Random Cool Commands!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Matherox, Dec 16, 2014.

  1. Here is a fun one. A while back when I made "/res list (name)" global. I did move the old command to "/res slist (name)" - which gives you only residences on your current server.
  2. Oh, I actually didn't know about quite a few of those!
  3. That's well old! :p

    Some useful ones I use a lot:
    /res list <player> - List's all the residence's owned by a player over every server. This command was just fixed
  4. Disclaimer: Not at all new....
    I'm traveling to my secret base and don't want potential griefers following me...
    /c l
    /c who (is following me :))
    tuqueque, Equinox_Boss and Matherox like this.
  5. Only if my 1000th day party got this many comments in like 2 days :p
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  6. I didn't see that :(
  7. the whole list shows up and it's visible when I type in "/" then press tab.
  8. just a notice this isnt very secret but /away does the same thing /afk
  9. I like /diff
    because if you change your difficulty up?, you have to remain combat free for 5 minutes for it to actually change.
    Well /diff will confirm your actual difficulty and tell you how many more minutes you have to stay combat free until your new difficulty takes affect.
    So try it out... in combat :)
  10. /res info ##### eg:/res info 9272
    will give you the res info of a res without having to be on the res meaning you can see when a res goes derelict when the owner has turned move off for everyone
  11. You forgot /spawn jk
  12. Hmm how? For me a few commands go off my screen
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  13. Go into your game folder and open up the latest log or the one from that session. They will be in there
  14. In options you can resize your GUI scale, text size, text box size.
    Or do what Gearmaster said.
    Just some options
  15. Not including invisible commands right?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  16. No. Hidden commands won't be shown
  17. commands that go off of the screen will be shown
    AwesomeBuilder33 likes this.
  18. Do you like creating pools, whether its lava or water doesn't really matter?

    I do too ;) Here is my basement storage, to give you guys an impression:

    My storage in my plot basement, far from finished though...

    If you keep an eye out for details then you don't want the lava to be floating all around when its in a static pool like this one. But anyone who has worked with lava like this will know how difficult it can get; once it does start flowing then it can sometimes be quite tricky to find the right place to put in your extra lava.


    /res set flow false (or if you want to differentiate you can also use lavaflow or waterflow instead of 'flow' to target a specific liquid type).

    The result?


    The upcoming indirect lighting source for my living room, fully static...

    Notice how the lava just remains in place? And don't worry; I didn't use any weird commands to place a dozen lavablocks at once and then quickly hit F2. You can see for yourself on my res @ smp2 (at least at the time of writing, I'll probably finish the house exterior later today / this evening).

    And when you're done then all that's left to do is remove the flag:

    /res set flow remove.

    And all is back to normal :)

    Invaluable command for lava nutjobs such as myself :D
    cadgamer101, 607 and AwesomeBuilder33 like this.
  19. /tbuy was just added to use 20,000 tokens to buy the infinite snowball, avalauncher.

    It is nice that tokens can finally be used.
    For me personally, 20,000 tokens took Forever to earn, when you get 0, 4, up to maybe 30 per enraged, and enraged are not that common.
    I value 20,000 tokens at like 1 million rupees maybe, and to me an infinite snowball is not worth that much.
    But some people will buy it and like it with /tbuy
    AwesomeBuilder33 and 607 like this.