Ideas for veteran players of EMC 1/18/13

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by iamfuturetrunks, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. The problem is, if EMC make thing like /hide and tnt usage free, who would buy supporter?
    Jcplugs likes this.
  2. Not everyone could use it.. only players who have been around long enough or supporters could. New players who don't know anything about the wild and rules are the ones who tend to go out to the reset area and dig for materials. Also gunpowder isn't all that readily available unless you want to pay lots of rupees at some shops or /shop to get some just to make some.

    I know about the dragon update about eggs used as shovels for dirt. Yeah that's cool but so far there is no idea when that update will come out. On top of that if I could use TNT I wouldn't waste it blowing up dirt holes in my res I have areas I would like to clear out for bases/ect in the wild at outposts iv created instead of spending most of my resources making tools and enchanting them in order to dig/mine out an area and take longer doing it. Especially when resources get low since not all of us can go to utopia an have access to the many iron farms that are located there. (not saying you use one I saw your post against them but I know there are quite a few out there)

    And actually yes.. I have been here the whole time. I might not be on every single second but since I am not a supporter I don't have the luxury of being able to be away from EMC that long unless I ask a mod to put me on the derelict policy. I have to come on every few days so I don't lose my res even when im bored of minecraft at times. I worked hard for my res and I wont just let it get claimed by someone who would probably just build a dirt house there and then lose it in 10 days of not coming on like so many of my neighbors do.

    Oh and I have a part time job (which I work technically full time at but get paid part time for) so I can't really spend a lot of time on EMC doing some stuff iv been wanting to do for a while. You know having college loans forces you to work for a living.
  3. before i read any of the comments, im voting no, it sounds thrilling , but we seem to get along fine like we do now, so why add more perks for regular people? it takes away from supporter perks, which help run the servers. in other words: more perks= less supporters= no EMC.

    it would be nice to have the ability to use and do different things, but we don't NEED them. we WANT them. the difference is, you don't always get what you want.

    and before anyone starts quoting me, think about this, don't just agree because it boosts you or allows you to do new things, think about the community as a whole. not just yourself.
    jkjkjk182, heyaroo, Charip and 3 others like this.
  4. I know, and that's still a lot of people.

    It is pretty available :)

    Q1 2013, a rough idea from Aikar

    Just like Diamond Supporters, veterans can be griefers too. More players that have access to TNT = more ugly wilds.

    Ah that's good, but a lot of people probably wouldn't have.

    I might be wrong and you get TNT tomorrow, but I just don't see it. :)
    southpark347 likes this.
  5. How do we know we can trust them? As trunks said earlier, after 365 days an application could be sent to MOD's and they can do a background check, im sure if a player was a griefer he wouldnt wait a year just to get a chance at griefing a server just to get banned 1 minuite later.
    What trunks is trying to say is that a "perk" is somthing in addition to basic gameplay and what EMC has done is they've taken away an item and then added it as a perk. Although it might have destruvtive properties, it is still a part of vanilla gameplay so normally considerd a regular item. Im sure a system like this could be implemented but would not be high on the list of priorties.
  6. They already have WAY too much and more important things to do each day.
    JabrZer0 likes this.
  7. Personally, I like the idea, but I think it will have to tie in with another idea we've got on the burner. I love the idea of perks / rewards for being an (active ?) member for a certain number of days.

    Basically the problem I see is that just because someone has been here for a year, does not mean they are a good / trustworthy player. We've talked about implementing a repscore system - similar to what you'd see on any of the console gaming systems. I'd want to see a combination of having a good repscore, and a year online, to be rewarded with the use of TNT.
  8. Don't trust me around TNT....just don't.
  9. I would NEVER buy a block of Tnt to just blow up 15 pieces of dirt of whatever,seems like lots of waste. Using Iron spades would be a lot better.. :p
  10. I really like the idea of rewarding longetivity and good behavior. I think the rewards need to be something entirely different from Supporter perks, for reasons I think have mostly been stated above.
    penfoldex and JackBiggin like this.
  11. This has prompted a discussion as / between the staff. So far we like the idea - we will see what the consensus is and I'll release an update on what we've come up with once it's been determined / ready.

    In my opinion as well, I'd like to see it stay away from current perks, but we will see what the thoughts are.
  12. Map hide would insta-kill iron supports and the others a bit, They only have like 2-3 perks... I'd like to get some perks by being an "Veteran trusted member" but seeing it'll ruin EMC's supportship I really doubt things like this would be applied.
  13. Gunpowder doesn't seem pretty available. I keep seeing most shops running out these days and upping the price. I have seen gunpowder going as much as 20r from places that have been around for a long while and offer different things. Unless you go around killing creepers with looting 3 swords all the time or have a dark room grinder and only focus on creepers it still takes a while to make a lot of TNT.

    Also very few shops sell TNT because only a few users use it and the ones that do sell it sell it very high.

    For the player saying the veteran players should be rewarded with things other then supporter perks. Like I said before TNT only for diamond supporters isn't a perk really its more like a punishment for players who can't or don't want to pay for diamond membership. Being able to set your res to have different enter and exit messages, more then one res, utopia wild, more daily rupees, automatic collection of rupees, reserved slot whenever server is full, a separate supporters forum, and an only supporters chat in game channel to me are perks. They don't take away from vanilla minecraft.

    And just like I mentioned before when players go to minecraft mojang events and then get a cape for their skin to me is a perk that doesn't take away from the game. Or another example: how team fortress gives you different hats if you pay some money. You don't get any advantages to having a different hat from other players.

    Also you supporters don't seem to understand that technically that money you pay every month is considered donations to the server cause you like the server. They could essentially give you nothing for donating money and that you only do it out of the fact you really like the server. But they are a lot nicer in that they actually try and give you stuff for donating to them. Either to say thanks or to get more people interested in giving them money. Either way its still considered donations. Iv seen other places where you give them money for a server and all you get is your name on a list. For some people they are okay with that, the number of donators is very low but still there.

    I do have 2 other ideas that could be more welcomed by diamond supporters with regard to the TNT usage but I figured I would wait till a lot more players comment what their opinion is. Doesn't matter if they are supporter or not I just want to get more opinions and maybe a few more ideas from others.

    It is nice finally a mod has commented though. I appreciate the ideas at least getting some acknowledgment.
    SephirothWS likes this.
  14. I seriously like these ideas, because I am the second oldest active member. That and I would love to see some rewards for sticking around. Especially since I am close to 500 days.
    AlexChance likes this.
  15. So to give old members some perks, the plan is to take away perks from Diamond Supporters?
    lol no
    TNT usage and /map hide are supporter perks and I hope to God that they stay that way.
    IF old members got a perk, make it something else instead.
    JackBiggin likes this.
  16. Been on this server for over 420 days -.-
  17. Maybe a cool color in-game. For active members (365 days)
  18. You could....ya alot and see what you find by voting alot, it may be nice :)
    JackBiggin likes this.
  19. Well until recently the voting everyday had a problem of sorts where it would reset pretty fast unless you voted right away every 24 hours. I have made it to a total of 7 days before it ended up getting reset back to 0 for not hurrying and voting after 24 hours in the past.
  20. Wow, this is a pretty good idea. When I first saw this on the Active Threads, I was like, "Oh God, here we go!" but this really makes sense. Of course, the waiting period would have to be a long time though.