Share Your Video Game Achievements

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by 607, Jul 2, 2020.


How many video games do you reckon you've beaten?

None. 1 vote(s) 1.8%
One to ten. 13 vote(s) 23.6%
Ten to twenty-five. 15 vote(s) 27.3%
Twenty-five to fifty. 11 vote(s) 20.0%
Fifty to a hundred. 9 vote(s) 16.4%
Over a hundred. 6 vote(s) 10.9%
  1. Recently I got into ripping the music from The Polar Express. I made an interesting discovery while doing so:

    The musician wasted a few channels in each song for the same instrument to take turns with playing the next note before falling back to the first channel. My guess is that they wanted that illusion of polyphony, but even when I truncated the decay and merged the channels together into a single track, it's not that clever of an illusion when played back. It hardly makes a difference with what they did, what a waste.

    I can only imagine how much extra depth they could have given each song with using those extra channels for something else.
    607 likes this.
  2. For what console? It came out on several platforms. Also, could you visualize what you mean? I'm not sure I get it.

  3. Made it to the last level of "Linea, The Game" before the DLC begins. Wow this is difficult, even with my controller! The DLC levels only get harder.💦️

    [Update] Mere seconds after posting, I got this achievement:

    607 likes this.
  4. Ah, that's interesting. I had got the wrong game at first. :p "Linea, an innerlight game"

  5. Regular levels done, "Expert Mode DLC" enabled
  6. The image was deleted!
  7. Following the release of the Fallout TV show in April this year, I got the itch to go back and replay Fallout: New Vegas. I had around 112 hours on the game, most of them accumulated throughout 2014, but only had something like 10/75 of the achievements. I decided I'd do three playthroughs to get all of them.

    After modding the absolute hell out of the game to patch a load of game-breaking bugs out of the game, expanding its video memory capacity to stop it from crashing every time I opened a door, and making it playable (it now crashes once an hour instead of once every 2 minutes!), I completed my first playthrough in May.

    I now have every collectible achievement, every DLC achievement except for two of the Gun Runners' Arsenal challenge achievements, every quest achievement except for 2 of the 4 main storyline ending achievements, the 'beat the game on hardcore mode' achievement, and a bunch of gambling achievements.

    50/75 achievements is pretty good innings for me, I think. I don't have the mental capacity to go back and get the rest right now, way too boring lol