I was going to ask the same thing and then got distracted by other things... Oh look a butterfly.. xD
Yes it is.. unfortunately I don't think you guys tested out the helmet first. Respiration 5 makes you blind in the water pretty much. :S So if you do need to mine or dig underwater your better of not wearing it. :S
Current (and personal highest) streak is at 147 right now, logged in to no mail bonuses!? ***EDIT*** voted again while logged into game, and all the bonus mail came through.
I absolutely love this. My well-kept up voting has paid off *waits impatiently to see what my 236 voting streak will bring me…*
That is a known bug with aqua helmets Try removing the helmet, and putting it back on. Sometimes the glitch fixes itself.
Oh my… EDIT: Also got a full set of Voter armor, and some other special goodies (oh wow this stuff is great), hehehe.
erhm, not sure if that is supposed to happen... Edit: maybe that is the really awesome day 100 bonus?
I've been voting like this: 2 votes in the morning At least one after school And one at night This way I don't have to worry about the time limits so much
I just had a small question, what function do Math.min() and Math.max() do? Also what kind of improvement are you trying to do on the conditional? And couldn't some of the math be simplified to clean up the code? For example expressing the 30 hours as 108,000 [seconds], etc..? Also are midnight and yesterday defined coding-wise? Because if you are covertly reaching out for help by leaving that annotation in the coding, it would be easier to see if the condition can be improved by knowing how the variables are defined..
Well if you look at the first line of the code Code: // TODO: Improve this condition... If we can? meaning it needs improved, although it gets the job done - suggestions would make this improvement easier.
Oh that was for everyone's benefit was it? OKey dokey then. I assumed that because he hadn't given the details of the functions that it was more for Aikar + Devs.
Lol. well it was for Aikar as I assume he simply copy-pasted, but if anyone noticed a way to improve it, I am certain that he would take it