[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. In 7 days time a fool will lead. If chosen wrong there will be consequences decreed, but what is wrong and what is right when both are fools and all are mad? What shall you do? Well it's up to you, but no matter what you do a fool will lead you.

    A short poem to describe the upcoming election for those of you in America. I think we can all agree both Trump and Hillary are fools and may as well be unfit to lead. Or do we?
  2. Two third party candidates you may be interested in.

    Vermin Supreme

    Giant Meteor

    Both have great policies, much less crazy than the current 2 candidates, and have set plans to take action against ISIS.
  3. The "Giant Meteor" campaign; You mean kill everyone on the planet, even those innocent that are not even participating in the American politics?
    nuclearbobomb likes this.
  4. They just want a meteor large enough to destroy America.
    nuclearbobomb likes this.
  5. And the Democratic establishment said Bernie was a weak general election candidate.

  6. I don't believe Hillary is unfit to lead. She's questionable and shady, but definitely not unfit to lead. She probably has as much experience with leading you can get without actually becoming the president. Plus, her opposition claim she has the entire world's leaders, citizens, and secret services under her control - who is this woman and why would you not want her as President?

    Donald, on the other hand, is unfit to lead. Can't keep his mouth shut, stuck in the 50s, can't form a credible argument, under Russia's subjugation.

    I hate both candidates. But, as a foreigner, I know which one I'd be voting for.
    JesusPower2 and 607 like this.
  7. Actually, Hillary's doing alright. According to CNN, Trump can win all battleground states right now, but if he doesn't take any states form Hillary, he's not going to win; he'll just make the race tighter.
  8. She's doing 'alright' against a racist, bigoted, sexist, rapist, idiotic, hypocritical, corrupt, orange buffoon. She should have had over a 15 point lead by now. She's such an awful candidate.
  9. Gosh, I feel like everyone is very divided and hateful. Maybe not hateful in this thread, as I havent read it in a very long time and Im lazy to read it. But like in real life, you'll see people arguing, families and friends divided and geez the news. What is anything anymore?
  10. Don't worry it shall be "over" soon.
    Sgt_Pepper4 likes this.
  11. Meteor 2016? Lol
  12. That's your opinion man.

    I think that she's done well; had this last email leak not happen a few days ago, oh yeah, I'll agree with you, she'd have been much better off had it not happen.
  13. He did do things to women and lied about that.. Boom.
    ChrisFlareon and CallumDAKing like this.
  14. If anybody brings up the fact that they both lied again... I mean seriously POLTICIANS ALL LIE there has never been a politician who keeps secrets or lies to get what they want.
    607 and IsaacNorman like this.
  15. I think you mean "...there has never been a politician who has never kept secrets or lied to get what they want..."
    607 and Shadow_Dcord like this.
  16. Theres always nuclear war
  17. I disagree, one is a fool and the other is a buffoon. Even though they be sneeches neither have stars on thars.
    nuclearbobomb likes this.
  18. Not really. Martin friggin O'Malley would be up by a tremendous amount. Believe me.
  19. Good video. Worth a watch. The end part explains entirely why you shouldn't vote for Trump, using Brexit (another anti-establishment vote) as an example and how it's divided and crippled the UK.

  20. I needed to rhyme.
    Acemox2k likes this.
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