[Est. Outpost] People of Carthaga (PoC)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Kaizimir, May 18, 2014.

  1. Thanks for the offer, harsh. I think for now, we stick with this page; it is just easier to set up.
  2. me and awesome did a few updates to the page
    Kaizimir and AshBlue789 like this.
  3. SEPTHEKID likes this.
  4. more updates to pages

    And kai - you have access to the site now
    Kaizimir and AwesomeBuilder33 like this.
  5. Well, sep manages all the word stuff, I do all the other background, pages, etc etc stuff :p
    Kaizimir and SEPTHEKID like this.
  6. Sounds like a good plan. I set up a repository with our screenshots and graphics on imgur:
    Some are pretty cool :D
    Is it possible to get a picture viewer on the page?
  7. I'll work into that...
    Kaizimir likes this.
  8. Hey Awesome and sep, if you need help with the website, just pm me and ill help out.
    Kaizimir likes this.
  9. We know you'll make us look like noobs lol

    You can help btw lol
    Kaizimir likes this.
  10. That's excellent. Please make us look like noobs! We can learn a lot :)
    Rainbowpony1000 likes this.
  11. I'll be done with this in the next hour or so
    Kaizimir likes this.
  12. Sep, do you have it in a photo view mode or just random images? I might be able to make a photo viewer

    Nvm, it looks good like that :p
  13. In the end it would be great to integrate several of these viewers, like:

    That's the crowd
    Viewer - for people

    That's what we build
    Viewer - for builds


    ...if necessary, I can set up several albums to group the screenshots.
  14. srry, it's ordered from where that album started and all the way to the end
  15. SEP, are the screenshots loaded directly from imgur or did you upload them to the google-something-slides thingy?

    Also, I am not able to change the menu order or links. Do I need further permissions for that?
  16. I believe you have access to it. It's under edit sight layout in settings
  17. I had to do the Google slides, it doesn't allow anything else
  18. Hey guys! It is done :)



    Acknowledgments, p. 188
  19. Kaizimir likes this.