Not thank you to all EMC staff >:(

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by BurgerKnight, Feb 20, 2018.

  1. For reference:


    Aikar: Too much 5-Hour Energy, not enough water.

    Krysyy: Terrifying, millennia-old dragon that watches me when I sleep. Refuses to acknowledge the comedy brilliance that is my puns.

    Chickeneer: Said my sacrificial temple looked kinda weird that one time.

    JesusPower2: Made me feel bad cuz his nether project is way cooler than mine.

    MrSocks75: Won't just stay at his computer and be a nerd, he's gotta go travel and actually see the world.

    RogueRevan: Lives under the delusion that Darth Revan is somehow superior to Darth Bane.

    TheCritic: Giving people emeralds for free? This is how we get communism, Critic.

    Senior staff:

    AlexC__: Didn't bid enough on my auction for a Dragon Egg.

    B4DMAN5IMON: I live in constant fear that he will destroy everything I love just because he's bored.

    BigDavie: Refuses my requests to live in my closet and constantly serenade me with his wonderful singing like a heavenly boogieman.

    Chickeneer: Already covered this one, pay attention, please.

    ElfinPineapple: Puts pizza on his pineapple. Yes, you read that right.

    Eviltoade: Mad at him cuz we became mod at the same time, but he is quantifiably far superior to me. Makes me look bad.

    Hashhog: Doesn't do enough road edits for me, we have yet to break a triple-digit number of them.

    ItsMeMatheus: Limits his love of birds solely to ducks. All birds need love, Matheus.

    RainbowChin: Do I even really need to say what's wrong here? #ChinBrokeIt

    The_Boulder: Won't stop spamming me with The_Pebble heads. I literally can't burn them fast enough.


    AncientTower: Name includes the word "Tower", yet I haven't even seen a proper damsel in distress locked up inside.

    AnonReturns: Pretty alright, but she's related to Sachrock, so that's an instant fail.

    Baradar67: Still can't figure out what a "Baradar" is. Also, I don't like the number 67.

    BreezyMan: Too many market days. You're engaging the community too much, you gotta push their expectations down first.

    BurgerKnight: Literally just Diet Luckygreenbird.

    carolmoss: Moss usually grows on boulders, and I don't like The_Boulder, so you're going down with him.

    crystaldragon13: Calls me pony even though I'm clearly only half pony. This is speciesist and it needs to stop.

    Dramanya: Won't let me make an event that's just people screaming in Discord for 2 hours.

    EmperorMelon: Melons are just sweet pumpkins, and pumpkins are just arrogant squashes. As a fan of squashes, I strongly protest this offense.

    fBuilderS: Too new, I don't like change.

    FDNY21: Acts as if cars are so cool and great just because they are fun to look at, drive, and ride in.

    iamcavie: Insults my intelligence assuming he has to state that "i am" cavie, like I won't get it if he doesn't. Just because my IQ is so low that scientists came and did experiments on me as a child to figure out what was wrong, that doesn't mean I'm stupid, thank you very much.

    JackBiggin: Didn't let me on stream team after I submitted a video of Lucky and I staring at each other for like 30 seconds. That video was a masterpiece, and no one can tell me differently.

    JDHallows: Spends time on SMP8 that's not at my sacrificial temple, and refuses to burn everything he owns for the glory of the gods.

    JohnKid: He's OK.

    Luckygreenbird: I'm not even gonna bother. There's so much wrong that if I got started, I couldn't stop.

    Melk73: Doesn't know how to spell "milk".

    MercenaryCrow: Same problem as with Matheus, restricts bird love to one bird, this time it's crows. All birds need love, Crow.

    NickkG: Started the "Funny Staff Moments" thread, but as we've established, all the staff members are terrible, so that thread is a lie.

    Sachrock: Won't let me turn his spawn res on SMP8 into a giant statue of a budgie with giant, swole arms. Also, he never supports my dream of burning every valuable item on EMC by giving me his entire vast collection of promos.

    Sazukemono: Laughs at my jokes too much. We all know they aren't funny, don't you patronize me.

    Slvr: Changed name from LongJohnSlvrs. First one was better.

    Weeh: Name is an expression of joy, and I hate joy.
  2. So much negativity...
    :D I apruf dis list.
  3. It's great you didn't do the teams... :)
    Gawadrolt, khixan, Kryarias and 6 others like this.
  4. Well, now you've gone and said it...
  5. Finally, the truth has been revealed! I always knew something like this was going to happen someday.

    But I think you left someone out. There's this mod who players often refer to as BK and I tell you... That can't be all good either. I mean, players talking about a funny and helpful mod? Sounds peculiar, right? I haven't fully figured out who this is but once I do I'll definitely try to write a message or two about that...

    Speaking of peculiar, your name seems somehow familiar to me :D

    <runs!> :D
  6. So much love Bk <3
  7. :eek: You make me sound like this:

    I'm really more of a this:
  8. No: You like us to think you are. In real life, you are like:
    khixan, Tuqueque, Sazukemono and 2 others like this.
  9. Excuse me, are you assuming that he doesn't have a feminine side that he simply hasn't shown us because he doesn't feel comfortable enough to express it because of societal norms? How inconsiderate. >:U
  10. just ask the dank meme bot
  11. Swamp is too secluded. No wifi =P
  12. I've burned a few things at your temple! Just, I prefer giving stuff away to people in events rather than burn it in your temple ;)

    I admit to not spending a lot of time at your temple, though. It just gets lonely sitting on top of it all by yourself.

  13. Like this?
  14. Much more my environment.
  15. I particularly like the crown drawn floating over the ears.
    Tuqueque, BurgerKnight and Qkazooo like this.
  16. Oh My Goodness
    I fell out of my chair on “JohnKid: He’s OK”
    khixan, 586, FadedMartian and 7 others like this.
  17. This made me laugh a lot. Just --- LOL. Very clever. Melk73 and JohnKid don't have anything against them. xD
    khixan, BurgerKnight and JohnKid like this.
  18. Hey, I have one for you

    BurgerKnight: Has the most disturbing signatures.
  19. I KNOW RIGHT!!!
    BurgerKnight and JohnKid like this.
  20. I think I laughed as much as others did at the comment towards me :p I'll take it though, being 'OK' is probably better than 'JK', hehe.