[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. This is where our cultures kind of clash. I've grown up in a slightly rural and cold area where farming is quite high-paying, so I wouldn't be working in the searing heat for a low wage. I'd be doing what my people and my ancestors have been doing for centuries, with a high-ish wage and I wouldn't be dying of heatstroke. When I say immigrants taking jobs, I'm on about those in factories or cashiers and such. Clearly works differently in the US.
    *the UK (some people don't like you calling us all English, since they are historic oppressors of the Celtic peoples *Wales, Scotland, previously Ireland - they even had a war with us to fight that* on this island... I am one of those people who think that way :p)

    And I was just using my home country as an example. My point still stands on the border controls though. France has upped them since the Paris attacks, Germany's government is ever-accepting of non-European immigrants but its people are growing distasteful towards that, Switzerland requires a majority vote of their entire population for each person who wishes to move to their country. They're not building walls to keep people out, no, we've done a lot of that in the past (mainly the Romans, actually, but whatever) and it hasn't worked, but we're not all that accepting of immigrants either and are growing less and less accepting of them by the day as the situation in the Middle East heats up.
  2. I think that's where the "grey area" exists for that kind of denominator, as what you said does hold some truth to it. While there are higher-paying forms of the same job, there's also the lower-paying forms of the same job as well.

    To each their own then...

    I'm not saying that they're 100% lax with people coming into their countries, oh no, I am aware that they are watching, as I expect any country, but they're not like what Trump proposes to do, build a wall and make the poorer country (yes, 80% of Mexico is poor) pay for it. Especially after he paints a false image about Mexicans in general. (I can speak for myself since I'm part mexcian.) I really don't know what Trump has in store for America, but I really don't want to find out, especially since he's insulted half of the population in California, or at least their heritages, and (going to be crude here) "the help"... [By the way, I did not find that part offensive by saying that in this context, that is, to make a point.]

    In my opinion, if people are worried about their job's security, just do a better job than you're currently doing, and you shouldn't be replaced.
  3. I don't know where you reside Mr. Norman but it appears you advocate allowing anyone into your country from anywhere at any point in time. The US as many nations have border controls to safeguard the citizens of that country. CoryLovesYou is referring to those safeguards to protect our citizens. I do not agree with you putting words in his mouth. You live in an idealistic world with no borders and worries and that's great. But adults have to worry about their families. I'm guessing you have no children. Your perspective might change when you have other people dependent on you.
    TuckerAmbr and SirTah like this.
  4. I'm sorry if that's what it appears to be, but what I got from him was job security, rather than security as a whole.

    I don't mind border security in terms of keeping us safe, that I have nothing wrong with. It's what I heard earlier, that sent me off on that, you could say, "rant".
    God_Of_Gods, SoulPunisher and mba2012 like this.
  5. Dr_Chocolate likes this.
  6. The purpose of my reply was to explain to you why it is illegal, not just because the government deems it illegal. Unregistered citizens pose a larger threat to our nation than most people realize, and those citizens taking jobs from actual registered citizens just damages an already crippled economy.
  7. Not sure that is the best way to prove that you are the better person. A better way is to prove yourself? I'd like Hillary to tell us why we should trust her given her judgement on things such as the Iraq War. I'd like her to not be in so many scandals. I'd like her to not flip flop decisions and to be on the right side more than the wrong.
    ESSELEM and deathconn like this.
  8. I don't think she was proving anything. Probably just done as a bit of banter. Made me laugh anyway.

    IMO, she's already proved herself. She's a preferable (not perfect or what I was hoping for) alternative to a Trumpocracy. Besides, she's the only way any of Sanders' policies will be implemented, whether she knows it or not.
    IsaacNorman likes this.
  9. I'd like not to be at war once a month when she becomes POTUS.

    Jokes, please no hate, I respect women, Feminism is great
    deathconn likes this.
  10. Feminism or what that movement was in the past? To me feminism now means man-hating, try-hards at trying to be independent and people who take that message to an extreme level. More of an equal rights for everyone kinda guy here.
  11. This isn't the thread for it, but:

    There are two different types of feminist in my eyes

    - Those who want equality for EVERYONE (Every man, woman, child, or being)
    - Those who "man hate" but do the exact same things they criticize men for.
    SoulPunisher and Dr_Chocolate like this.
  12. Bernie Sanders was called sexist for running against Clinton. That is sexism. Sexism should work both ways.
    StoneSky likes this.
  13. I really wish I shot back with "Was Hillary racist for running against Obama?"
    deathconn likes this.
  14. Where you're already at the topic - do you think any normal man whose wife is nice and kind and loving, who has it nice at home, would voluntarily go away to join other men in killing each other?
    I don't think so.
  15. He should've responded with is Hillary anti-semitic for running against him.
  16. Part of that aligns with what I believe, thank you. :)
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  17. Well, like this presidential race is for, maybe our future president will be able to make some of those worries go away without having to build a wall. (Yes, I'm looking at you Trump...)
  18. lol once a month would be an improvement.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  19. An improvement of Trump being in office... lmao.
    Honestly, I would rather have someone who knows nothing about politics to be president than trump... oh wait... thats exactly what trump is- someone that knows nothing about politics.

    Honestly, I hated him alot, hate him even more since he talked about the judge presiding over Trump University court cases.
    IsaacNorman likes this.
  20. "We are gonna take our campaign to the convention with the full understanding that we're very good at arithmetic, and that we know who has received the most votes up to now." - Sanders
    Dr_Chocolate and Dufne like this.
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