let's talk about skyrim!

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by batmegh, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. my main character in every elder scroll game is a dark elf named Jargo Imeera. the J is pronounced like a Y.

    my mods in use has gone up to like 22 or so. some main ones i use are cooking adds to alchemy and tanning adds to armorer for exp. then i have 3 day respawn time, some cheat skill books, and a mod where you build your own city and become the lord. recently added a dragon variety mod. changes the dragons bodies and attacks. i wish hearthfire had an option to turn your house into an inn (lol, into an inn)
    welshficwitch likes this.
  2. *bows to skyrimed*

    and IMN that would be awesome!

    one thing i hated about skyrim...like, it really got me ranting, was that when i married Briala, a woman of pride and strength, who fought beside me, was a student of magic far more advanced and skilled than me and who was constantly making snide remarks about having to carry my stuff...

    suddenly she's talking about opening a little shop to earn us some money and how much she wanted to look after my pet orphan...

    have some self respect, woman! yeesh!
  3. Tell me what these mods are friend! I'm especially enthusiastic about the building your own city mod. I don't have the best computer so I can't have all of them.

    I've also installed the no children mod and it is gr9. I have diverse dragons (which for some reason isn't really working) and richer merchants mod.
  4. 3 words
    Sorry crystaldragon lol
  5. cooking exp, smelting exp, tenning exp, perkless (any skill i think) i use perkless pickpocketing, lockpick, speech, and alchemy, followers level with you, the build city one is
    Build Your Own City - Becoming a Lord [ALPHA] - Tier 2

    you can equip the guards with different gear http://postimg.org/image/z09ca2yi1/
  6. Every character is a stealth archer, period.

    I've had a stealth archer/mage dark elf, stealth archer/two handed axe nord, etc. My best one was, of course, a stealth archer/stealth archer wood elf :)
    skyrimed likes this.
  7. I tried to not go for a stealth archer this time. I'm going full on Mage. My sneak sucks tho ):
  8. once i use mage in a game i find everything else so difficult! just... how does it make sense to be a chosen one who isn't also a mage...
  9. I think this thread is long overdue for some Khajiit. Apologies for the image-heavy posts to come.
    Suggested Listening: Zack Hemsy - "The Calling"

    Liar's Retreat
    (Part 1)

    ...The moons had already passed their zenith when Ra'Shirr pushed open the door to the small outpost. It was built in the style of the old Nord fortresses, but this one was set within the mountain itself - layers of stone and mortar reinforcing the natural caves and tunnels. It was not the architecture the Khajiit noticed first, however, but the screaming.

    Pale-skinned Falmer scuttled across the main chamber, viciously striking down a small crew of bandits. From all appearances, they'd been caught by complete surprise. One lay sprawled across an upturned washtub, still clutching a lute in his dead hands. A snarl twisted Ra'Shirr's muzzle. Bandits could be violent and cruel, but at least they were still men. They could be reasoned with. Falmer were blind, pitiless vermin. They granted no sympathy. They would receive none.

    Jordis couldn't hear the growl rumbling in the Khajiit's throat, but she saw his posture shift, saw the stiffening in his shoulders and the tilt of his ears. She knew that look well enough by now. Ra'Shirr wanted blood. "Your orders, thane?" she whispered.

    Ra'Shirr said nothing at first, keeping low in the shadows as he crept to a rail overlooking the dining hall. After a moment's consideration, he turned. "The stairs are a choke point. Draw them in, Khajiit will thin them with arrows and fire."

    The housecarl nodded, suddenly aware of an ugly silence. The only thing worse than screaming was the stillness after it stopped. "Better hurry. The Falmer are bound to hear us."

    The Khajiit preferred stealth over brute strength, but such tactics rarely worked with Falmer. Though blind from centuries spent living deep underground, their senses of smell and hearing had sharpened substantially to compensate. They could hear the string of a bow as it loosed its arrow, or the rush of magicka as a spell was cast. Hiding in shadows did little good against creatures born to the darkness.

    Fortunately, there was nothing about a Rune of Fire they could hear or smell.

    An explosion of heat and flame, a rasping shriek, and a blackened scorch mark was all that remained of the first Falmer. The others hissed angrily and rushed the base of the stairs, crowding and shoving as they struggled to be the first up the steps. Blood sprayed the wall as Jordis drew her greatsword, cutting them down as they swarmed into the hall. A purple flash to her right and the roar of fire told her help had arrived - Ra'Shirr's flame atronach let loose on the packed bodies with a succession of firebolts.

    From the top of the steps, Ra'Shirr rained down a barrage of arrows on the Falmer, but their wounds only served to enrage them further. Though bloodied in a dozen places, the crazed once-mer stubbornly refused to die. "Jordis!" Ra'Shirr shouted, "Up the steps! Pull back!"

    One step at a time, she gave ground. From below, icy blasts howled up at them. There was a small explosion as the flame atronach met its end, subdued by the frost magick of Falmer staves. Two casters lurked in the back, firing blizzards through their own ranks to get at the pair of intruders. The Khajiit shouldered his bow, bringing sword and shield to bear as his Swordmaiden reached the top landing.

    When it was done, blood and ice coated the ground in equal measure. Ra'Shirr stared at the crumpled body in disgust, his tail twitching in agitation. "Falmer do not use front doors," he said coldly. "Somewhere, there is a tunnel."

    "You intend to wipe out their whole warren?" Jordis replied. "My thane, they're only bandits. We'd have probably killed them ourselves if the Falmer hadn't."

    "True." Ra'Shirr's ears dipped. "But Khajiit would not wish Falmer on anyone, even his enemies. Falmer do not know mercy. They do not care about innocence or guilt. They are animals. Pests. Vermin. Skeevers without tails, only uglier."

    The housecarl cringed. She could slice a hundred skeevers in two without breaking a sweat, but the huge rodents still gave her the creeps. She'd developed an irrational fear of them since finding one in her basement back home, when she was a child. They still gave her nightmares. Comparing Falmer to skeevers didn't help her confidence at all. "As you wish, my thane," she said grudgingly. "Lead on."

    Ra'Shirr raised a brow at her change of tone, but said nothing. Cautiously, they descended the blood-slicked steps and began exploring the Retreat. The Falmer had been thorough - bandits, or what remained of them, lay in mangled heaps on the floor, shards of black chitin embedded in their flesh. At least four in the dining hall. Three in the dormitory. Two more in the forge and living quarters. And behind the last door...

    The latch clicked but refused to budge. "Locked," the Khajiit announced in surprise. A deep, gravelly voice shouted back from the other side.

    "Damn right it's locked! No way am I letting those blasted Falmer carry me off!" An Orc, from the sound of it. "They already took Reina and Grozug!"

    Jordis stepped closer to the door. "The Falmer out here are dead," she explained. "If you open the door, maybe we can discuss getting your friends back?"

    "Pah!" the bandit spat. "Ain't friends, and I ain't opening anything! If those two are still alive, they won't be for long. Don't matter to me, just means more for the rest of us when the Chief gets back. Now piss off!"

    "So much for gratitude," the housecarl rolled her eyes. "Do you want to knock it down, or should I?"

    "Ra'Shirr has a better idea." With a smirk, the Khajiit pulled a lockpick from his pouch and snapped the brittle tool in half. He worked both halves of the pick into the door's lock and wedged them tight. "There. Let him live with his cowardice. Maybe his 'friends' will let him out, if he has any." Jordis smothered her laughter as they walked away. Behind them, the door rattled as a very confused Orc demanded to know what they'd done.

    The Falmer's entry tunnel was anything but subtle. Ra'Shirr made a swift gesture, summoning his flame atronach once more. Jordis stood to his other side, peering into the foggy aperture. A torch lay at the first bend, likely belonging to the dark misshapen lump next to it.

    Ra'Shirr approached carefully, sword drawn. The Swordmaiden was right, of course. They were only bandits. He did not expect payment or gratitude from them. But he'd heard what became of the prisoners Falmer took.

    Even death was a better fate.

    ShelLuser and battmeghs like this.
  10. i always love your screenshots :)
    Kephras likes this.
  11. I love taking landscape screenshots of my Skyrim. Lots of screenshots incoming!

    When I first started modding it. CoT, RW2, Watercolor for RW2, ELFX and Verdant to name a few of my 97 mods.

    Ooooooohhhh girrrlll Whiterun so pretty!

    I have a thing with lanterns

    The thick woods make Skyrim a much more atmospheric and scary place.

    Prettiest sky ever

    Shortly after this I was attacked by a bear hiding in the brush.

    Looks so far away!

    Loving the way I look here. I'm an assassin archer, so the suit fits.

    Sunrise is my actual favorite time of the day. The early bird gets the worm.

    My obsession with water piqued about this point.

    The godrays shining through the breaks in the vegetation.

    One of my favorites right here.

    I've been building a house. It's taken a little while to get materials for it at this point and well.. hauling things around this area can be dangerous. I took this about 15 minutes before a Giant attacked me. I had attacked it days before and I'm amazed that the thing even found me.

    My first werewolf quest and I took a screenshot that just looks sick. I learned to turn off the HUD, take a screenshot, and turn it back on in the Command Line pretty quickly.

    Trees are awesome.

    Kephras, 607, Codygraw and 1 other person like this.
  13. YESS!!! I've spent more time modding it than playing though probably haha. Just now at the point where I'm happy with it.
    battmeghs likes this.
  14. I don't understand how you guys are able to run the game at the quality it's in. I'm just scrolling through the pictures and my computer is ready to explode!
    battmeghs likes this.
  15. mega amazing graphics card+other random collection of expensive computer parts to run a beast of love.. that is how ... that cost as much as selling an arm and a leg XD
  16. What graphics card are you running? I use an MSI card with GeForce GTX 960 :p
  17. i have the 960 too ^_^
    FDNY21 likes this.
  18. MSI GTX 770s in SLI :D
    battmeghs and FDNY21 like this.
  19. Ra'Shirr hissed between clenched teeth as the thin needle pierced his skin. Even strong Cyrodillic brandy couldn't completely numb the pain of this latest wound, or Jordis' efforts to mend it. She gave the thread a final tug, sealing the ugly gash closed, and tied it off. "There," she announced candidly. "Please tell me, my thane, that you've learned something from this?"

    The Khajiit exhaled slowly, feeling the fire in his shoulder fade. "Duck faster, and to the left next time," he replied. His muzzle twisted with an expression that was equal parts grin and grimace.

    Jordis rolled her eyes, but could not completely hide a smirk of her own. "I was thinking more, 'I will not antagonize every Thalmor Justicar in sight,'" she corrected. "But yes, ducking faster would be good too."

    "They antagonize this one first," Ra'Shirr reminded her. He took another sip of the brandy before pouring the last of it on his wounded shoulder. "Khajiit did not start the disagreement, he only finished it."

    "Khajiit is going to finish himself someday soon," she informed him dryly, "if he thinks he can rid Tamriel of the Dominion single-handed. Or is it single-pawed?"

    "Neither," he laughed. "Khajiit still has
    both paws!"


    Ran into a trio of Thalmor (with Stormcloak Prisoner) on the road heading back to Markarth. You'd think dispatching them would be old hat by now, but I somehow neglected to realize Jordis hadn't quite caught up. When the killing started, she was too far away and insisted on using her bow - which meant Ra'Shirr was getting all the attention from the Justicar, his two guards, and a summoned Storm Atronach, all at once. He's a tough cat, but the sword & shield is for one-on-one duels. Battle tank, he is not...
    battmeghs likes this.
  20. but your stories are always my favorite things. lol