I am sorry

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by 1357911, Feb 24, 2016.


Do You Forgive Me?

Yes 15 vote(s) 18.1%
No 68 vote(s) 81.9%
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  1. Here, look, I even solved a case! :D Here's a reenactment:

  2. You're other thread is closed. This will may be too.

    Edit: sorry for bad english, I am been responding to lots of emails n texts today. So many words are running through my head where not thing make sense to order.
  3. Thats a nice texture pack you used for the reenactment.

    Also, in regards to the OP, people are usually only sorry they got caught.
  4. Wait a second...

  5. All pun put aside (nice one Penguin!) I think there might be a last chance for the OP. Assuming that the list of mentioned alts is legit (staff can tell) then I think it is possible that the OP did a leap of faith here. I went over all of 'm and noticed that one of his accounts isn't banned (yet?).

    I'm sure staff will sort that out (or already has it sorted out) but focusing on the positive there is a possibility that the OP tries to come clean. Whether that'll work or not is obviously up to the staff, but the way things are now (time of writing) I'd say the OP has one last chance (or has been given one, but... can't rule out the fact that the staff is still busy sorting it all out).

    So my 2 cents: if you're sincerely sorry then I'd try to make 200% sure that your last alt doesn't provide any reasons to drop yet another ban hammer. Better yet: you know like no other what you did, so there might be an option left to hop into the game and truly try to live up to your words.

    Here's an idea: how about trying to make up by replacing the stuff you destroyed? That would definitely be a step in the right direction. It seems the option to do that is still open (time of writing) so I'd say the rest is up to you.
  6. Dude who'd you kill? Also sorry about your ban. Glad you learned your lesson.
    Equinox_Boss, We3_MPO and We3_10AC like this.
  7. With all the alternate accounts you have been using to bypass your ban, You're just digging yourself a deeper hole:

    Look, I've told you this before, Just accept your ban and wait it out. I'm just trying to help you. Play something else for the time being! Explore other games on steam or something.
  8. Although you are right, that is probably the best thing to do, I have to point out that he wouldn't be breaking this particular rule. Simply because the mentioned account (and the one I'm referring to) already exists, so he wouldn't be making a new one.

    But rule of thumb: thread carefully.


    Even so, all good (or bad) suggestions aside... The whole ban thing is best not discussed here because that is something between the OP and the staff. All us posters can do here is speculate.
  9. Live and learn.

    Looks like all but one of your alts is currently banned. Almost for different reasons too. That's an accomplishment.
  10. How about if you get your bans appealed, try doing something nice? It's far more rewarding to make other people's lives more fun and help them when they're down. If you're truly sorry, we would see changed behavior. I hope you are. I assume you'll keep getting alts, how about the next one we try to be good with it? EMC is fun when we all respect each other and play together. There's all sorts of adventure for us here.

    If you haven't changed, then wow a lot of time has been wasted. Staff will just catch your new alt after a short while and you'll wind up here in the same spot. Why pay all that money for new accounts? I hope all of our time hasn't been wasted.
  11. No it hasn't
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  12. I will change
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  13. Looks at you with scary eyes
    Don't say my nickname or you will regret it... starts to pull out my sword
    Equinox_Boss and ShrinkingMatt like this.
  14. LOL
    Equinox_Boss and Tuq_SolidColor like this.
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