[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. Not going to the spoon store, that's for sure.
  2. Lol, try her best.
  3. Hillary has done bad stuff in her life to and so has Trump but he has done many things wrong to anger people and he just isn't the right person to be President in my opinion. I am guaranteed that Hillary shall win to me.

    Lets say everyone here is a Muslim or Mexican for a moment and we havent done anything wrong. How would you feel if someone comes along saying im going to block you off away from America with a giant wall!! You would feel very bad, sad, angry, and offended!

    Also I wasnt saying that Trump and Hitler were alike for EVERYTHING I was just stating they are alike for wanting to keep some people behind walls ( or a camp in Hitlers case ).
  4. Again?
    Lil_Spartan_Cat and SSRCMegaMall like this.
  5. I'm honestly just as curious. I second the question with respect.
    SoulPunisher and Dr_Chocolate like this.
  6. When Trump says he is going to make America great again, how is he going to do that, block America away from the rest of the world? Also why isn't America great now, because Trump doesn't have the world how HE wants it?! XD
    SSRCMegaMall likes this.
  7. *The worst and nastiest war in history.

    Between 60-85 million dead. That's only rivalled by the Mongol conquests about 620 years before, in which 70 million people were killed over one hundred years. If you compare it with an actual war, the closest you'll get is the Second Sino-Japanese war in which 25 million were killed, but this is part of World War II. The first true world war only killed 1 million people.

    Random facts lol.
    Isolationism has been a key policy of America since it was created. The first world war was only intervened in because it was a threat to the US, and not out of the goodness of their hearts - in fact, when it was over, America shrunk back into it and even began hating Europe and Europeans because of the stuff we'd done. It was only after World War 2 it didn't go back into it and by 2001 the US was propelling itself away from it way more than it needed to. It's lapsed back into it since Obama became President.

    So, yes, blocking America away from the rest of the world more than it already is has worked pretty well for you lot in the past, and the world has generally been much more stable when the country isn't putting its soldiers wherever it can.
  8. I'm... quite surprised to see how much has exploded since this morning. (My morning.)

    To say this as cleanly as possible, so no one can get upset or try and debate me, as this IS the fact:

    Time will reveal who will win this election...
  9. Hillary
  10. Personally, I believe Trump will win. He has too much against Hillary and he will deflect any attacks, as he has done.

    This may sound crazy, but I believe Trump's main weakness is his hands. If Hillary can attack his tiny hands, she can win.

    I strongly dislike both of them though.
    607 likes this.
  11. Here's hoping to it.
    God_Of_Gods likes this.
  12. The only reason why Trump has fights in his rallies are that far left supporters are facing far right american supporters. What did you really think was going to happen? A happy confrontation? No, there will be protests and fights along the way. Don't take me as a Trump supporter because I am not, beleive me I hate all the candidates.

    Did you not listen to my previous comments about Hillary? I will not vote for a liar, a cheat, and it seems now laundering money from fundraisers. (Source) I would vote for Trump because a liar behind the white house would kill this country indefinitely. Her polices are trying to appeal to everyone and we know what happened when we were promised a better america (Obama's administration) Sure his "Affordable" Heath Care was passed and no other president in the past, but we are still in debt. What this country needs is figuring out how truly to make America great again.

    Neither candidates I have seen from the Democrats or Republican side have proven that. It worries me that America likes a Billionaire that blatantly rude to everyone that is against him. Or a person that keeps spinning yarn and can't create a confidential password for her emails which risks the lives of soldiers.

    Bernie, oh god feel the burn of more taxes for all his shit he wants to do.

    Give me a break, guys I am down to move to Canada and drink maple syrup on the great lakes who is with me?
  13. Warning: May Contain Language
  14. He's not raising your taxes at all, he's talking about taking the existing money and instead of wasting it on more military spending, using it to fix problems here at home.

    Unless you're among the highest earners in the country. But then, you haven't been taxed fairly in thirty years.
    SoulPunisher and Dr_Chocolate like this.
  15. Even if taxes were balanced (Which they should) the middle and lower classes are going to be paying the majority because they make the 80% of the population.

    If he will have any power to do what he needs to do he will raise taxes which is wrong and not the solution.
  16. lower and middle class taxes remain the same. Extreme upper class taxes increase, and spending is shifted from military research and manufacturing to domestic infrastructure and societal improvement. You aren't getting things for free, you aren't spending more, you're simply not paying for wars anymore, but for education.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  17. Please back up this information and please tell me how much this increase it is as I said before, even if the upper class tax was increased, the margin for spending in the government is going to not increase much.
    I am 50/50 on this, honestly we should leaving our snoot in other confrontations but the majority of our technological advancements in our society have came from military research. Ex: the unmanned aircraft the drone. Military purpose was to spy and if equipped, guide lasered pointed missiles. Now you see it being used in our society for video recording. With all these acts of terrorism here in the United States, would you feel inclined to have a millitary available with weapons that can save the lives of americans, the troops being deployed, and be able to combat these Islamic terrorists without much loss of American blood?
    Then you have Transportation, Social Security, Medicare, Energy and Environment... Here let me put it clearly.

    I looked between the 2015 and the proposed 2016 spending and they look the same. Medicare being the largest among Military and civil Defence third. I agree that we need to look at education more so than we are. We should turn towards where we can cut, Balance and predict where this country needs to do for the next 4 years. Medicare not being needed at all. I for one would take interests of fixing our roads and infrastructure, making U.S a safer place than it is.
  18. Bernie isn't making you pay more money. He is having you take whatever you are paying for medicare now and putting it to use, in many ways you could benefit.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  19. The election system and our government is just screwed up IMO. If it worked like it should, then we should have better candidates than Trump and Clinton. Why do the legislative and judicial branches consist of multiple members, while the executive branch and its responsibilities come down to the decisions of one controversial person?
    IsaacNorman likes this.
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