[Est. Outpost] People of Carthaga (PoC)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Kaizimir, May 18, 2014.

  1. Google translate from latin to english:
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor as low as labor and obesity. Over the years, I will come, who will nostrud exercise, school district, except for al of work
    But, alot of these words are definetly latin, but some arent. Also some words that google didnt translate are latin, but I dont know why he didnt translate them.
    Patr1cV, SepTheKid and Kaizimir like this.
  2. Strange.. or Stranger
  3. SEPTHEKID likes this.
  4. I found this:
  5. I followed both Twitter accounts
  6. Has anyone made an Instagram yet?
  7. What happened to the normal one?
  8. The gold farm? It is still there.

    Let's get going on the webpage then:

    I need people for layout and content:
    - One person to make a menu/sitemap (Home, Maps, People, Organizations, Ranking,...) outline.

    - A text for the Welcome/Home page (you can also use the stuff in the opening post).
    Now our welcome page says only:
    "Welcome to Carthaga, a non-profit SMP4 frontier outpost."

    - Somebody to download all the screenshots in this thread.
  9. The actual map which shows carthaga not half a flag.
  10. I will help on the website if u need any help kai
  11. I will help on the website if u need any help kai
  12. Guys I Think We Should All Get Chibi Avatars Like Me :3 I'M SO CUUUUTEEEEEEE
  13. I can't get one.
  14. 1730th post :D and awwww
    Why not try a owl themed boy/girl owl hoodie.... stuff
  15. I can do that
    Kaizimir likes this.
  16. Thanks SEP, that would be a great help.

    How is that for the main menu:
    Home (Welcome message, how to join, some screenshots,...)
    Organizations (SWAT, TCT)
    People (Memberlist, ranks, specialists)
    Maps (Current, historic)
    Rules (Ranking system, ...)
    Stuff (Screenshots, History,...)

    Btw, also check out the web page of LLO:
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  17. Links with smp wild cough cough hehe
    Kaizimir likes this.

  18. good or naw?
    Kaizimir likes this.
  19. Kaizimir likes this.