[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. Previously I posted a comment in this thread with the intention to encourage others to put their trust in God vs. the outcome of an election. I hope as things unfold that others may take comfort in knowing that God has a plan in motion, and He has even told us ahead of time. In my prior post I referenced a prophecy given by Kim Clement on April 4th 2007.

    The previous post was over 2 months ago when many thought it was highly unlikely that Trump would prevail in the GOP primary. It does appear that a very unusual thing is truly going on, and Kim Clement has actually said something else I wanted to share in regards to this for people to be aware of. Here is an excerpt of what Kim Clement prophesied on June 27th 2015:

    "For many, for many that have cried out, for many that have cried out and said God will destroy this nation, the Spirit says may I remind you the covenant that I made with this nation is immutable, is unchangeable. Do not forget the antiquity of the covenant that I have made with this nation. Yes, they will be judged for the evil that they do, but can I take away a blessing that I have already imposed upon them, that I created and spoke before the world began, that I created and spoke over this nation to feed the world, to heal the earth. God says yes, judgment will come but it shall not come at this time in the fashion that they have spoken. They have said there shall be a crash and America shall be crippled. God said, not at this time! Not at this time! For I have raised you up for a season and there shall be seven years where I will take you out of your besiegement. You have been besieged for seven years, America. You have been surrounded by your internal enemies. Haters of America have stood up and then they have said there are those in the church that are anti-Israel. I say to you that there are many, but there are many more that are in the church that are anti-America and anti what I am going to do in this nation. I will give you a President that shall bring some ease to your debt challenges and I will take the wealth of the wicked and for a season transfer it into the hands of the righteous and those who have given and poured out their blessing into My land and to My people, says the Lord."

    I believe we are witnessing an event that demands one to seriously consider the extreme departure from normal elections to be something deeper. If you believe in God, then you should truly consider that He is working things to His good. I feel that both of these prophecies underscore the real reason Donald Trump is in the position he is currently. The real decision here should not be the lesser of two evils, but which one is willing to humble themselves before God and allow Him to use them to save our nation.

    Our beloved country has gone so far down the rabbit hole with it's on-going interpretation of the First Amendment that it would be like telling someone something and passing it on through a thousand people and expecting number 1000 to know exactly what the first had said. No where in the actual Amendment does it say "separation of Church and State", but this is rather taken from a comment that Thomas Jefferson made in relation to what that clause was talking about. So we have gone from one person's opinion of what the First Amendment said in regards to "Congress" making laws to god forbid any form of Christianity be taught in schools. The same schools that Congress actually had Bibles printed for early on in our nation's history. They threw God out of schools back in 1962, and I think it is long overdue for Him to return. No wonder our country seems so lost and without hope.

    I feel that the United States best days are still ahead of us. They call us the melting pot, but what happens when the Fire comes to that pot and ignites within every creed known to man? I will tell you what will happen. The all Consuming Fire of God will burn brighter than ever and will have direct influence on all the nationalities of the globe. If God can use evil for good in Pharaoh's day, what makes you think the God who is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow doesn't have a play in motion in the midst of the pervading darkness that seemingly has a grasp on the world today? Can you not see Him setting the stage? Have we not seen enough movies to know that it must get drastically bleak before something (or Someone) Awesome happens. Even the very idea that God would use Trump is in of itself a hat tip to the Master that knew the End from the Beginning. Why do I say that? It could only be God that would orchestrate such an implausible candidate for His purpose.

    Regardless of whether you agree with me or not I recommend putting your faith in Him, as He is the only True choice in an election or in Life.
    Lance2013, DH32 and LtCaptainMe like this.
  2. Nothing wrong about that. It is just about her lack of judgement and honesty.
  3. It makes sense what you're saying, KnightZer0ne, but I don't get why you're acting like my post is contradicting my signature.
    Because I feel like you basically said the same as I did, but with a lot more words and quotes.
  4. What about those of us who aren't Christian but say a lot of Americans are stupid because they've allowed an angry racist man with no previous political experience like Trump who has insulted us so much to be the GOP front runner?
  5. Almost certainly. However, he posted an open letter on one of the most frequently visited websites in the United States, albeit one that would generally support his point of view. It just seems to me that despite its title the ultimate intent of what was written was to throw some political red meat and whip up an already friendly crowd, not blandishment.

    I'm 45 years old with a family whom I deeply love to support so you don't have to preach to me about civic virtues. However, I also know many people, predominantly in rural areas, who have seen their quality of life decline significantly over the last +/- 20 years. Their jobs have been offshored, their prospects are few, and their communities are falling apart. They have been largely written off by the American business, political, and academic classes. These are good, honest, hardworking people, not a bunch of irredeemable racist, wife beating, hillbillies. They are searching for someone, ANYONE, who will listen to them. For better or worse, Trump is filling that void. If you want to win them over then listen to what they have to say.
    MrsWishes, DH32 and Pab10S like this.
  6. You used the word "hate" towards the USA and it's government. Hate is a strong word in this day and age that I feel those of faith should try to avoid. I have heard many say: "Hate the sin, but love the sinner". So yes, I may have used more words to ensure the focus was true.

  7. I never said I hated the USA, I don't like to use the word either. I was defending Soul and nfell against God_of_Gods, because I felt the latter said something irrational. I said "we can hate", which probably made you think I was saying I hated the USA, but I wouldn't be so quick on saying that. With "we", I meant "people", and note I said "can hate".
    So summarised: in my entire post, I didn't judge the USA myself, I only explained God_of_Gods why what we was saying was irrational :)
  8. I might be an idiot American but I'm not so stupid that I don't know she changes her mind based on what she believes is what the electorate wants her to say. If she thought it would get her to the presidency to say an apple was blue she would do it. It makes me very sad.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  9. That 's true. I don't know if I was being irrational when with this post:
    Or if I overreacted. I see the US doing all this stuff that costs American lives and treasure. Nothing from my estimates that helps American in any significant way. And what does the US get in the end? Hated by the rest of the world. Quite honestly, I was happy to see Russia get involved in Syria. In hopes that maybe we could stay out of something for once. I'm sick of it this never ending mess.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  10. Well, I think that's something we all are. :)
  11. Most inappropriate title of the year 2016.
  12. It does appear that I have become the victim of misunderstanding a comment based on not fully grasping the context in which it was articulated. I apologize 607 for not reading deeper into the conversation. However, it should be clearly evident that it was morning (central time zone) when I posted the long posts and then replied briefly to another shortly thereafter. I work from 3:30pm to midnight. I had been up all night, and only got about 4hrs sleep before returning to work that day, hence, the long delay in replying again. I would like to point out though that it was not much of a jump from "Sure, I don't like the USA at all." to "we can hate", and especially when you consider how tired I was at that time.

    I suppose I must say each to their own opinion. And as for not being a Christian that is your choice too.

    Romans 10:9-10
    9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

    This is the most concise passage which outlines the steps necessary to become a Christian. And you may have heard it all before, but Christianity is not a religion, but a relationship with our Creator. It is not about all the traditions and Holidays (Holy days), but rather simply You, and Jesus. I know it may seem impossible, but what if Steve could really meet Notch? To know what the true intent of being was all about. To conquer the landscape and rule with dominion over all the mobs? To build great structures of grandeur and safety to all who visit? Or maybe gain all knowledge and understanding by eating an apple...an apple from an Oak Tree? :)

    I suppose trying to explain Christianity is sort of like trying to explain Minecraft. You can only explain so much, and give examples of so much, but it ultimately comes down to each individual person jumping in the game,and figuring out how it works for themselves. The scriptures above...that would be like purchasing the game, and I suppose the Bible as a whole would be like the entire EULA.

    Anyway, just some random thoughts to consider. I could probably sit here the rest of the night polishing this post while making it just as long as one of those others, but I am wanting to step over to another thread and put a few cents in over there.

    And I suppose just to keep this post relevant to the thread I will inquire if anyone else thought that Bernie Sanders Democratic Platform picks were a bit far left leaning, even for the left? You can read more about it here:


    Okay, now I gotta go discuss some bridge thing with StoneSky. :)
    607 likes this.
  13. Haha, I'm liking your analogy!

    Except the Bible makes more sense and wasn't just written "because" ;)
  14. I think with the EULA (End User Licensing Agreement) I was thinking...End Times User Licensing Agreement
    DH32 and 607 like this.
  15. I looked back at what I wrote the other day and thought I should clarify something...

    I do not condone the actions of Serbia in the Yugoslav Wars at all. I think what they were doing was inhuman, disgusting, and pitiful. There are accounts of all sides doing the same thing in those wars, and I find those sickening too. However, I have/had a friend with Serbian parents and family and have listened to what they had to say (besides the 'I wish we could have just killed all the Albanians' parts...'), and I've also spoke to a Bosnian who had his mother shot dead in the streets by a sniper in the 90s, and I pity what the regular people suffered through when NATO bombed them. I don't condone performing airstrikes on areas populated by normal people just because there might be a few military targets in the sprawl also, which is what I don't like about the NATO intervention in Kosovo. To apply this to a modern setting, I don't think we should just 'go and bomb Syria to destroy ISIS'.

    I just thought I should point that stuff out in case anybody thinks I sympathise with war rape and ethnic cleansing. I don't. I'm just putting myself in their shoes (as unlikely as this next situation is): if my country goes and say, starts conquering Ireland and killing the Irish (again), I don't think I should be the one at risk of being blown to bits (or, since I live in a town that produces most of Britain's chemicals, choked to death by gases in the air released from a bomb hitting a factory) by a multinational military organisation when I'm just trying to live my daily life, or losing my home and belongings or family members.
    FlareonInAction and 607 like this.
  16. Hillary backed out. Trump could be taking her place. A Trump and Sanders debate would be beautiful.

  17. Beautiful? It would be painful. Did you watch the Hillary/Bernie debates? It was like some lady was being mean to your grandpa.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.

  18. Trump: "How much is he going to pay me?"

    The guy who can't go five minutes without telling us how rich he is and whose list of charitable acts includes free rounds of golf and donations of land he can't build on wants one of the few politicians we have who does not aspire to be bathed in money to pay him to debate so he can give the money to charity...
  19. And Bernie won every debate.

    If Bernie debated Trump, that would be a huge blow towards Hillary, not to mention the attacks towards her on the most watched debate. It is nothing but gain for Trump and Bernie.

    Trump can pull some Bernie supporters if Bernie doesn't win. Bernie has a bigger chance to take California by a landslide if he destroys Trump.

    Who were you supporting? Ted Cruz? Rubio?
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