Meet Blizz Ard!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Krysyy, Dec 18, 2014.

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  1. A lot, at the moment. Few have been reported, and they seem to be quite rare. :) Probably could go 65k? Just a random estimate. :)
    BFInc likes this.
  2. Hmm I was out in the wild and I noticed the name, but no message came up when I was near it. Is there suppose to be a message?
  3. Unless I get corrected, no. Those are tokens only.
    607, chickeneer and krysyyjane9191 like this.
  4. i just run around till i see the message lol

  5. Checkmate.
    bloodra1n, nfell2009, L3A8 and 9 others like this.
  6. 1 holiday chest, 1 blizz ard, 3 marlix and three monumentus! Wasn't a hard hunt. Tactics my friends. :)
  7. I also only had 1 hour to hunt.
  8. How?
  9. Found a holiday chest! :D Some nice gems in there. :p

    EDIT: Apparently this is my 3000th post... Yay, confetti, streamers, cannons, etc., etc.! *dances insanely*
    bloodra1n and NathanRP like this.
  10. What?
  11. How did you find all those things in an hour?
    cadgamer101 likes this.
  12. how often do the chests and Blizz Ard spawn? also, can anybody say on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being zombie, 5 being super turkey and 10 being 50 momentus plus 30 marlix and protection 500 armor, of how hard Blizz Ard is to kill?
  13. no; I get puns. the statement should end with a question mark. there was also an asterisk star thing next to the question mark, indicating a correction :)
    607 likes this.
  14. I am sorry, but I have to confess. I am not a big fan of this. I do strongly appreciate the effort the staff did on doing this and I do not want to disrespect you guys. I do appreciate the fact that you guys can just do nothing and just get the money with no fun on EMC but you don't, you spend the money to make us very happy and I thank you for that.

    I am a bit disappointed this Christmas. To be honest, this feels like it is basically the Thanksgiving event. Blizz Ard representing the Super Turkey and the Holiday Chest representing the Feast Chest. Blizz Ard is not really fun to kill in my opinion, all you do is trap him in a corner and just beat him for a minute (beat meaning attack) which is not really fun and with how rare he spawns, it makes getting his Carrot Nose even more annoying to get. The Super Turkey was basically the same but it was even more annoying to kill him.

    I would see it being more fun if Blizz had more attack damage to make it more challenging but from what I have been hearing, he just pelts you with knockback with barely any damage.

    All in all, I do appreciate the great effort the staff team puts into every event that we have, and I strongly love that you guys do it every holiday. I am merely giving my feedback.
    607 likes this.
  15. i looked for three hours didnt find or hear one
  16. Just this type of day... I really wanna know what this thing is gonna do!
    607 likes this.
  17. Time to 'interview' this fellow about his nose...

  18. Why do you have a shov-

    bloodra1n, 607, MissFable and 3 others like this.
  19. I had my doubts about the usefulness of the Avalauncher... then I went to PvP with it. Much fun.
    607, krysyyjane9191 and hashhog3000 like this.
  20. does itchange if you use it?
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