Does your family play EMC & like posts? You could be in trouble!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ShelLuser, Dec 27, 2017.

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  1. I thought this was a well-known concept. I may have been here slightly longer than you, Shel, but you spend way too much time on forums to not know this rule.
    _Bunni__, padde73, 607 and 10 others like this.
  2. I have forum pm's with you where you were either singing my praise or hating my actions going back further than your recent conversation about the games server status. It has nothing to do with that and everything to do with you dragging our monthly disagreements into public by creating posts about 'staff hypocrisy'. If you kept this whole issue in private then no one would even know that you had your like privileges revoked in the first place, however I quote:
    This is completely your decision to move this into a public forum. Don't go pointing any fingers at anyone other than your own mirror here.
    We3_MPO, crystaldragon13 and _Devuu__ like this.
  3. You weren't singled out for having an opinion, you were singled out because you were breaking the rules.
    BenMA, We3_MPO, MoreMoople and 5 others like this.
  4. Every1 knows not to like posts with alts. Where you've been guy?
    BenMA, Sachrock, Jelle68 and 8 others like this.
  5. I've been here close to three years and from the beginning I have known not to like things with alts.

    Completely off topic edit, but I just realized my three year anniversary is tomorrow...
    BenMA, We3_MPO, 586 and 7 others like this.
  6. I just can't stand by anymore. I have no beef with you Shel but I feel I need to say something here and I'll try very hard not to make it a book.
    *deep breath and release ..

    Shel, you are wrong. I have an 'alt' but she's not really. She's my daughter and we do share the same ip address very much like a lot of the families here that have no problems at all.. they are not alt's but family members that share the same ip.. even in the holiday events it's stated that the same ip can not be used to submit an entry .. pm Kryssy if you have family members on the same ip (I'm so paraphrasing here) but the point is they are different people and not alt's. There are many families that call emc home. Mine is one of so many and we each have our own voice here. If there was ever a question, as with my daughter, it was handled by contacting staff and letting them know that she was indeed not my alt but my kido and there are other families that have and do the same.

    You are making a drama drama over a small thing cause you were asked to not go against the rules .. Privately! but you have insisted on bringing this to the public thinking that what you are trying to convince everyone of is that the staff is corrupt in some way. I can tell you that Krysyy is the biggest defender of the community and the rules hands down. She has personally taken me to the side (personal pm's) and worked with me when I may have let my bias get in the way. Looking at that, I'm so very glad she did .. it's like telling your friend that they need to step back and reevaluate what's happening before going forward and making a very stupid mistake but in this case .. effecting a player in a way that's not their fault but mine because of my bias. (it doesn't happen often but that once .. :oops:) You can try and drag her thru the mud but I think you'll find you've fallin' in face first.

    Also .. what TheKloned said. Good on ya mate!

    I need to make this perfectly clear. I do not and can not speak for all staff.
    I speak only for myself.
  7. Woot!! Congrats Doggie! Has it really been that long!? Time does fly. =D glad yer still here contributing to the community. :cool:
    BenMA, 607, We3_MPO and 2 others like this.
  8. For a moment I figured this should go in controversial topics! *shel and krysyy glare at potato* *both point towards the door*
  9. I have to agree with Krysyy, Kloned, and crystal on this one. I've also been on EMC for close to three years (on my older We3_10AC account), and my mom has been for close to two, but I have PM'd Krysyy and included my mom's account in the convo to request identity as a family member. For that entire three years I have known not to like posts with alts.

    What bugs me more about this, however, is that you bring a minor issue you were warned about in private onto a dramatic thread in public. Krysyy is one of the nicest staff on here, and the staff in general are nice. But even they are human beings, and even they will still do their job if you cross or continuously border the line. It's unacceptable, especially for someone who has been around for roughly 3 years.
    kaptrix likes this.
  10. I'd like to say you both are overreacting,
    Shell, this just is the way the rules are, you won't be able to change them. I know, it is kind of strange, Aya isn't just an alt for you, it is some kind of second personality, you do enough roleplay to make some people not even beleve she is your alt. And, so, you want her to contribute to the community, and so, you like posts with that account, right?
    I understand it. I would be upset too when staff wouldn't let me like those few posts with both accounts, but we both know that that is bending the rules. I would agree with you, this isn't exploiting the feature, neither "boosting" in mine, and probably your definition. Just see it as a misunderstanding, you both give a different meaning to that word, be the major one, and just accuse yourself of something you wouldn't say is wrong.

    Krysyy, really, what are we talking about here, we both know shell loves his roleplay, and wants Anya to be another contributor to the community. I don't know how many posts it were he double-liked, but I don't think it was even close to enough to call it like boosting. The reason shell asked for your defenition of "boosting" probably was just because he (and I) sees it as liking a lot of posts without reading it, doing so to boost someone's like count, not because whatever you thought of him being mean. Show some respect for people that think different as you do, I know I'm bad at that, but you usually aren't.
    Next to that, he probably didn't even know he was double liking, he was just being Aya and liking what "she" likes. Yes, he should watch out in the future, but give him some space to overlook it, maybe two posts accedently double-liked a week. I don't think anyone cares about numbers like that, do they?
  11. Alright, I figure it isn't yet too late to get my opinion in on this.

    First off: this seems like nonsense.
    This is clearly an overreaction. You got addressed for it, that doesn't mean everyone will right away. And moreover... 'serious trouble'? Nah... a warning or two don't do that much, as long as you handle the situation well.

    And what do I think on the actual issue? Hm... I have noticed you doing this a lot. I do not regard Aya as your alt - I might once make a thread weighing arguments in favour and in disfavour of the idea of Aya being an alt, but I'm not sure if that would be worth my time - but I do know GripCEO is your alt, and even there I've seen likes exchanged in questionable ways, I think. However, I think that should be okay, in moderation.

    I am not going to remove likes made with OrangeDuck607 unless I get specifically asked to. I don't think it should be that big of a deal, as Jelle says in the second half of his post.
    However, in case AyanamiKun would be used by you: you're probably doing it a bit too much. And as such it is understandable that you were asked to alter that behaviour.

    I'm just sitting here behind my pc making all sorts of hand and head gestures... your contributions are getting better and better. I'm so proud of you. :D
    Kephras, Jelle68 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  12. Anyone got a TL;DR?
    BenMA, _Bunni__ and We3_MPO like this.
  13. Yeah, this thread really needs one.

    TL;DR: ShelLuser complained about being forbidden from exchanging likes with an alt who he roleplays on, Krysyy pointed out that it isn't acceptable, they argued a bit, then more people put their opinions into the thread.
    CliffCraft likes this.
  14. We3's is fine, but it's hard to make a good TL;DR for such a thread... but I could understand you not feeling like reading it in its entirety. :p
    We3_MPO likes this.
  15. I was kidding :p

    In all seriousness if staff tell you to do something, complaining about it and making threads really isn't going to help your case so when they tell you to stop doing something just do it, it will save everyone with this drama which is not needed.
    We3_MPO likes this.
  16. Sorry. I can't really tell when people are joking or not sometimes. However, I fully agree with that second paragraph of yours.

    EDIT: And it could still come in handy for others.
    607 likes this.
  17. Seeing as Jelle and 607 have replied too, I might as well drop a comment in here too. Apologies for not quoting anyone, I'm on my phone, and don't want to search through entire posts and cut most out of it to find just the right part, sorry :p

    First of all, like Jelle addressed too, there has (for me, a fellow Dutchman) clearly been a bit of a language misunderstanding multiple times, between Shell and Krysyy/rules/staff. What you both might not realise, is that there can be subtle differences between the languages, causing for misunderstandings in which both parties are saying things that go for their definition of the word, but thereby missing what the other is trying to say.

    An example: the word boosting (see this thread). I've looked up the definition in both English and Dutch.

    English: boost (verb): "help or encourage (something) to increase or improve". (some) synonyms: improve, raise, uplift, increase. Source: googles definition thingy.

    Dutch: boosten (verb): "een impuls krijgen, sterk bevorderen" which roughly translates to "receiving an impulse, strongly advancing". No synonyms listed. Source: (note from me: it's quite a strong word.)

    You can clearly see a significant difference between the two definitions here. Shell has likely been using the Dutch definition, while Krysyy and most of the rest of EMC have been going with the English definition. So when Krysyy says something regarding "boosting*, Shell implies this differently, causing the two to not understand each other properly (and disagree) through a simple misinterpreting of a word.

    Hopefully this explanation can help with your discussion around this, and clarify each others different opinions. :)

    Another example: the term "alt account" (see this thread too). Alt = alternate.
    I used google translate to confirm "alternate" means what I thought it did for the past 5 years. It didn't. Honestly blew my mind. Even I'm learning something from this. :p

    (EN) "alternate" = "afwisselend" (NL)

    I'm not sure what Shell thought it meant, but I personally, and I'm quite sure Jelle too, thought it meant "alternatief", or something similar. But (NL) "alternatief" = "alternative" (EN).

    Alternate and alternative can both be shortened to "alt", and they also look a lot like each other, and also have both definitions in somewhat the same direction, that are both logical when thinking about "alt".

    I'm quite sure Shell saw Ayanamikun and TheOtherShell (GripCEO) as sort of "extra" accounts of him; additions. You have Shell, and then the "lesser" Ayanamikun (Aya) and TheOtherShell (TheOS). Aya and TheOS "belong" to Shell.

    But Krysyy, I'm quite sure, saw them as equal. Shell = Aya = TheOS. Same person, just an alternate = afwisselend account. Doesn't matter which they're using, it's still the same person, just a different name.

    We can see, looking at this, and their (Shell & Krysyy/staff) opinions, how this can also cause misunderstandings through the simple word "alt". Krysyy also used "alternate account", but even then, it can still be interpreted way differently (like I said how Shell interpreted it).


    Furthermore, it seems like both sides (Shell and Krysyy/staff) are a little bit sick of each other. I got this idea through the attitude and just the overall feel I got from reading some of Shell and Krysyy's posts. This is not good. In any way. I know Krysyy won't abuse her powers, but it's not good to be in so many, such strong disagreements, in which you (Shell) keep wanting to prove yourself, but sometimes your just plain wrong, or take it way too far. These disagreements should be solved peacefully, not through passive aggressive messages. Some of these things are being taken to the entire community, but that is not good.

    The community doesn't need this. The community doesn't nor want either side to prove themselves. The community just wants to play.

    And so do you, Shell and Krysyy. You both want all this fuss to stop and to just play.

    But do this the right way. Please.

    If there is a constant bickering about the same thing, like there was about the words "boosting" and "alt account", just ask each other, are we seeing the same thing here, or are we just throwing rocks at points the other isn't making?

    And, Shell, I personally believe that you've gone a bit to far in disagreeing with staff in public. Or, disagreeing is okay, but the way you did it; the passive aggressive messages and posts, like this one. It's okay to disagree, but please do so in a better way.

    Perhaps you two (Shell & Krysyy) should time out for a bit, leave all disagreements for a bit, so any bias against each other can stop. So in a week or so, you can start 2018 with a fresh mind, and discuss differing opinions properly again.

    If you want, I can definitely assist in reading PMs to see if there is any fundamental thing that you (Shell & Krysyy) are missing or misunderstanding.

    Perhaps you should have a private discord call at some convenient time. Talking can sometimes help greatly, and opinions can sometimes be conveyed better over speech, than over plain, emotionless text.


    And one last thing, to me it seems, but I can't be 100% sure until I've asked, that Aya is now from someone else too. Is this correct, Shell?


    Spent over an hour to type this post on my phone... hopefully it's a little bit useful. :)
  18. I think it very well might be. :) You raised some interesting points, although I felt like you were pushing your misunderstanding theories a bit much... I mean, they are very good theories, but keep in mind you can't know for sure what Krysyy means, or what Shell means, as long as they don't clearly clarify. :)
    We3_MPO, ThaKloned and TomvanWijnen like this.
  19. (1) Could be, true. That's why I always said (if I missed somewhere, let me know) that I assumed things.
    And because I typed everything on my phone (-> difficult overview) I might have repeated some things, or rambled on too much. :p

    (2) And indeed, I can't know for sure what they mean (unless they tell me), but I've read so many posts confirming my assumptions, that I think there probably is some truth in what I'm saying. :)
    We3_MPO, ThaKloned and 607 like this.
  20. I completely agree that sometimes a miscommunication can occur due to language difference. However in this case, that is not the issue. There issue is that Shell essentially told a staff member that he was above the rules and not going to follow them because he didn't agree with them. He fully understood the limit and after a direct message not to do something, went and did that exact thing again (twice).

    At this point it's deliberate and he knows what he was doing. I have no idea why he thought bringing it to the forums was a smart idea. However, as stated before, such a thread in which he is badmouthing the staff is not going to go unanswered. The community does not need to be involved, but when they are, they need to have the full story.
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