Does your family play EMC & like posts? You could be in trouble!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ShelLuser, Dec 27, 2017.

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  1. I think you're right in condemning such behaviour. Unfortunately it does sound like something I'd do.
    We3_MPO and MerRhyAndBright like this.
  2. *pops popcorn in the corner*
  3. I’d just like to add one simple point everyone seems to be overlooking:
    Believe it or not, Minecraft is just a game. I get we are all really involved in the community of it but at the end of the day, we log off, and go back to our real lives. Nobody’s life is changed for better or for worse because of this little dispute. Shel, you’re a great member in this community known for being really helpful, don’t let a disagreement as small as liking a post from an alt ruin that image. Let’s all just agree to move on and just not like the same posts from an alt, as clearly stated in the rules.
  4. I considered that as well. But for me, that isn't the case. Minecraft might be just a game. I don't often play it, anyway. But EMC is not. This community might not be of very big importance to you, but for me it's as important as some IRL friends and family.
  5. I’ll set my popcorn to the side to add my 2 cents/agree with six-oh-seven
    The people on this server, the community and the friends I have made matter a lot to me. Sure, this overeaction over a like is small potatoes and doesn’t matter to my irl life at all. But the friends I’ve made matter to me. Minecraft itself is just a game and doesn’t matter at the end of the day. But the lasting and friendly and sometimes even romantic relationships that you make with the players of Minecraft do matter. (Small potatoes like this doesnt tho xD)
    _Devuu__ and 607 like this.
  6. *brings Coke, glasses, ice and candy*
  7. I’ll give u some popcorn if u share ur candy ;3
    NDubb424 likes this.
  8. You misunderstand me, I’ve made countless good friends on here and they’re great people (you know who you are). What I mean is that this community is an amazing community, but there are irl things that need to be addressed first. A squabble like this should mean nothing to us
    _Devuu__ and _Bunni__ like this.
  9. Misunderstood u a bit but at the end of the day we agree. This kind of stuff doesnt matter to the public and since he was warned, shouldnt matter to Shel. On that note, there rly isnt a reason to publicize this other than in the attempt to start some sort of drama (which worked but again, doesnt affect me/us one way or the other. Im just in the corner with Tbird eating popcorn and watching the show xD)
  10. *passes the drink and candy to _Bunni_*
  11. why did this need to be more public than it already is? everyone has already said what they needed this should be locked
  12. *passes popcorn to Tbird1128 and takes a loud slurp of soda*
    NDubb424, SkeleTin007 and _Devuu__ like this.
  13. I agree. I would like for it to be locked too. This didn't need to become a public issue, and what needed to be said has already been said.
    _Bunni__ likes this.
  14. Totally agree with this, would like to add a little more.

    (Enter Carbonyx opinion)

    I think that people take this server and this forum way too seriously. Like Gordan says, it's a game, and once you log off, it's gone. I think we just need to go with the flow a little more. People have quit playing on this server because they took the game and/or the forum too seriously.

    (Exit Carbonyx opinion)
  15. *grabs bag of candy and throws a sack of rupees to _Bunni__* It’s all good :D
    SkeleTin007 and _Bunni__ like this.
  16. Eyy how u gonna take meh candy like that D:
    SkeleTin007 likes this.
  17. Discussion has become off-topic in relation to the OP, so the thread has been closed.
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