[GIVEAWAY] Diamond Supporter Voucher

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Rhyblet, Jun 17, 2015.

  1. I don't know if im wrong so please somebody correct me if i am but "your post number" is valid english. You're = you are.
    And i belive you, english can be hard at times!
  2. http://empireminecraft.com/threads/skys-how-to-english-lessons.50244/ :)
    EDIT: with your post number qwerty means that the number of your post(noun) (see the corner right down of each post) is automatically the number for your giveaway (-2). Later he lists that you should not post (verb) a number yourself.
    I think I understand your difficlties, because post can be ment different ways so you have to get it out of context
    Patr1cV, MiphaOfTheZora and FDNY21 like this.
  3. He means "your post number" as in the number of your post, so after you have posted the message, the number that shows in the bottom right (by the like button) is the one that is chosen. I don't know how that could have been "you are post number" because that would have to be "you're" not "your", but I guess I see how Jelle made the mistake :)

    Your - for possession (in this case, possession of your post number in the bottom right)
    You're - (shortened of you are)

    EDIT: Ninja'd by haast.
    haastregt likes this.
  4. But you atleast didn't link me to that stupid thread for the 100th time :D
  5. It wasnt directly linked to you, I just decided to quote you because you tried to explain Jelle and that was more of an addition :p (suspicious you thought it was ment for you though... hmm..... xD (jk :p))

    But lets stay on topic now (my bad too, Im sorry :3)
    Patr1cV and 607 like this.
  6. I just assumed it was meant for me, since I'm a self thaught english speaker and make some stupid mistakes every once in a while. Also im quite mad at people linking this thread all the time to me, even if i didn't do an grammatical error, just wrote some words not how they like them.
    So yeah, just mad in general not at you! Already got some steam out by ranting on the thread :p

    Yep B2T!
    haastregt and FDNY21 like this.
  7. I do know That, but when I'm Reading on my phone I'm not That accurate... And I see it regularly somebodey typed your when he/she means you're ;)
    607 likes this.
  8. It is commonly misspelled, easy mistake, don't worry :)
    Jelle68 likes this.
  9. Very generous giveaway :)
    I love how you are always happy to lend a helping hand!
  10. Besides LOVING how you forced people to actually appreciate your giveaway (thanks so much for this, by the way; super generous of you! :D), I love that no matter how many times you get me burned, pricked, smacked, poisoned, mauled, bitten, or killed in any and every way, shape, or form, you still manage to keep me liking you and laughing with you. ;) As for what you're famous for, you're famous as the beacon king, of course! Even if that's not really true anymore, I think all old forums members will always think of you as the beacon king. :p
    Qwerty189 and 607 like this.
  11. 76 please! I thought I aready commented for 4 xD
  12. Reread the op and try again :p
  13. We share common Minecraft interests. That is hard not to like.
  14. You know, guys? It's been close to a month, we're not even 3/4 of the way there. People need to learn to read.
  15. Bump.
    NetherSpecter likes this.
  16. Ill take any number
  17. I'm not participating myself so I will not be sharing something about you after which my post number can be used ;)

    Instead I'd like to take the opportunity to thank you for your effort in this. I think it's awesome that you'd dedicate your voucher to the community like that and I also really enjoyed going over (most of) this thread and reading how many people don't seem to take the time to read the first post. If you don't you won't know what to do guys (here's a hint) :)

    So thank you and I hope all goes well!
  18. I love your kindness and support for Empire players and community!
    Also I think that you're famous for being famous on EMC :D
    jkrmnj likes this.
  19. Thanks for doing this!
    I'll take #77
  20. Reread the op and try again :p