Does your family play EMC & like posts? You could be in trouble!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ShelLuser, Dec 27, 2017.

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  1. Hi gang,

    Usually I have a very strict self-implied rule: whatever players sent me in private shall remain as such. However, when it comes to staff then I've become tempted to apply a different approach. Basicaly because the main reason staff keeps their business private is to protect the player(s) from themselves (or so I've been told).

    But sometimes I think it is important for some things to become public. I understand staff can't do that because of privacy reasons, but yeah, I can, and I have nothing to hide in this specific issue.

    Today I got a warning from staff. A Minecraft account other than my current one has been spotted giving a like to a post which I (this account) also liked. From the same IP (obviously). This was never an issue before but apparently has become one and this is now considered "boosting likes". An amazing issue in my opinion because... if giving one more extra like is considered to be boosting, then wouldn't giving the initial like be exactly the same thing?

    But following up on this it also means that if you, as a parent, like a post and others in your household do the same thing then you guys are now in serious trouble.

    Figured I'd warn you about this because something tells me that staff won't.

    Make sure your kids don't like the same posts as you do because.. trouble!
  2. This is a ridiculous overreaction to your punishment after you broke the rules minutes after telling us you were going to ignore us saying not to. If you wish to drag this issue into the public light, then do so with full transparency please. You were warned by a staff member and essentially told him "I'm just going to ignore your warning and keep doing what you told me I'm not allowed to do".

    If a situation arises in which an actual family member, and not an alt, is liking posts that your other account liked, it's highly unlikely to be reported. And thus, it is unlikely that it would result in staff communication at all. If it did happen, then a simple clearing up of the identity differences would be sure to clarify it going forward, no harm and no foul.

    Edit: And this HAS been an issue before and you didn't like when you were told to stop then either.
  3. Actually I told him: "I'm ignoring your comment because a Senior Staff member told me it is hardly an issue just yet".

    (edit: if you can, so should I be allowed): I never said anything about keeping it up.

    What punishment though? I'm not aware of any so far.

    The fun part here is that when SS warned me 2 years ago (and I am definitely not disputing that) was when I liked posts from my own alt. This here is 2 people in the same household liking the same post. From someone else.

    It's even more unlikely that a post gets reported over a like. But whatever rocks your boat :p

    You keep denying it Krysyy but we both know my concerns are true. You're just too stubborn to admit it.
  4. As much as I respect you as a person, I actually have to agree with Krysyy on this one. I know very little about the argument you had with staff, but using both your main account and an alt to like a post is statistically making your opinion twice as important as anyone else's, which is unfair to literally everyone except for you. As for this thread, publicly calling out staff for doing something you consider to be wrong accomplishes nothing aside from making you look bad. The best way to resolve an issue is through a pm, not by getting the entire community involved.
    Esrik, _Bunni__, padde73 and 10 others like this.
  5. Alrighty then. You want this to be public?

    ShelLuser is an alternate account. This much was noted in the past by himself, as well as recently in a forum discussion with me. ShelLuser is determined to roleplay as his alternate AyanamiKun. The staff have no problem with this whatsoever UNTIL rules are broken. In this specific case, the account has been warned before for using an alternate account to like a post twice, thus falsely 'boosting' forum likes through abuse of an additional forum account. After being warned, they did not have this issue for sometime. All was well.

    However, earlier this week it was brought up to a staff member that ShelLuser and their alt had both liked a post by a player, thus boosting likes again. That staff member sent another warning to ShelLuser with no threat of action. Simply a 'don't do this again' message, as is expected and customary of the staff. ShelLuser responded with:
    and then again with:
    After this, the staff member involved me in the situation, as I had further defined the rule when it was first reported. I gave the clear definition. During this time, ShelLuser took it upon themselves to deliberately like 2 of his alt's posts, thus boosting again and distributing blatant disregard of a direct warning by staff. At this time, the staff team decided to enact the punishment of removing the 'like' privileges from his account for a period of 1 week, and informed him of this change to his account in the forum message.

    I have nothing to hide. Staff is completely transparent in this issue. If you break the rules, you will be forced to undergo the punishment, as decided by the staff team. That is something that all players on EMC understand. This would not happen to a random player on EMC without just cause for concern, as was presented to the staff team in this case. I have described in detail the entire proceedings of the punishment enacted that is being over-dramatized by the OP. Please, if you have any questions, contact me in a forum message for more information. You may reach me at
  6. I'm not going to get involved with the Krysyy and Shell stuff, but I didn't know this was a thing. brb, logging on alt to unlike stuff
    _Bunni__, We3_MPO, ttyler333 and 3 others like this.
  7. Would it count if you share an account with someone?
  8. If it hasn't raised concern with the community enough to be reported and you haven't had a message from staff, then you likely haven't done it often. It is requested that you unlike posts of an alt, as they are falsely boosted. The staff thanks you for your cooperation.
  9. If it's the same account, then there wouldn't be any extra likes occurring.
    crystaldragon13 and Theomglover like this.
  10. I agree. Even though this has never been an issue before. Better yet: I have a post from Senior Staff which told me that this wasn't a concern at all.

    That's the only reason I post here; to show the hypocrisy, and to warn people about it.
  11. Whichever staff member sent you that was wrong. As community manager and leader of the staff team, I told you something very direct and you aimed to discredit by quoting an old post? There is not hypocrisy. There is very likely a minor miscommunication between staff members that is very easily cleared up behind the scenes, not by making broad generalizations as the OP suggests.
    padde73, We3_MPO, MoreMoople and 3 others like this.
  12. I want this to be fair, but I suppose that's out of the question.

    Interesting, considering that my account is older.

    I think I'm going to leave it there because now it's perfectly clear what is happening here.

    Impartial staff indeed :p
  13. You were in the CC list and never disputed it until now? Pardon me not being surprised because I can see what's going on here.
  14. I too didn't know this was a thing. Doubtful but can by default an alt have "liking" privilleges disabled with an option to contact staff to re-enable it? Also curious if we could maybe have an annoucement / updated rules on Alt accounts and what cannot / can be done.

    edit: Come on shell, you've been here for a long time. Don't get yourself banned. Take a second and realize it isn't worth it all over a "like".
    _Bunni__ likes this.
  15. You are alternate accounts of each other. Doesn't matter who is older. The concept is the same.

    If you wish to call me impartial for upholding the rules of EMC, then feel free. I will be called impartial all day but I will continue to uphold the rules and therefore will hold my head up high doing so.

    I will speak with you in one week's time when you may ask for your like ability to be reinstated.
    _Bunni__, We3_MPO, PenguinDJ and 2 others like this.
  16. I've re-written a small part of the rules to make it a tiny bit clearer, but the concept was already well-defined. If you wish to have your like ability revoked, please contact me in a pm and I will enact the block.

    F4: Do Not Abuse Features

    Offenses covered by this rule include:
    • Using alt accounts or friends to boost likes, followers, or trophies. Alternate accounts include any accounts on your IP connection. If you are a family member, then please contact the CommunityManager to be noted as such.
    • Asking for likes or followers
    • Exploiting any bug
    • Hacking other players' accounts
  17. I'm going to need a link. You know how many PMs I get daily?
    We3_MPO and crystaldragon13 like this.
  18. You really need to get off your high horse. Over and over and over again you do this crap for no other reason but raising a stink because things aren't your way. You're not helping anyone. You are quite often very disrespectful to staff and I'm shocked you are still allowed to be here. If your true intent is to make yourself look petty and petulant, you're hitting the mark. For the love of god just learn to let things go. It's far beyond getting old.
    Keliris, BenMA, _Bunni__ and 15 others like this.
  19. I'd like your post but.. you know :p

    Actually: because being provoked. I don't care if things aren't going my way, in fact: things aren't going my way if I try to bring my mining spoils home and I get blown up by a creeper.

    What bugs me though is if I'm singled out for having an opinion. That is the main issue here. A ventilated opinion which doesn't please staff.

    It's kinda funny how this whole thing started to pick up pace right after I commented how the games server needed a fix, in my opinion, because it's generally empty most of the time. That's pretty much also when stuff happened.

    And you're right that this is causing issues. But... is it really because of me? If you take this thread do you really think it would have become an issue if staff had just ignored it? I sure wouldn't have pursued it given my dislike for bumps.

    Think about that.
    _Bunni__ and 607 like this.
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