[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. A sad reality is that Trump is winning mostly against those of lower education or no education at all. Vote for Bernie to educate our people, so we can prevent a disaster like Trump from happening again.
    God_Of_Gods likes this.
  2. I think regardless if Trump wins the election or not, we, as a country, should reassess who can become president.

    Right now, Trump is showing us a hole that we have in our political system; any yahoo off of the street can say what they want, how they want, when they want, where they want, to become a presidential candidate, even when they have little to no political knowledge at all.

    This really concerns me, a lot...

    This is all just my opinion, but I do believe that this is a wake-up call; America needs to take a good look at the current system that we have...
    Dr_Chocolate and FoxyRavenger like this.
  3. IsaacNorman likes this.
  4. I cannot argue with that (much), as I even have a personal experience that supports your statement:

    A friend of mine (who is republican, mind you), asked me to "like" Trump's Facebook page...

    First off, I'm not into social media, I do not have all these electric devices that the masses carry in their pockets, and I've told him that.

    Secondly, he hasn't gotten further than a High School's political course, and his reasoning (I asked him) why he supports Trump is, and I quote: "I'm voting for him because he's winning. I don't want to vote for someone who's going to lose."

    I swear, I not making any of this up; I couldn't even if I wanted to...
  5. "How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well, certainly, there are those who are more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable. But again, truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror." - V (V for Vendetta)
    Kephras likes this.
  6. America the great, America, the land of the free...

    Remember when America used to be a good country(?), well, better than it is now? Sadly, I'll never live in those days because they were many years before I was born... :\
  7. Anyway, I disagree with your initial point. I believe anybody has the right to run for president (well, there is an age requirement which makes sense).

    But what I quoted is true. If you want a better America, make it happen. Help elect people to make it better.
    ChickenDice and gladranger7 like this.
  8. That's what I'm trying to do this election, but more or less the reason why I have no faith in America.

    I really wasn't going to vote this year, that is, until I saw Trump jump in last summer.
    gladranger7 likes this.
  9. u my good sir are wrong, Bernie left! great man he is I still hate trump and I hate Hilary worse but so what? this is the USA! "we the people" isn't always for some peoples favorites!
    My most great sir you are right we disagree widely oh politics but you have hit the nail on the head! this is exactly what I love! "I'm just not going to vote" is just plain stupid!!! "Nobody good is running" well did u got to the primaries? then its not that important to you, is it? (to a point of course) and.. and the best!: Nobody cares about me or my beliefs" (they whine it for sure) well if NO one cares then u probably flipped the rocker a long time ago... or u just don't look hard enough.
    well I know it was just a small sampling of my 2000000 cents but plz enjoy!
  10. Look, I'm not an American, I don't live in America or the U.S. and my opinions on the current situation wont do anything but cause more argument. Due to this I will not state my current point of view on this matter, but also partially because this is not my area to speak. However I would just like to say to all that are voting, that no matter who you vote for, I hope you choose the person who you believe will do good for your country for all the right reasons. Not because you feel forced to vote for this person, vote for whoever you feel is right. You must know that this vote doesn't just affect Americans, it affects the whole world and the future of our nations, children, and everything we stand for as Humans. This vote, or any vote for that matter, is so so so important and could change our future in either good or bad, so please vote with care ya'll. :)
    gladranger7 and SoulPunisher like this.
  11. Bernie hasn't dropped out yet. He is still in the race but not going to win without a Hillary indictement.
    gladranger7 and Dr_Chocolate like this.
  12. To the 81 Trump Supporters here:

    Do you condone his discriminatory comments/behaviors to minorities and women?

    What does America is going to win mean?

    What POLICY reason do you like Trump for?
  13. From what I've gathered from 2 years of GCSE History, the last time America was great wasn't really ever. If I had to pick the best time period for the US, it would be the Roaring 20's - with blacks and women coming out of cocoons, the automobile industry, America becoming richer than the UK and France, and slinking back into isolation (something that helped you become more powerful - it proved helpful for the UK too, who came out of it after 1914 and never went back to it until 2016 if we leave the EU this month). I still wouldn't call it great though, it's just the time when America was doing okay and life looked fairly prosperous over there - before that was the thirteen colonies, then it was manifest destiny and that was stupid, and then it was the civil war.
    This guy gets it :p
    Probably every argument they've lost in the past few years: like putting nuke submarines and/or silos in Scotland - since that country is against nuclear weapons and wants them destroyed, they didn't take too kindly to it lol
  14. It's funny how people can romanticise the past that they didn't live through. What period are you referring to that America was a good country? Was that prior to civil rights? How about during the Vietnam War, Nixon or Watergate. Or maybe prior to the liberation of women. Believe it or not the US is advancing in many ways. Who would've thought there was any possibility that gays would ever be able to legally marry 20 years ago? Or that an African American could ever be president 50 years ago. We have plenty of problems, that's for sure, but we are moving forward in so many ways believe it or not.
    TuckerAmbr and ChickenDice like this.
  15. Compared to much of the western world, that progression is incredibly slow and fairly minimal, though.
  16. I think we have been behind much of the world, primarily western Europe, for 100+ years. So I believe we are making good progress but we just started from so far behind. One issue is that Western Europe is more secular than the US. There is more of a hard core Christian community in the US so certain issues continue to pop up such as gay rights, a woman's right to chose, etc... Some issues you would not see as much controversy over in Europe. Don't misunderstand, Europe is not perfect and there continues to be plenty of intolerance there also.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  17. I care about veterans! I hate seeing a homeless man saying "i protected ur home, cant u help give me one?" trump will do this! Hilary cares nothing for the troops! remember Benghazi? she killed them without a second thought!
  18. lol I know full well there's plenty of intolerance here. Eastern Europe is... well, Eastern Europe - they've been dominated by the Turkish and the Russians for the most part of the last 1,000 years, they're not exactly the most progressive nations in the world (and let's be honest, nobody really likes Turkey or Russia, and there's. Western Europe is, as you said, fairly liberal and is amazingly tolerant of things like gay marriage, we just have a lot of history behind us that leads to heavy rivalry that isn't so easily shaken - France and England, for example (not the UK as they were allied with Scotland before the Acts of Union in the 1700s). We've been at war together for what is probably a grand total of 200-300 years - that isn't going to go away in about 80-100 years of being allies and helping save them from Nazi rule.

    I think most of the intolerancy in Western Europe comes from the UK. We refuse the European integration France, Germany and some other nations seek and actively cause trouble for them - that vote to leave the EU this month is a result of that and creates larger, unknown as of yet problems. We also have an island mentality and a history of being the global hegemon, so naturally we shun immigrants and think we're the supreme - as it stands, we're actually probably the weakest of the EU three lol. Just one example...
  19. yeah so slow that is ww2 we would still sitting here hitting our head against the wall instead of building the best weapons in history and D-DAY did u miss that?!?!?!? without us my grandparents half of Europe would be Nazi still!
  20. Nobody was on about that. That also goes against the argument America is progressive lol.

    And aye, I did miss that - I wasn't alive. And without my grandparent's sacrifices, half of Europe would also still be Nazi (doubtful - the French, Polish and other countries were not okay with the Nazis) and Ireland would also still be under British colonial rule. I've said it here before and I'll say it again - I don't care. Besides, D-Day would have been a failure if it weren't for the UK. The US just wanted to run straight in there and do it and get massacred in the process. The UK offered a strategic option where they took out the German and Italian forces in Africa first. It would have also failed without the help of the French resistance movement. 'Hurr durr greatest beach landing in history, because of America!' - wrong. And also thank Hitler for being a shit leader.
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