Empire Minecraft is still 1.8 - 1.9.4 is near!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, Feb 29, 2016.

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  1. Is that different then a macro? Because there is a macro mod for 1.9.4.
  2. do we have an "approved" 1.9 mod list yet?

  3. Literally me right now
  4. The approved mods page on the wiki is UTD :).

    Yeah its different than a macro. Video seen here.

    Sadly the craft function for macros is super slowwwww (would be faster to craft manually). Really want a 1.9 auto craft mod.
    UltiPig likes this.
  5. Save a piece of it for me when I'm back next week. :D
  6. Not at all slow. I have many scripts for stuff like redstone items etc. and they are very quickly crafted.
  7. No, the mod I showed is the autocraft mod. The macro craft is the slow one. Not sure if you are using a 1.8 script but I just loaded a 1.9 world with the script
    and it crafted one melon block per maybe 1.5 seconds.
  8. Ew, thats a terrible script... sorry

    Ill pm you one that will make you believe Kloned
    iKloned and AmusedStew like this.
  9. I stole it... from Matheus. :D
    Then again, its an old script he put in a youtube video last year so... might be broken.
    ShelLuser and UltiPig like this.
  10. I definitely believe it would serve its purpose, but it looks like either you would have to press the keybind repeatedly to make more blocks?

    I forwarded you the one I use, if you have any problems getting it working let me know.
  11. What I use is called MacroMod. Crafts a SC or gold nuggets in 1-2 seconds.
  12. Macro/Keybind Mod, correct?
  13. Ya
    Robbi_J likes this.
  14. It was useful for 1.7, used to craft 999 blocks at a time. At least that's what I used for a long time. In the 1.8 macromod version the script broke, however, for some reason. Since then, I've seen people use the "Autocraft" mod, which seems a lot easier.
    Robbi_J, UltiPig, AmusedStew and 2 others like this.
  15. Why do you give me so much homework today teacher????

    ShelLuser likes this.
  16. Start working now the update hasn't dropped yet.
  17. I can't connect to EMC now... is it happening?!?!?
    Robbi_J likes this.
  18. ?!?!?!!? Something is happening!
    607, SirTah and ShelLuser like this.
  19. Me too, it better be happening :D
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