Empire Auction Rules - READ BEFORE POSTING

Discussion in 'Auctions' started by Krysyy, Aug 4, 2014.

  1. We used to be able to mix it in full stacks and you had to list the amounts of each color as I recall. It seems like it was changed about the time the Mesa Biome along with colored clay and Glass were added to the game.

    I think it may have been changed to bring more uniformity to the rules, makes it easier to list, and easier to monitor. For example, if we allowed mixing Wool, we would be tempted to also allow mixing of other similar things like potions, wood logs or planks, dyes, ores, animal eggs, or flower types. It seems like it would easily get messier all around.
    607 likes this.
  2. This helps me as I am starting a new Auction =)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  3. No, all items must be of the same type. For example, you may not auction a single chest of potions and a single chest of oak wood. You need 54 stacks of the same item.
    ShelLuser and jkjkjk182 like this.
  4. No. You'd need a full double chest of dark oak wood for the auction to be valid.

    If you meant a full double chest of dark wood and a double chest of leaves, that's fine.
    ShelLuser, jkjkjk182 and 607 like this.
  5. I've been doing my share of nether exploration (currently looking at 9 stacks of quartz ore and a SC of nether quartz :cool:) and also ran across some wither skeletons. And that got me thinking...

    I was wondering if it could be a good idea to allow players to auction off a wither? So referring to the materials required to make one, my suggestion is based on the fact that we can already auction off beacons and nether stars in single quantities.

    Now; I realize that one wither could be a bit too easy so I'm thinking about 4, also because it makes nice chest art:

    So: Allowing us to auction of 16 soul sand together with 12 wither skeletons which represents 4 wither bosses.


    Wither Bosses

    Wither bosses (the material required to create one) can be auctioned off in minimum quantities of 4. So a multiple of 16 soul sand combined with 12 wither skeletons.

  6. I'm not sure if that's good reasoning :p
    ArkWarrior1 and ShelLuser like this.
  7. If it were up to me I would say "no", because the buyer doesn't know exactly what they are getting. They may buy the recipe for four Withers and what they think is going to result in four Beacons and end up with nothing depending on what they do after the auction.
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  8. There's nothing about marlix/momentus drops here? Meaning that technically, all those auctions with only one of them were invalid because they count as "mob drops", which need to be auctioned off in stacks of 64? XD
  9. Enchanted Items
    Enchanted Items can be auctioned off in any quantity. You may mix multiple types of enchants/tools. You must list every item's enchantments, including enchantment name, and level, and they all must have full durability.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  10. That's talking about enchbooks and stuff enchbooks/ench tables are used with.
    Besides--most people don't list the enchantments of marlix/momentus gear >.>
  11. I think they are talking about every enchanted item. The official gear is an exception due to it being on the wiki.
  12. I think it's a bit unnecessary. Auctioning wither skulls in any amount greater than 3 makes more sense. The soulsand part and multiples of 4 only complicates it and that small quantity of soul sand is very cheap.
    We3_Nub_ and 607 like this.
  13. Then what about Blizz's nose, enraged guardians, enraged villagers, netherhounds, and dirt destroying ticking tocks?
    1. 1 stack quantities (Someone should make a suggestion to lessen this)
    2. 1 stack quantities
    3. 1 stack quantities
    4. 1 stack quantities (Someone should make a suggestion to lessen this)
    607 and We3_Nub_ like this.
  14. Hey Krysyy, could you update the rules a bit further? *innocent smile*

    (I quoted my post about the marlix/momentus gear because new players (or not) reading this thread could get confused on the rules for those, too)
  15. There's no edit button so i have to double post...

    If you were to auction a stack of enraged eggs, even if each egg is worth only 20k, that's over 1mil just for the starting bid! (Assuming someone's going to start at market price)
  16. Don't forget that the rule regarding special mob drops mentions: "Any item classified under Special Mob Drops may be auctioned off with a minimum of 64 (1 stack), unless otherwise specified."

    That's why it's perfectly ok to auction off enchanted items while following the rules which cover enchanted items.

    So there's nothing wrong here where the rules are concerned.
    We3_Nub_ and 607 like this.
  17. I like this idea. :)