    I backed into a corner and did not have time to switch from rotten flesh to sword. I kept him at bay for several hits but the inevitable happened..... Yup I died and spawned in town..... Great another 30 min trip back out.

    Thinking that no big deal, no one is loading chunks so they despawned right? Nope guess what I saw when I got back to the gold farm. The pigman wearing my God helm, elytra, God leggings, God boots with my god sword coming at me.

    Dear god, I never wanna pvp myself ever again. I grabbed potions before I came out just in case this would happen and that was the only thing that saved my life I was at 1 heart with regen 2. Right after I killed him I said Shoot, Why did I not get a screen shot.

    I'll tell you why, I was actually terrified to see him coming at me with my own gear, plus in order to kill him I damaged my own gear, pretty good too as it took many hits. Now I know why it's GOD gear, which now I have more mending to do..... Ugg

    Guys .... Don't go Diff 10 at a pigman farm. If you do be prepared for an escaped pigman.
  3. The moment when you make a 180 portal gold farm.... without a item sorter and without a crusher.
    BlitzAttack likes this.
  4. That moment when you accidentally put two contacts in one eye. Yes,I did that. Twice. In one week.
    607, TomvanWijnen and Cardman142 like this.
  5. the moment when you fall down the stairs 3times in a day.
    MoreMoople likes this.
  6. That moment when your mom walks by the computer and asks "Who is this Eviltoade that I am always seeing on here?"
    Baradar67 and 607 like this.
  7. I hate that
  8. The moment when you remove two people out your life that is causing issues which you didn't have to deal with in the first place.

    _Devuu__ and Merek_Shadower like this.
  9. That moment when you are exploring a cave and fall into a large pit with 8 creepers at the bottom. (I admit that I should have grabbed a screenshot, but panic of getting my face blown off took over.)
    mjnoe70 likes this.
  10. That moment when... use EMC shopkeeper and realize if you had worked for the things you bought and just voted you may have more rupees now than you do and still have all the stuff you have! :eek:
  11. What I recall from taking screenshots is that it freezes your game for some moments - although that might be due to a faulty configuration on my part. But because of that, I'd rather not take screenshots in critical moments. :p
    WardleDeBoss likes this.
  12. Mine freezes too, Only for a small time (Around 1-3 seconds). I assume the better hardware you have the shorter that time is.
  13. It might want to finish writing the screenshot before the game updates. Which is logical, but it could be done more efficiently, by storing it in RAM first, and only then write it to a file.
    But I'm not sure on how it happens exactly.
    This would also mean that the bigger your monitor, the longer taking a screenshot will freeze your game. :p
  14. Well... kind of...
    The bigger your resoltution, the longer it takes...
    But, they changed it in 1.12, so it noew is considerably faster, you still get a little laggspike, but for me it's less than half a sec, also, with optifine you can set your screenshot size, wich can make it even faster (I beleve, it might also be only up) or slower, I did the second one, as you might know from size of my proper screenshots (I also use a lot)... :)
    607 likes this.
  15. ..... you look up and realize 2 of your areas in a build are each off centre by 1 block and not even an awful natural disaster can stop an EvilToade from saving the day. :cool:
    _Devuu__, MoreMoople, 607 and 2 others like this.
  16. Eviltoade is always there to help, the "Evil" is just to troll people :D.
    607, ThaKloned and NuclearBobomb like this.
  17. That moment when you just read through all 59 pages of this thread.
    That moment when you decide to go through every res on every smp ... I have been to over 500 on smp1 already...;)
    607 likes this.
  18. the moment when..... you spend 4 hours on trying to link a nether portal so you have to go 2k away from spawn and dig a tunnel
  19. That moment when you get on the computer get kicked off by sister... hour later get back on, 5 minutes later get kicked off by dad, 2 hours later get on... 30 seconds later mom comes in and needs computer... ;-;
  20. That moment when...
    The person you talk to in Town chat disconnects, without you notecing, so you keep talking and wonder why that person doesn't respond...