PSA: Infinite Villagers are gone in 1.8

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Aikar, May 3, 2015.

  1. A while back, they changed how boats were steered. In version 1.x, they steered with WASD, in version 1.y the steered with the mouse. If a player were to place a boat down in 1.x, and use that boat in 1.y, it would steer using the mouse.


    Because boats are entities, and the boat entity code was changed. So it makes sense that old boats had to be used like new boats, right?

    This is the same case for villagers. The villager entity code was changed in 1.8. This means that all villagers will deal with the same trade-locking system. If 1.7 infinite villagers actually did work in 1.8, then it would be possible to make 1.8 infinite villagers.

    This was a Mojang change, not an Aikar change.

    I have no clue where the idea that a 1.7 villager would keep its mechanics in 1.8, but it is just as logical as assuming a 1.x boat would keep its steering mechanics in 1.y.

    If you want to be upset about your infinite villagers not working in 1.8, then track down the person who told you it would, make them track down whoever told them, etc until you find the source and hang them. But don't shoot the messenger.
    ShelLuser and Dwight5273 like this.
  2. My brain hurts from reading all (ok, "most of" any ways... hehe) of this thread. I have a question about the new traders, in the past I have seen where a villager would become "broken" in you logged out (disconnected, server crash, reset, blah blah) before the villager's "reset" was complete. Is this still the case? If the chunk shuts down before the game can complete the "rolling for a new trade" chance happens, then that villager is broken and will never reset it's trades. I have lost at least 6 villagers to disconnects.
  3. No, you at worse would waste an unlock, but you can trade another few items on any open trade to trigger another unlock.

    I will also be adding code to the 1.7 to 1.8 conversion process that will auto unlock any villager that is fully locked. So any broken villagers that you haven't egged will be unlocked.
  4. From everything I have seen before, the infinite trade villagers keep all existing trades they have now, however after you do the last trade one more time in 1.8 they gain additional trades (basically the same as the previous ones) but tacked on the end. So you still have all the existing trades you do now, but you gain like 4-5 new (similar to old ones) tacked on the end.

    Unless that has changed in one of their most recent updates, then its something EMC has changed themselves. Unless im not understanding how you explained it in the first post.
    fishmeal likes this.
  5. Depends on the villager. If the profession intends to have 7 trades and you have 8, you may not gain any. but if it intends to have 12 and you have 8, you can earn 4 more.

    It's really tricky, as it goes by 'Career Levels' and some levels give more than 1 trade. Like one gives every wool as a trade, so I noticed some villager converted and gained like 10 additional trades over 1.7...
    fishmeal likes this.
  6. Thanks for the reply Aikar. Now I can stop worrying about my WiFi dropping while I am trading.

    BTW, my work "blocks" part the reply function, it doesn't allow the quote area to appear. Hence why no Aikar said ↑ box. hehe
  7. See thats what I basically meant. But from some of the posts on here it sounded like you guys were gonna get rid of all 1.7 trades and make them only 1.8 ones. So I was confused on the matter.
  8. 8 pages later - how about we let aikar do what he has always done (never thought any changes he made were "bad" or "evil", except maybe why my iron trench didn't work .. but yeah) and the adjust to how the game comes out.
  9. ORIGINALLY I was going to because I had no other solution present. But after I slept I thought of another way to do it (convert, then overwrite the new 1.8 trades with the 1.7 trades in the same slot), so you still get career level bumped up and keep 1.7 trades.

    We slashed out all of the old post mentioning full reset to hopefully avoid people thinking thats still the plan.
    MeadMaker and cadgamer101 like this.
  10. Since I responed before; I'll do it again. As I understand it now, your trades won't change at all, but they will gain trades up to (I think) 11 or 12 trades. Those trades will be a name tag for 20-22 emeralds and 2 more enchantment trades. In order to unlock your book trade after locking it out, you should just have to trade paper or some random other things a few times. Book villagers might be the ones getting the best treatment by this whole thing, now, though I could be misunderstanding the whole thing.

    Edit: by that I mean that book villagers can have the desired trades unlocked by making emeralds as opposed to spending emeralds.
    Justin8846 likes this.
  11. Well compared to 1.7 where you had to trade that last slot to unlock others, now you can trade any slot to unlock, so that entire villager trade offering is now all open, and no slot is better than another (other than what it trades itself)
    white_trash_dna and Justin8846 like this.
  12. Okay, thanks for the clarification.
  13. Ok thanks and btw I love emc and everything in it :)
    white_trash_dna likes this.
  14. That person would not be me.

    I still don't get it. :p
  15. of course your going to like it who wouldn't this is the best game ever i invite all my friends to play this
  16. EMC is what ruined Console Minecraft for me lol, but it was totally worth it, and I plan my creations the same way lol.
    ElfinPineapple0 likes this.
  17. idk why you havent edited the op with the original in a spoiler. i woulda done it for you if i was an mod just to prevent every new page having people who dont read through griping at you
  18. It's striked through with a statement that it's no longer the case but I guess spoiler would work better
  19. hay man up to you, they aint yelling at me :p
    ShelLuser and Bro_im_infinite like this.