Let's Have A Talk.

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by caprisunisfun, Apr 25, 2015.


Should there be a seperate chat for mature subjects?

Poll closed Jul 25, 2015.
Yes, this is a good idea. 11 vote(s) 30.6%
No, this is not a good idea. 19 vote(s) 52.8%
Maybe, but there should be an age lock. 6 vote(s) 16.7%
  1. Once again, thanks for the post. I did not know that was protocol.
    JackBiggin likes this.
  2. Senior staff and admins, and if required, Aikar. Demotions have happened in the past, and will happen again.

    EDIT: Square logs literally every staff action, every chat message ever sent to EMC, timestamps for it all, notes against players, etc. If staff abuse powers, it's impossible to hide.
  3. When, exactly, did I badmouth staff?
    Yes, I said that many staff were biased. Did I say "omg these **** need to ******* get it together ******W**AD*sndiankn"?
    I'm here to state my opinion and still be as respectful as possible. I didn't know it was a crime to have an opinion. I feel like you're making a personal attack on me, as if I spoke bad about your mother or dog or something. I don't even know what I did but say my opinion. I'd appreciate if you quit the condescending attitude.
    Salman_Majid and Pab10S like this.
  4. EMC is a PG server and will stay that way.

    If you want to discuss PG-13 content, feel free to go on the PG-13 channel on mumble.
    Anything above PG-13 shouldn't be discussed on EMC.
    Kalia1784 and Spenser6 like this.
  5. K, I'm done, lol.


  6. I don't want to download an unknown software to my computer. Also, one of the staff who was on today said Empire is a PG-13 server, so I took her word. Considering you can still say the "d", "h", and "s" word in town.
    (Not going to put the real words there since I'll probably be attacked)
  7. Well, it depends on where you are coming from.. I believe it's PG-13 in Europe but PG in USA

    And the "d" word isn't allowed on EMC I don't think
    EDIT: Oh I thought you meant that one nvm :p
  8. Don't worry, damn, hell and shit are definitely allowed and you won't be attacked for saying them if not directly at someone. They're quoted in the rules as being okay - rules.emc.gs :)

    I'd say Mumble's safe (it's source code's out there for all to see), but obviously, that's personal preference.
  9. Alright, gg. Thanks for being respectful and not rude.
    JackBiggin likes this.
  10. Cmon Spenser, keep it respectful. If people are willing to actually discuss stuff, give them the same back. :)
    Spenser6 likes this.
  11. Hello VicrotianFleur.
    I have taken the liberty of removing curse words from your postings in this thread.

    Jack has pretty much covered everything there is to say

    If you have a problem with any staff member of any rank please feel free to contact the CM or even Aikar if you need to go to that level.

    Staff are human after all and can make mistakes but we train them as best we can to cover all situations of being impartial. But if its found that they are abusing powers to help friends then yes, demotions can happen.

    Now then, in the spirit of staying friendly why don't we discuss fluffy animals or something and move these issues to a private conversation.
    ShelLuser and SEPTHEKID like this.
  12. From experience, I know that both "d" words are allowed.
  13. Jack is right and I apologize :)

    Our opinions vary, end of story. You have yours, I have mine. They clash and that is that.

    I apologize, sincerely. However I will still remove myself from this thread.

    As for fluffy animals.

    Pandas are nice.

    [Edit] Why won't it actually let me quote anyone today oh my gosh.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  14. Thank you sir, I appreciate your response. I understand that staff can make mistakes, and I'm not accusing all of them of bias and error. Still, thank you for taking time out of your day to read and respond to this thread.
  15. Also, Mumble isn't a bad thing. A bunch of us use it daily on EMC's Official Mumble Server. You can go to the Community Tab and select mumble to see a tutorial on how to get it.
    Aphaea and AwesomeBuilder33 like this.
  16. Thanks for the apology. I'm sorry if any of my opinions have offended you. I am a very passionate person when it comes to things I don't feel are right, and sometimes that prevents me from seeing other sides of the argument.
    (I had a dream about a fluffy dog last night)
    jkrmnj, JackBiggin and B4DMAN5IMON like this.
  17. You fit right into EMC then. :p

    (I am a fluffy animal)
    Kephras and JackBiggin like this.
  19. :p sorry I hafta say i'm not most knowledgeble in these matters.
    JackBiggin likes this.
  20. Have a read of this - I wrote it specifically because people didn't have a clear understanding of Square. :)

    Inside the Square Moderation Tool
    This page contains a detailed profile of exactly how Square works to help you have a better understanding on why some things are the way they are, and why some moderation actions are taken.


    When a player is reported, the report is sent to Square. Staff members can view reports from the dashboard, which is Square's homepage. A report becomes visible on the dashboard when it arrives. It looks like this:

    As you can see, we cannot view who reported the player from where we claim reports (although we can see the name of the reporter if we view a player's Square Profile, and we are automatically shown it after we claim the report). We have two options that we can immediately do when we view a report from our dashboard: claim it or unflag it. Claiming a report means that a staff member will act on it, while unflagging removes the report from Square without any action being taken.

    When a report is claimed, the staff member can use Square's functions to look into its validity. They can also contact the reporter if they suspect that they will have more info on the report. After a report has been verified, the staff member can then kick, mute, ban, or add a staff note to the player, and then close the report. If the report ends up being invalid, the staff member can simply close the report without taking action. This means that false reports do not count against you in any way.

    Staff members are also able to unclaim reports that they are unable to deal with for other staff to handle.

    You can learn about the best ways to use the command on the Reporting a Player that Breaks the Rules page.


    Square records a variety of events to that tells the history of what the player did on the server. These logs let us paint a picture of a situation and help understand what happened when investigating a report or a potential bug.

    Staff members are able to filter logs by server, event type, and player. They are also able to filter the Chat by channel. Community, Server, Local, Market, Moderator, and Supporter Chat channel logs can be viewed by all staff members, whereas only Senior Staff members and Administrators are able to view private conversations, residence Chat logs, and group Chat logs.

    These logs are only checked when needed for moderation action. However, for Chat channel logs, it is possible that your messages could be seen if you have not been reported (for example, if a staff member filters by server instead of by player). As private Chat logs are stored separately, it is not possible for them to be accidentally viewed.

    Staff members will never purposely intrude on any logged Chat messages, but they cannot guarantee that they will not see something private if it was sent in a Chat channel, since specific filters may be set to allow your message(s) to show up. Staff members will always keep private messages confidential, though.

    Square Profiles(top)

    Every player that connects to EMC has a Square profile, which is used to track moderation actions.

    As you can see, when we view your Square profile, it is designed so that we do not accidentally see anything private. We have to intentionally click a button to view any data that has not been specifically left by staff members to be viewed by other staff members.

    The Square profile pages are designed to allow a staff member to quickly view information when it is needed, but to also hide anything that does not need to be seen at the exact moment.

    There's a lot that makes up the Empire. Learn a bit about us, how it all works and how to thrive in it.