[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. Electoral map if only millennials (18-25) voted:
    Hashhog, 607 and Unoski like this.
  2. I bet a lot of Trump supporters are going to be so upset that his "precious wall" will not be built.
  3. Here's hoping Bernie runs again; I stand by what I said, if he runs in 2020, he automatically gets my vote!
  4. America if only millennials voted.
  5. Keep an open mind. Be objective when considering what is best for you both short and long term. Look for the truth. That is what is wrong today. It is all about "I hate Hillary or I hate Trump". But what do you hate about them? And then all the subjective stuff comes out. "He's a racist, she's a liar" But WHAT is either going to do for you? What are they going to do about education, climate change, social inequality, national security? And then the specifics start to fade. Don't just look at them as personalities but as republicans or democrats. What do the individual parties prioritize and what priorities do you have. Crazy_X_gamer, you are a young person. Why do you immediately discard Sanders? What positions exactly do you feel won't serve you? Or do you just dislike him because you think you are supposed to?
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  6. Fixed that for you.
    Shahir, Gawadrolt and UltiPig like this.
  7. I'm pretty sure he will be; we could say the same about Trump or Hillary, as they're quite old themselves...
  8. Let's remember that Bernie was given a better health record than Hillary.
  9. I thought this thread was to be closed after the election...
    607 likes this.
  10. why? there are a lot of ideas/opinions to talk about after the elction. This is just a political debate thread focused around the Election.
    Dr_Chocolate likes this.
  11. Because Erektus said so.
    Kephras and nuclearbobomb like this.
  12. And he's no longer here. If they close this thread I'll make another one. It's been civil here, no reason to.
    IsaacNorman and Tuqueque like this.
  13. Let's embrace the fact we've gone 91 pages on a highly controversial topic that usually ends in thread locks....

    No need for a new thread.
  14. It speaks to the type of people that are members of the Empire.
    TuckerAmbr and JesusPower2 like this.
  15. Not at all. This would've been locked on the second day if this was the old Empire. It's the maturation of the EMC community that's allowed this to go on.
    Hashhog and JesusPower2 like this.
  16. Bernie is 75. The average of death in the United States is 78 (Trump could die as soon as he leaves office if he gets elected twice lol). While Bernie'll likely still be alive in 2020 at 79, he might not last the eight years he could get in for - being the President is a stressful job, and most men in their 80s are long retired and can't do much with themselves. He could do it, I guess, but the odds are pretty against him.

    We'll see...

  17. Can't believe it, they're gonna kick a black family out of their homes in the middle of a cold winter. Damn, that's brutal.
  18. I think it has less to do with community maturity and more to do with the fact that the instagators that usually get the threads locked haven't showed their faces or have only been able to be present for short enough amounts of time that they were not able to get it locked lol. I have seen similar threads go just fine, all it takes is that one person.

    I looked at something referencing the simpsons and that it predicted Trumps winning of the presidency. Is it simply comedy the suffering the country had during that episode or was that too foreshadowing of events to come?

    Some people seem to be hopeful now that the "left" (yes drchocolate it is left, you guys are just commies :p lol I kid I kid) is no longer in power in the senate or the house and that there is a "republican" president. Of course labeling the donald a republican is odd. Republicans even stand far more left than myself. Where as some of these kids might like to pervert the left/right paradigm into socialism vs fascism, the further right you get the less government you should have where the further left the more intervention by government(thoughtless violence against the individual in the name of "lets make a law because I don't like that"). So, fascism stands well left in politics as well.

    I'm more skeptical on the whole thing as I'm sure many are, especially those in this thread. Donald isn't a win for America, it's a disgrace, just as much as Hillary even making it past the primaries. Donald isn't an establishment politician but a spoiled brat that threw so much of his fathers money at his "dreams" that he was able to convince himself he did something good in that. Although I'm sure the whole falling to failed free network tv actor and then hitting rock bottom as president of the united states makes it all obvious to the rest of us how big of a failure the dude really is, regardless of self delusion.

    So, which countries are trump going to bomb? The clintons, bushes and obamas covered pretty much all the third world countries save iran and north korea so is that where we are headed? Iran isn't really very third world though... that wouldn't be quite the "shock and awe" bush put on bombing Iraq. Their wealth would make it more of a pain for the US to try and pretend like their country has destabilized due to rebels like obama did in so many countries. Are we looking at the third generation Al queda/ ISIS rise? I'm sure this time that at least the name won't be so obviously zionist like ISIS... even the bankers realized what a mistake they made with that one trying to quickly relabel it "IS" and "ISIL" but I guess they underestimated the global apathy. ISIS stuck around just fine as another big joke on the geniuses that can't see the obvious. o/

    Which new legislation that pushes us even further into our oligarchical dictatorship? Patriot act and NDAA of course have to be expanded upon. Being able to "behind the scenes" spy on people and molest them in public(patriot act) and then out in public "kill anyone" for national security isn't going to be enough. So... whats worse than being able to bomb your own citizens and get a pass because of legislated tyranny? I can't imagine, can you? Just open dictatorship? Do we even have to wait for trump for that or will Obama make his move in the next few weeks to crown himself? Either way, it's coming and it's not far off. Whether it's obama or trump America has been on a clear path for decades and something really big is about to take place.

    Will this all be met with the same apathy of the public that we have seen for over 20 years? "Do whatever you want to us, we don't care... we might cry a little but we know you like our tears." Without question the killing of innocents while boasting how we are heros will continue. I have a fellow "brother in arms" here that thinks he fought for someones freedom or "right to choose" lol. I know I never did such a thing, only fought for corporate dominance on a global playing field while fueling the idea of "scarcity" and fear. Contributing to the slaughter of innocents in a manufactured war that just sets another level of the game for those that have a little bit more money than myself and those they brainwashed into doing their bidding.

    Eh, I'm gonna go try to drown my curiosity and knowledge in this filth of a reality we have agreed on. So far been unsuccessful but looking at reality with open eyes is so very painful.
    ESSELEM likes this.
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