That moment when....

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by WayneKramer, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. You need other hobbies
  2. You sure about that? ;)
  3. Yes.
    AyanamiKun likes this.
  4. I've been wanting to play that, but the problem is... I've got way too many hobbies. :p
  5. The horror of testing... You wonder why some mods have been grumpy at times ... #BlameSimon
    607 likes this.
  6. So as it turns out I have a shop. I don't do much with it but it does run smoothly enough because I do often see people buying stuff (in my logs). Even up to a point where I often run out on things and then <sigh> I actually need to do some work and restock :eek:

    Anyway, that moment when....

    You come across a section in your shop and although you do remember building it you have absolutely no idea what so ever anymore what you were planning to sell here :confused:

    Probably concrete :D (yes, I know that concrete only came out with 1.12 ;))

    It's official then, you're now the Queen of Games :cool:
    Merek_Shadower and 607 like this.
  7. Excuse me, Queen?
    ShelLuser likes this.
  8. Uhm... yah, well.. uhm.. :oops:? Drats, even the smileys fail me :D

    But then again, it seems fitting ;) I assumed you were Dufne and don't say you didn't try! So yeah, congratulations, you're now the Queen of Games. You tried hard and finally succeeded :p
    TomvanWijnen and 607 like this.
  9. That moment when....
    ... Boats & Endermen :eek:

    So I'm mining my own business when DoubleCakes9001 came online. One important detail: he's the boat master :cool: So after I told him where we were it didn't take long for this to happen:

    We chatted a bit, then DC had to leave. Now, as you can (somewhat) see on the right Aya & me explored quite some parts of the area and also made a few bridges for easier access (there's a huge ravine there). So the next thing I see is an Enderman walking across the bridge straight into the mining base, heads directly for a boat and....

    The heck?!

    Next thing you know we had ourselves a pet of some sort. Aya did try to name it with a nametag but for some reason that only resulted in a rather weird error message. Now, I don't know if it's something she said or did, but suddenly this Endermen got really upset with Aya...

    Chill out dude! ;)

    So then I decided that this guy really needed to cool off a bit. Since it was already in a boat I figured that I should be able to move it somewhere out of the way. And what do you know?

    Row, row, row your boat...

    It even hit Aya while we were passing, some mobs really have no manners at all :D

    So eventually I decided to park it here. Nice in the open where it could cool down a bit. Which it didn't. Instead it kept being angry. Even after Aya went up to the surface (well out of range) this Enderman kept raging on. And even more funny: it also kept trying to teleport away which constantly failed (entities which are a passenger in/on another entity can't teleport anymore). Guess that made it even more angry ;)

    And yes: for some reason the rowing animation kept showing, it almost looked as if the Enderman was busy rowing itself. Very odd and plain out bizarre.

    It probably despawned by now but still, this was pretty funny :)
  10. That's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen... :p
  11. It makes me kind of sad that we now have an SS service for this... future players will never understand how amusing this post was.


    *that moment when you begin campaign to remove structure moves from SS services*

    Another throwback that no longer applies... so sad, so sad. Now not doing -a just means you should have your //undo on hand speedy quick.
  12. That moment when you realize how long it is going to take to add a"second level" to your utopia res...😬
  13. I am now... 1/120th of the way done. Only 99.2% left. :D Sooo that'll be... only 14,280 blocks. :D

    607 and MoreMoople like this.
  14. I'm glad that I saved those 3 dcs of dirt from clearing out another part of my res....
    607 likes this.
  15. Only problem being that you need a little over 4 DCs, so 3 would leave a hole open... :p
  16. Well, technically I had over 4 DCs, because I cleared out a page in my vault. I still have like another 3 or 4 DCs though lol. I just had 3 from that one part of my res.
    607 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  17. That moment when it looks like you are going to win a big auction, so you sell stuff to get the money and someone outbids you last minute.
  18. I have had that happen both ways. On one of my auctions it was a 48 hour end time, there was 3 mins left and another bid came in, not only did it upset the person that was going to win but me too. I was just about to get paid then had to wait 2 days or more for payment. Worst part is they did the min bid meaning I didn't really make that much more on it.
    Cardman142 and 607 like this.