[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. A fool and a buffoon
    Enter a race
    Where it seems the winner
    Is who gets second place.

    The masses, they fight
    And argue and yell
    And you'll hear both sides
    Ask not, they'll tell.

    If you want an opinion
    From a man like me,
    Its that a working class hero
    Is something to be.
    Acemox2k and Shadow_Dcord like this.
  2. If that's what you want to believe man...

    He didn't make it past the primaries...
  3. SOOO, isnt it like in less than a week or so till USA fate is decided? Good luck!
  4. Yeah, and Hillary's almost the president. She just needs one of the current battleground states to make it at or above 270.
  5. Well i mean, the electoral college members can change things up. They can vote for their mom if they want, and their mom will have 1 vote. So, i mean they can choose someone random if they want.
    JesusPower2 likes this.
  6. That hasn't happened much in US history, so the chances of that happening are very unlikely. That's what we call an unfaithful voter.

    edit: Excuse me, the terminology has changed since I last used that word, it's called Faithless Elector. And there are laws in a good number of states where that's illegal.
  7. Who you voting for? I got my my vote right here........
  8. Don't worry man, Clinton will be president in 2 days and hopefully silence will follow the performance on Tuesday night.
  9. I feel like both parties are equally outraged by the opposite party's candidate, this election is like no other in the history of the united states.
  10. You're right, I preferred Bernie over Hillary, but I will take Hillary over the human Dorito any day.
  11. Unfortunately I very much doubt that will occur, regardless of who wins. As 99marvel said, the levels of vitriol on both sides are dangerously high and I have now witnessed first hand the effects of such. It's becoming increasingly common for people to use eliminationist rhetoric when speaking of any political opposition. If there's one thing I'm pretty much certain of leading into the election on Tuesday it's that regardless of the result there will still be a lot of extremely angry people out there who think they are now somehow morally justified in committing criminal acts against their fellow citizens.
    607, IsaacNorman and UltiPig like this.
  12. When a traditional Guy Fawkes effigy is swapped out for the Presidential candidates during a Bonfire Night celebration in the UK (usually a big no-no), you know you've messed up.

  13. I read something about a lot of people in the Bible Belt voting Trump.
    I was wondering why.
    Having read some interviews and such, it seems like for many people it goes a bit like this:
    Clinton supports abortion, and thus I vote Trump.

    But honestly... to me, Trump has some views I deem much more dangerous than abortion.

    If I'd have to vote, I'd have to do a bit more research, though, as I really don't know.
    Perhaps I'd vote for a 3rd party after all.
    Hashhog likes this.
  14. President Hillary Clinton and first husband/man/gentleman: Bill Clinton.
  15. That picture... is legitimately terrifying to me...
  16. Views that would never make it through congress. His own party disagrees with him, the democrats disagree with him, and so no bill he ever tries to pass will make it through congress. His Presidency would be entirely inactive.

    If you don't like Hillary and are a fan of very little change happening in the next four years, it's probably smart to vote for Donald - for domestic issues, at least. Foreign policy is a little tiny bit awkward.
    Shahir likes this.
  17. To those individuals there is nothing worse than abortion. I am not taking sides on this issue but they consider it murdering of thousands of innocent children. If you felt the same way how could you consider any other views more abhorrent.

    This is a odd election and I know a lot of non Americans want to sensationalize it as much as possible, for whatever reason. But, I know from watching this stuff for a very long time no matter who is elected not a lot is gonna change, short of another war. And I don't hold either one of them from doing that. Trump is not going to build a wall, he is not going to overhaul trade, he is not going to bring manufacturing jobs back to the US. Hillary is not going to make college education free, she is not going to correct the disparity between men's and women's wages, or any of the other stuff. Little to nothing will change.
    TuckerAmbr, 607 and SoulPunisher like this.
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