[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. That was the point of the post...

    I know America was never a "great" country, I was just poking fun at it with the post via means of sarcasm.

    (Don't worry, I'm not a tinfoil hat-wearer, I do know about America's past, the real past, not the past the government wants us to know. I probably don't know all of it, but I can say that I do know more than the average tinfoil hat-wearer.)
  2. I'd recommend that before you post, you at least know what you're talking about. Despite near endless investigations by the Republican party, there is basically nothing to suggest Clinton has any responsibility for what happened. And she certainly didn't kill them herself.

    The reason she is being blamed is because she took responsibility for the security at the compound. Security that didn't really exist. While she did have ultimate responsibility, she also had 275 other diplomatic posts to ensure where safe and in all likelihood, there was someone working for her whose job was to review and maintain safety.

    In the immediate aftermath, the government weren't given enough reason to say that it was a terrorist attack and the Republican party took this as them not doing anything about it. This is where the idea that Clinton did nothing comes from.

    The attack in Benghazi has to be one of the, if not the, most investigated attacks ever and since Clinton really only appears in the final report once it's pretty fair to say that she didn't have much to do with what happened.
    AmusedStew, Dektirok and SoulPunisher like this.
  3. Can I just state that Trump reiterated his intention to ban Syrian Refugees after the Orlando attack even though the terrorist was born in the USA and the anti-LGBT rhetoric from one specific side of the isle hasn't kept my people protected that's for sure.
    Also, he implied Obama was a conspirator in the Orlando attacks. I can't believe this is really happening. I don't know what is more of an assualt on "MY" emotions. Hearing about my community being the target of the worst mass shooting in USA history or Trump's Rhetoric.
    Dear Trump,
    As a member of the LGBT community, Please don't ever mention us in relation to one of your plans. You'll never have our support. You will never care about us. please drop the facade.
    IsaacNorman likes this.
  4. Anyone
    Lil_Spartan_Cat and SSRCMegaMall like this.
  5. Now that the presumptive nominees have been identified, let's see if we can steer this topic in a different direction for a bit. What are everybody's predictions of the 2016 presidential electoral map? Go to http://www.270towin.com/ and toggle through the states until you get to what you think is going to be the outcome.

    Here's mine:

    This is based upon what I expect will happen after objectively examining known facts at this time, not necessarily what I think about either of the major candidates. So, what is your impartial assessment of how the electoral map will end up?
    IsaacNorman and SSRCMegaMall like this.
  6. +1 Hillary Clinton!

    Donald Trump is being compared to Hitler including me thinking him of Hitler to. Trump wants to build a wall and block Muslims and Mexicans off from us! Not all Muslims and Mexicans are bad!! Also Trump has something against women. etc...
    IsaacNorman likes this.
  7. lol please stop comparing Trump to Hitler. They and their ideals are in no way alike.
    LuckyPat, Lance2013 and ChickenDice like this.
  8. Oh wow, you really think it'll be that much of a landslide? (No attack, just curious.)

    I don't know why, but I feel like this race is going to be much closer than what you depicted, but hey, maybe I'll be wrong. By close I do not mean 2000 close, I just mean it'll be a close race. (My opinion, have at it what have you.)
  9. I am kind of excited about how this will play out.

    They both have a lot in common
    • The more they speak, the more you dislike them
      • Lies and such
    • No conscience
    • Trump going against a WOMAN
      • Hillary will find a way to use her W Card whenever she can
    • Because of Trump, high votes
      • Hillary benefits from less votes
        • See voting fraud in a shit ton of states
    • Well over 50% of voters will be voting based on who they DON'T WANT
  10. Why "Because of Trump, high votes"? Every republican I know is going to stay home on election night. As I have said several times over months, Hillary will easily win this election.
    TuckerAmbr and SoulPunisher like this.
  11. Its opinion based, many people think this and here is 1 reason why to compare him to Hitler.

    1. Hitler blocked people away from in camps. Trump wants to block people away with a big wall.
    See the comparison?!
  12. No I don't. Hitler killed millions and caused the onset of one of the worst and nastiest wars in the world's history. Trump just plans to keep people out of the country. Even though trump's plan may be wrong in some people's eyes, killing millions and treating people worst than animals isn't even in the same 'ballpark'- not even in the same 'city'- not even in the same 'country'- no no NOT even in the same world (/end long_metaphor) as blocking people out of a country. Now I'm not supporting nor attacking trump's plan but I'm just trying to make it clear that Trump is not comparable to Hitler and if he ever tried anything like the Holocaust, he would be impeached by the government or assassinated by a citizen before he could do much damage.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  13. No, I don't see a comparison, because that's a very uneducated viewpoint you're coming from.

    Hitler didn't want to lock people away in camps. He wanted to exterminate the Jews, the gays, the blacks, and the Slavic people (Russia, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, etc.), but he made them do work in the camps so they could contribute while being worked to death. He viewed the Germanic (so Germany, England, Sweden, Norway, etc.) people as the supreme race, with the Celtic (Ireland, Wales, Scotland, some of England) and 'Alpine' races (France, Switzerland, Italy, etc.) as lesser races but still better than the ones he wanted to kill. And to clear something up before somebody asks "if he loved England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland, why did he want to kill them?" - his original plan was to keep the UK around as a trading partner and ally... except we kind of declared war on him after he invaded Poland and we all know what happened next.

    Trump wants to stop illegal immigrants crossing the American-Mexican border by building a wall. He doesn't want to lock Mexicans away in camps so they're overworked and underfed, and he doesn't want to kill millions of people besides those working for ISIS pretty much.

    There is literally nothing similar between the two except maybe their extreme nationalism - even then, Hitler's was only because his country has been stopped from being unified throughout history and the one time it did (it was unified in 1871, then split apart again in 1945, didn't see reunification until 1991 and even now it continues to be divided), it got stomped into the ground by the most powerful countries in the world, and it went through very turbulent times throughout the 20s and 30s while places like America were having a grand old time. Trump's is just because he's an idiot.
  14. Just going to sit back and laugh at the people who compare Trump and Hitler just to make him look bad, but will say nothing of Hillary's faults.
  15. I have a serious problem. I'm in my car over my lunch break, and I've forgotten my spoon at home. Now, I don't know how I will eat my Chinese food. How do either of these 'candidates' plan on fixing this?
    ChickenDice likes this.
  16. Trump will build a wall to stop the Mexicans from stealing spoons, because it was probably a mexican that stole your spoon that you forgot at home.

    Hillary will lie and say it's somewhere in your car.
    spartan0405 likes this.
  17. Nah. Hillary will say "I will do what he is doing and more" and end up giving you a fork and say "I did my best!"
    ChickenDice likes this.
  18. Nah, she'll try her best at giving him the spoon he wants but he'll end up with a spork.
  19. It's ok, I used an apple sauce pouch as an improvised spoon.
  20. This man is going places.
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