[Est. Outpost] People of Carthaga (PoC)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Kaizimir, May 18, 2014.

  1. alot by alot and alot of portals
  2. go ot the front page and cop and apste the set up then answer the questiosn for sign up... its as simple as that
    Kaizimir likes this.
  3. 1. In-game name:ww2fan168
    2. Timezone:EST
    3. How long have you been playing Minecraft:5-6 years
    4. Have you ever been kicked or banned and what was the reason:Never
    5. Do you plan to build/have a mega mall/another big project:Not at the moment
    6. What is your favourite Minecraft activity:Building/Decorating/Anything
    7. Why do you want to join PoC:because it looks like a good community and I like new friends
    8. Which of the 8 commandments do you find most important:6. Zero tolerance for griefing and other EMC rule violations
    If a structure got severely damaged, the Founders have to be informed immediately.
    Kaizimir likes this.
  4. Does Scorpio need any help/cobble on/for the rails?
    Kaizimir likes this.
  5. The dimention of the portals itself is 23 by 23 on the left and the right portals. But middle portal as you can see in the picture are smaller. And the portals itself are 3 blocks thick.
    The overall area for the portals is 60 by 61 so it's 44 portals in total (It could have been 45 but I remove the one at the center for afk-ing spot)
    SEPTHEKID and AshBlue789 like this.
  6. Hi ww2fan168,
    thanks for your application. You are in :) I added you to the starter's guide with the way description. Please read careful and bring your minecart.
    See you,
    PineappleGem and SEPTHEKID like this.
  7. Sorry guys, triple post:


    The webpage is near to complete now. Check it out here. SEP, Awesome and I came up with the pages so far. Next step is to link from our opening post to there and restructure that section.

    Please also follow PoCarthaga on twitter: All about Carthaga there.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  8. Story time! ( based on a true story that happened 1 Min ago =p )

    Well, I came to Carthaga to get some XP but I heard Sweety was in need as Suri hit a Pigmen, so I headed towards them, then once I went though the portal to the nether rail room, once I got there - I started hearing Pigmen mad like someone's mum is mad and screaming, I think some of us have mum's like this *wink wink*;
    as I walked next to the rail, BAM BOOM BAMMASDFASJHBJIDSHWBFISUD a Pigman comes out of a hole and starts to make pig sounds and kills me, so then... #BlameTheGovernment .

    After that, in the next 5 mins - I forgot I set my diff to 8, so as I was looking at the post office - BASDMKASNFSDFIJBSDFNBUISHDB BAM BOOM a Enderman comes out of Mrs duck's house and starts to hit me with a sound like a duck is stuck in it's mouth - so I quickly ran to the Carthaga times thingy place where you collect the books and opened the door behind of the Carthaga times thingy and hide in it.

    Now after all that, I was trying to think how to get out of it - so Sweety suggested me to run out and jump in the pool as Endermen don't like water *wink wink*, so I just ran for it; as I was running BASMKSDNDFGGFDGDFGFDS thunder hits 2 blocks in front of me and that scared the real hell out of me, so I just went in the lake as fast as I could...
    Then I looked back and saw no Enderman, so I went back and saw the Enderman wanted to be friends

    So once we fell in love, the Enderman tp'd away and never came back

    - THE END -
  9. *cries* BEAUTIFUL!
    Gawadrolt and SEPTHEKID like this.
  10. I do love being the top of this list hehe
  11. Yeah, I guessed so ;) It's because StoneGuard was the first other outpost Carthaga befriended with.

    For the PoC:
    This is part of the restructuring of the opening post.
    I am specially proud of the long due Friends and donations section. Our friend outposts are pretty excited about it :D
    AshBlue789 and SEPTHEKID like this.
  12. Hey guys... my brother is being an idiot again and won't fix what he did to the router so I may not be on for a while..
    what he did was he stopped internet from going to minecraft so I have no connections with any servers but I still have internet and of coarse he says he didn't do it so... yeah see you guys when I can get on if I can
  13. AshBlue789 likes this.
  14. Gawadrolt likes this.
  15. lapis will be very important for enchanting in 1.8
  16. So it is time for mining operation finding for Lapis?
  17. it sure is, because in 1.8, no lapis equals no enchantments
  18. oh ya I forgot all about that... when I can get on again (No one knows when that is) I can donate the lapis I have at my outpost to Carthaga :D I hope I can get on soon I promised Sweets a Rabbit :p
    Kaizimir and SEPTHEKID like this.