That moment when....

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by WayneKramer, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. That moment when you stick your hands in ranch dressed to see how it would feel.
    iNachos10 likes this.
  2. That moment when people put up Christmas decorations up MONTHS EARLY before the holiday.
    A random conversation that has never or will never happen, EVER: Me: "Dude, it's not even December, yet..." Random person: "Well, I'm just in the Christmas spirit, then. ;)" Me: "You know, your eventually gonna have to take that Christmas stuff down, later. :rolleyes:" Random person: *Ignores me and casually starts singing random Christmas songs*.
  3. That moment when an enderman surprise attacks you when your mining with your friends...
    Creepiest looking enderman ever! I took a pretty good screenshot, didn't I? :D
  4. Great picture, maybe give it to erektus for his wallscreen thread!
    iNachos10 likes this.
  5. Wallscreen thread? Never heard about it, yet... hmm?
  6. Dancing! Or something... :p

    607 and iNachos10 like this.
  7. That's not dancing... *thinks of a random dance move* :p
  8. For anyone with questions about the screenshot: In case anyone is wondering, I didn't edit the screenshot, and the brightness is because I usually set the brightness to 100%. I took the screenshot while the enderman was attacking, but I never knew it would turn out this good. Everything about it screams Halloween, doesn't it? ;)
  9. That moment when... Amazing build skillz :p

    And I still don't fully remember how we managed to mess that up so bad :D
  10. That moment when you underestimate the hunger of your sheep and they eat all the grass in their pen...
    607, tuqueque, iNachos10 and 2 others like this.
  11. So, I logged on smp1 today, and I noticed something awkward... That moment when smp1 is taken over by bunnies... :eek:#bunny apocalypse

    607 likes this.
  12. That moment when you see a Momentus stuck in the floor, attack it, and it doesn't fight back or spawn guardians

    *turns up difficulty* :p
    iNachos10 likes this.

  13. That moment when DC barely escapes the sinkhole in my new build, his poor horse is already getting dragged in :eek:
    607, Satchiko and iNachos10 like this.
  14. That is a pretty bad situation for an upside down horse lol.
    Satchiko, ShelLuser and iNachos10 like this.
  15. That Moment When...

    you say "i've been playing minecraft for another six months... i'm a savvy person... i fixed the windows ten screw ups when i installed it... i should try and install Forge again and get some mods!"

    and pour over an hour into trying to get minecraft to realise you have forge, and forge to realise you have mods...

    and then give up...again... for what is now the seventh time...
    Salmatic likes this.
  16. That moment when slot signs work again and you can buy all of the promos :]
    ShelLuser likes this.
  17. That moment when you should be listening to the professor, but your on the forums instead!

    Yeah, that's what I'm at this moment! haha