EMC's Day of Equality (and a Giveaway)

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, Jan 15, 2018.

  1. To me, equality means everyone has as much right to live happily and peacefully as anyone else, regardless of race, nationality, gender identity, orientation, religion, socioeconomic class, physical and mental health, etc.

    We're all just humans trying to live our lives. Lives that are hard enough as it is. Make it a little easier by respecting each other. We don't have to ignore our differences, but we can learn from each other and support each other rather than use those differences as a reason to hate and/or hurt each other.
    Raaynn, khixan, Equinox_Boss and 6 others like this.
  2. To me, equality means that everyone has an equal chance to be the best person they can be :)
    Raaynn, khixan, Equinox_Boss and 7 others like this.
  3. This struck me. I wonder what that spectrum would look like. :p
    Raaynn, Equinox_Boss, kaptrix and 3 others like this.
  4. "a positive message about what equality means to you"

    What equality means for me... Hmm, interesting question. I don't know, I think? I don't really think about it - for me equality comes naturally. Anyone I don't know I treat equally, whatever their skin colour or descent (or anything) may be. :)

    Oh, and thanks of course for the giveaway! Shouldn't everyone get something, as that'd be full equality? :rolleyes: :p
    Raaynn, Equinox_Boss, Krysyy and 6 others like this.
  5. Hm, equality... I'm not sure if I've ever carefully considered that.
    I could start by looking for things equality isn't to me... but those things might match up with things others have said it is to them, and even though I guess that shouldn't be a problem, it might still incite unintended negative feelings...
    So, hm...
    I mean, there have been several posts here I really agreed with... but I'm not one to copy someone else's opinion on a topic like this...
    You know what? I'll do the dishes first. I might come up with something while doing that...
    I'm not sure if I should post this ahead of time, as people might expect my vision here...
    I think I should post anyway. It might help in the process.
    See you in a bit, hopefully! :)
  6. I think equality is one of the basic principles of how people should interact with each other (and luckily, most people nowadays do so!). This way everyone has the same chances to feel good and fortunate and to be happy.

    Also you could state that equality is the quality of a specific letter in the alphabet. I dont feel like there is equality in equalities. I don't mean to be racist, but I really think that the e-quality of the Verdana font is better than the e-quality of the impact font.
    Patr1cV, Raaynn, Equinox_Boss and 7 others like this.
  7. Too me Equality means that everyone has the same equal opportunities as the next person does, rather the difference be there Race, Religion, Or features .:)

    Happy MLK Day Everyone! :D
    Raaynn, Equinox_Boss, Krysyy and 2 others like this.
  8. To me equality means that everyone diserves/has equal rights and thats what M.L.K.J did. And I will always thank him.
    Raaynn, Equinox_Boss, Krysyy and 2 others like this.
  9. Thanks for doing this Krysyy :)

    My view of equality is that people of ALL characteristics (such as race, gender or sexuality) should be treated the same and provided with the same opportunity to achieve their maximal potential in our society. People shouldn't have to accept sublevel conditions because of certain characteristics.
    Raaynn, Equinox_Boss, Krysyy and 2 others like this.
  10. Equality to me is a lack of judgement based on people being somewhere else in their life... You might deem yourself more successful, more important than someone else of the same age, but everyone progresses through life at a different speed, and just because they aren't in the same place you are at any moment, doesn't give a right to put them down or think of them as anything but equals
    Raaynn, Equinox_Boss, Krysyy and 2 others like this.
  11. Equality means that we can become anything we want no matter who we are or where we come from.

    Also happy off-school day my american friends :cool:
    Raaynn, Equinox_Boss, Krysyy and 2 others like this.
  12. Equality is all people having an equal ability to be whatever they wish to be- aspire to be anybody or do anything.
    Raaynn, Equinox_Boss, Krysyy and 2 others like this.
  13. To me, equality means that all people are given the same opportunities, privileges, and repercussions based on merit & character. Still a lot of work to be done to achieve true equality.

    On a more personal level, I believe that we should see how others may be different from us, embrace those differences & learn more about the world we all share. Life would be too boring if everyone was the same.
    Raaynn, Equinox_Boss, Krysyy and 2 others like this.
  14. Alright. :)

    To me, equality means that I should love every person. I see it as my job to do that, and let it show in my actions. Secondly, equality means that I should condemn no body. It is not my job to do that, and I should remember to leave it to God to do it at his own time. :)
    Krysyy, Harp4Christ, Raaynn and 4 others like this.
  15. Equality in itself is giving everyone equal abilities, rights, everything. I personally believe more in equity, but what should be focused on is what's fair, just, and moral.
  16. The key in much of this I feel is actions. We can disagree but how we handle differences in the end is going to be the real catch in my opinion. The other thing I like about your response is you left out the categories by which people chose to create the differences we all really wish to eliminate.
  17. Good catch. ;) I didn't want to point it out, as that'd negate it. :p
    Raaynn and Equinox_Boss like this.
  18. i hope that one day everybody in the whole world would be treated the same
    no matter origin, social status, rich or poor, ...
    and this i mean at a first encounter, after that you can judge him on how he is
    and not how he looks.

    when this day arrives, i will be happy :)
    Raaynn, Equinox_Boss, We3_MPO and 2 others like this.
  19. To me equality is the presentation of equal opportunity and treatment for any person. I also see it as how a person should be judged for their personal character and virtues, not arbitrary and uncontrollable circumstances or attributes that should not have an effect on said character.
    Gawadrolt, Raaynn, MoreMoople and 3 others like this.
  20. My unoriginal but agreeable butt is gonna say: equality is equal opportunity, not particularly equal outcome.
    Ritunn, Raaynn, MoreMoople and 3 others like this.