[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. Looks like the greeks and the founding fathers would have needed more than just a few thousand years to propose their ideas back in the 1770's. I think right now is a good time for a revision.
    TechNinja_42 likes this.
  2. If link you to my earlier post if I wasn't on mobile. Before you make statements like that, it's a good idea to get your facts straight.

    Clintons emails were never breached. Her password was kept secure the entire time she used a private email server. No one knew she wasn't using the government email until the Republican Party went digging around to try to blame her for what happened in Benghazi, which they have failed to do so even with multiple investigations.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  3. I've stated enough and shown you my opinion about her, if you want facts. Here is a full article that is credible to their sources. As far as I am concerned with this thread, I am out.

    Lance2013 likes this.
  4. Not true the fbi has said and taken into custody hackers who breached her security. The question they have is was the information leaked classified. That is why she is under investigation for violating the espionage act.
  5. oh wow i missed 30 pages? *goes through 15 and doesn't find anything useful* eh, well I guess im here again.
  6. Excellent, then you wouldn't mind betting me a million rupees, right?
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  7. First Past the Post lol. We have it in the UK too. It's messed up. You have the Scottish Nationalist Party getting less votes votes than the UK Independence Party, but more MPs in Parliament. The two major parties, the Conservatives (center-right) and the Labour Party (left wing), are the only ones really worth voting for and they get more seats than they should. The Conservatives are our governing party even though they only had 30% of the vote. The Liberal Democrats (up until last year, they were the third largest party, now they're fourth behind the SNP) tried to get this changed to a still imperfect but more practical system, but it was voted against. Now we'll likely never have the chance to fix it in our lifetime again.
    TechNinja_42 likes this.
  8. So you basically hate everybody. Good for you. But I am curious who you do think would be a good president? Please don't say jay z. Or do you think nobody. At least you're an American responding to this thread.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  9. Just because he hates the "geniuses" that are running for president doesn't mean he hates everyone. and a good president is absolutely no president. the parties are all messed up, the people are all messed up, the money is all messed up and the laws are all messed up. why should he be happy to stoop so low as to praise one of the idiots that are being discussed? woohoo they got themselves clothed, that in itself is an accomplishment to this lot. Bunch of spoiled brats riding on the welfare of the government, or even better yet, daddy's fortune.
    FoxyRavenger likes this.
  10. I'm pretty much at the same place at this point. In an earlier period of my life both of the major candidates today would be considered utterly unelectable. Politics as a profession has always attracted a more nefarious and self-serving type of individual than the population as a whole but as the influence of the federal government has grown over time the corrupt and power hungry have seemingly come to near complete domination of Washington, D.C. Five of the ten wealthiest counties in the United States now surround the capital.


    Believe me, it wasn't always like that. And while the folks on K Street and Wall Street might be doing well, the are millions of others out there suffocating under a continuous stream of new regulatory burdens.

    To answer your question, I really don't know who would make a good alternative. I think somebody who has come into their own outside the world of politics and government who isn't a celebrity would be a good starting point. The further removed they have been from the pernicious influences of money and fame, the better.
    FoxyRavenger likes this.
  11. k
  12. Yes, you hate the people running for president, but I never said you hated everybody everybody. That was the point. But I'm guessing you already knew that. I just wondered who in society you think could make a good president, if anyone.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  13. A 20-year old British man who was in the country illegally after overstaying his travel visa attempted to seize a police officer's weapon and assassinate Donald Trump at his Las Vegas campaign rally.


    As I predicted earlier in this thread, it's going to be a long, ugly election season. I'd be pleasantly surprised if there aren't sizable acts of violence outside both of the party conventions in Cleveland and Philadelphia.
  14. Why are the people from this country so murderous lately?

    At first its the English toxic nationalism growing even more cancerous over Thursday's referendum by mentally ill pillocks, now we're trying to kill another country's presidential candidates. What the hell is wrong with us?

    EDIT: Okay, it's as I thought. It's the mentally ill English people doing the murderous things, not the British (which is offensive anyway so :D).
  15. You think you got problems. We can't even decide to keep suspected terrorists from being able to buy assault rifles. Yes, that's correct. We won't let them fly but we are fine with them purchasing high caliber human killing machines. Now tell me you have problems.
  16. In fairness, the acts of two individuals with documented mental health issues/learning disabilities are hardly indicative of an entire nation of 64 million people.

    That being said, there are a lot of underlying contentious issues coming to the forefront on both sides of the Atlantic which have been glossed over for many years by our respective leaders. A lot of people feel that their livelihoods are being directly threatened regardless of which side of a matter they happen to stand. Speaking for the United States, I can tell you that there's very little national consensus in this country anymore. We argue constantly over pretty much everything. When there's no common cultural or intellectual ground upon which establish policy then tensions build up. Eventually those tensions boil over. In my opinion, this stuff is going to have to be addressed soon or we are going to enter a period of social unrest.
    TotoStyle likes this.
  17. I think they would both be awful presidents so the tiebreaker for me was abortion.
    I'm not saying I support Trump, I just least disapprove of him.
  18. I don't understand the whole issue you guys have with abortion lol.
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