[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. What do you think each candidate can bring to the country?
    Pain, suffering, and war.

    What do you like/dislike most about Donald Trump?
    I love his hair, and it's real hair. Yes it is real hair! I also love the way he talks, I mean he talks like an angle, and noo it isn't a fake angle its a real angel. I dislike the wall idea ( probably the only serious sentence in my sentence ).

    What do you like/dislike most about Hillary Clinton?
    I like how she talked about inequality in a $12,925 jacket, hate how she has been in 10+ scandals and has killed many Americans, and oh may I mention the fact she hid emails and should be in jail? Why isn't she?...
    Another thing:

    Have you been keeping up with Political news?
    Yes, I have as I actually care about my nation other than these two.

    What would you like to see happen to improve the United States?
    Honestly, the US has had so many mistakes that its hard to improve anything. Judicial Court will be offset if Hillary if President ( already is in my opinion ) and Trump... must I say more? Obama, no hatred towards anyone who voted for him, has screwed America up. Obama has been President for 7 years now, and what has he done?

    He's gone on Golf Trips, gone to Japan to ask for forgiveness on bombing them when they bombed us a day AFTER they declared peace, allegedly helped ISIS get arms, screwed over our ally Israel, and married a woman that looks like a man like honestly; your lost Obama... Why?
  2. So it's Clinton vs Trump

    Third term for Obama?
    SoulPunisher, Jelle68, 607 and 3 others like this.
  3. LtCaptainMe, Jelle68, Dufne and 3 others like this.
  4. To be completely honest, Hillary should get into office and then just let Bill do all the work. She can be the figurehead, lol
  5. To be honest, it was hardly Obama's fault. He's got a useless congress to deal with. And what's the problem with asking for forgiveness? However you put it, the US did the worse thing in dropping the atomic bombs. They ended the war yes, but it killed a lot of innocent people too.
    SoulPunisher, Jelle68 and 607 like this.
  6. Wow, I'm surprised that there's a thread dedicated to politics, I'm very impressed, but I guess I might as well speak my 50ยข while I'm at it...

    To be honest, I'm quite glad that the primary in my state is over. Whenever I turned on the TV, it's the only thing I heard about, politics this or politics that... I not able to escape it, even when I was trying so hard to as well... I'm glad that I can finally watch my TV shows without many political topics on the same channel(s).

    It's just an annoyance I've had to put up with for the past year, that's all. (Sadly, there's still 6 more months of it to come too...)
  7. Obama let this country out of the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 30s. He pulled troops out of Iraq (where we had no business). He attempted to made healthcare affordable. Those are all big accomplishments. Also, I don't understand how you can blame any of that in the spoiler on Obama. Especially the Pearl Harbor one. Japan may have bombed, but they hit a military area. We went and dropped nuclear bombs on residential/commercial areas. Big difference, they killed military members, we annihilated everyone, including innocent civilians. Obama didn't let ISIS get arms. Source for this claim? How did he screw Israel over? Did he think that Netanyahu is not always correct. The Israeli government has been denying basic human rights and discriminating against Palistinians. We gave land to a refugee group (Jews) and created another refugee group (Palestinians). Why are you attacking his choice on women? Grow up.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  8. *COUGH COUGH* Hiroshima was chosen because it had not been targeted during the US Air Force's conventional bombing raids on Japan, and was therefore regarded as being a suitable place to test the effects of an atomic bomb. It was also an important military base.* COUGH COUGH*
    Also, Pearl Harbor had citizens too but let's let them die in vain and let them never be remembered for what they did. Is that what you're saying? That everyone who died at Pearl Harbor should have died in vain, and we should have just let them float in the ocean? Reminds me of Hillary tbh. And with you telling me to grow up? I will abstain from that but Im laughing so hard right now. Of corse, she just made a mistake, plain and simple.
    I also see that your a Bernie supporter, meaning you believe communism will work? Here's a cartoon you should read:

    Then from there to China, and Venezuela.

    "I made a mistake, plain and simple"- Hillary Clinton.

    Watch that video, and we'll go to Iraq and Benghazi and ask for forgiveness when they continue to murder our soldiers.
  9. There is never only one reason, always many different reasons and trade-offs.
    One or few of the reasons can be chosen for the public: "to make the war end sooner", "Pearl Harbor"
    (IMO, neither of them good.)

    The same thing with communism - it's a PR thing - an idea chosen to help move the masses, a reason for the public, to make a big enough part of them willing to destroy the old systems and go to war.
    There are philosophers who say that an idea to move the masses has to be utopistic / impossible / crazy.
    They never got even C of communism, and the "western" countries with functioning economies very soon had much better socialism then the "east" - and still have.

    On a simple level - me, in western Europe, living actually in a kind of socialism (but no one calls it "socialism" here) - I ask myself why is US not rich enough to provide health care for everyone. But, as with everything, there are many reasons and trade-offs - I didn't really follow that topic.

    As an Eurpean, I'd like US to be a strong and stable country, but much more with education, research, healthy economy and welfare, much less in risky international speculations making political mess throughout the world.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  10. Love how your snips are not even quoting me, you just took what I said highlighted it and typed what you want to see. My argument is that Communism can't work, not that it does. I am very much against communism myself, if you couldn't tell already. And if you want the US to be strong in economics, Bernie still wouldn't fit that wish

    Why? Because the old man wants to pay $15 an hour to people who do stuff like this:
  11. If they didn't drop the bombs do you have any idea how many more innocent people would have died? Many, many more. If the United States had to invade all cities in Japan would have been razed to the ground. We're talking millions more would have died. The 9th and 10th of March 1945 bombing of Tokyo killed 100,000. Neither atomic bomb came close to that. I know the US is a terrible country. What Japan did to China during the war was cool. The Japanese exterminated over 300,000 Chinese civilians at Nanking alone. Not to mention the rapes and torture they put on the population.
    TuckerAmbr and ww2fan168 like this.
  12. I'm shocked at some of the reasoning in some of the compliments. As my school is an international school, I support a presidential nominee who is for immigration or people of different race, ethnicity, color. But I do sense some sarcasm from some posts but some people do take this seriously. If Trump were voted in as president, think about how much the world would hate the U.S.because of 1 man. I mean one country has already "banned" Donald Trump. Let's also view the rest of the world's perspectives, there are still developing countries with some immigrants and refugees, and the United States is being a "Jerk" by not having any sympathy. By blocking out people, we lose everything International.
    Lets also add some attention to Donald Trump's arguments. They are "I'm mad so blah blah blah," or "I'm gonna yell at you because of blah blah blah." Seriously, there's no evidence backing him up.I was surprised at how even the votes on the poll are, to be honest, I'm kinda disappointed, I thought the players would be a little more internationally focused, but I do accept that everyone has their own different opinions. I just wanted to state mine.
  13. Well, you know what the thing is?
    Even though Donald Trump makes himself look really stupid and what he says doesn't make any sense (it's like he makes a sport out of contradicting himself and preaching the opposite of what science says), Hillary Clinton isn't too great either...
    I voted Hillary Clinton (in the poll, I'm Dutch), but that was choosing between two bads.
  14. Have you been reading this thread? Based on this thread I don't think it's possible for the rest of the world to hate the United States any more than they do now. It doesn't matter if the president was the most loved person in the world they would still hate us. Look at how much the world loved Obama when he was first elected. He won the Nobel Peace prize without even doing anything. And what has he done in the last years to cause so much hate? Something I'm sure. The point is we are their villain. Everyone needs a villain and the US is that to the rest of the world. It matters not what we do going forward, they will never change their minds.
  15. Look at how many Americans hate Hillary Clinton because of Benghazi. Is Trump a jerk for what he believes in? I wouldn't say so. The only people that hate him are the ones saying they need free health care and be paid $15 an hour. And you say Trump's arguments are just" "Im mad", at least he isn't lying for the whole debate. Seriously, look at this:

    Trump's wall will destroy the economy, but at least illegals wont be taking our jobs and he's a businessman and could help us get out of the $19.3 trillion debt.
  16. Oh, it's possible. I know people who don't actively dislike the USA yet. They might change their minds if (or should I say 'when', at this point? D:) Trump gets elected.
  17. That's very nice of you to say. But you're 607, Mr Positive. I don't think it will make anyone on this thread or anywhere else hate us anymore or less than they already do.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  18. Sorry, this was not intentional - I've edited the quote above.

    Same here.
    Plus that it wasn't meant to work at all.
    But part of the masses were so hyped that at some points people thought it might work.
    Again, it wasn't meant to work, and the people in charge took care for it NOT to work.

    To just set minimum wage is far to simple and I agree that it wouldn't work well.
    There are other measures that can work well - health, education, culture.
    SoulPunisher and ww2fan168 like this.
  19. Make no mistake, bernie is not out of the race yet. despite what corporate media has done and the DNC has done he still has a ticket to the convention. all the fbi has to do is state is it proceeding with a criminal case against hillary and he walks into the convention alone. the number of PLEDGED delegates hillary needs to shut bernie out of the convention is somewhere in the 2383 area she only has 2178. superdelegate (or unpledged delegates) do not vote until the convention.

    and even if every single superdelegate outright said today that we are all voting for hillary, they still do not vote on that until july. which most of them havent they have only stated who they prefer. OBAMA was in a similar situation when he ran against her where she had an overwhelming superdelegate count and look where that got him?
    607 and Dr_Chocolate like this.
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