[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. We have two big parties.
    Center-right and far right. Us liberals, are not represented.
  2. My US history teacher(American), said it was because the government never trusted the "people" to be smart enough to ellect someone decent. So is not corruption, is protection for the system. But yes, it is a broken one
  3. Leftists almost had a chance with Bernie.

    To quote SNL's skit: Who do you trust to be your president, the republican or Donald Trump?.

    It really isn't fair that Hillary thinks the Democratic party is centrist while the Republican party is a decent distance to the right.
  4. There's at least one revolution or military coop each year. Turkey was unsuccessful this year. Thailand was successful in 2014. Both are representational governments, or in the case of Thailand, was. The Philippines have had three since 2000, Thailand, Mauritania, DRC, Chad, and Madagascar twice in less than ten years. Going through Wikipedia, there were possibly over thirty since 2000, but I got tired of checking to verify their type of government.

    Although many of us will complain about the result for the next four years regardless of who wins, November 9th we'll generally all wake up and get on with our lives. It could be a lot worse.
    607 and SoulPunisher like this.
  5. I always forget Turkey is supposed to be a democratic state. Whenever I think 'Turkey' I think 'Erdogan' (or 'Ottoman Empire', probably my most hated European empire to ever exist...) and that just makes me think 'dictator'.
  6. I thought that if Hillary won it was WW3 and if Trump won it was the civil war. these things are so confusing.
  7. Apparently if Hillary wins it's US + UK + Commonwealth + EU/NATO + Japan + Whatever against Russia and China (and now apparently the rebirth of the CSA or something).
    A Trump victory is apparently US vs. everyone else.

    Apparently WW3 is already coming due to the UK leaving the EU anyway, might as well hurry imminent doom up I guess.
  8. nah, I think if trump wins its gonna be US+russia+chinese tells all the rest of you to start behaving like adults ;-)
  9. I believe the US should help Russia restablish the Assad regime in Syria.

    My bold statement for today.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  10. I'll agree with US+Russia. But Trump shows nothing but contempt towards China. I assure you they would not like to see Trump as president.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  11. Of all the proposed answers to the Syrian problem, I think re-establishing Assad's regime is the easiest. The terrorists the US supports in the war are no better than him, they are only supported by the United States because of the Saudi Arabian-Qatari pipeline needing Syrian support... which Assad didn't give due to his alliance with the Russians, since that pipeline would give Russia competition.

    I think we're beyond that point now. I don't think Syria will ever exist again, as it was pre-2011, at least. Maybe that's a good thing and there will finally be some borders drawn on ethnic boundaries that Middle Eastern decolonisation so desperately avoided.

    Leave Rojava independent though, for the love of God. I find it quite wonderful.
    Dr_Chocolate likes this.
  12. Clinton might impose a no-fly zone, or she may not; she's quite the flip-flopper.

    However, I believe that she'd be a better president than the human Dorito that's representing the republicans this election... (That joke was my friend's, not mine.)
    EquableHook and Gawadrolt like this.
  13. Roses are red.
    Violets are blue.
    This election would be over
    If Bernie was here.
  14. Eh, I don't think so. I doubt that he'd have the money to fund his campaign or that he's have the support that'd help him compete against Trump...

    I do miss him though... :(
  15. I'm not too sure you saw what he accomplished in just the democratic primary.

    He raised a crapton of money from everyday people and ran a great campaign with it. With donations from both Hillary and Bernie supporters for the general election, he would crush trump. He performed great in the debates and has less garbage against him.
    Gawadrolt and Dr_Chocolate like this.
  16. Doesn't look like the "What-if Bernie ran" statements are too good anymore, as they are just speculation at this point.

    What matters (in my opinion) is that Trump doesn't win, by whatever means.
    EquableHook likes this.
  17. its pretty sad that you have to have a significant amount of money in order to actually run for president...
  18. I don't think that other countries have to much against Hillary Clinton. But Donald Trump on the other hand i feel that he wouldn't just cause Civil War but War War Z. Post nuclear apocalypse
  19. Bosnia has something against Hillary.

    She had to duck and run due to sniper fire. Thank goodness she is alive.
  20. You're right, it is pretty sad, but like the media in America, the person with the most money gets the furthest... :\
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