[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. Not a one of you is an American. But you love to sit around and speculate who we will elect as president. You hate us Americans and think we're a bunch of idiots. We nominate a liar and a fascist. So I would think from your perspective we will obviously elect the worst possible one since we are such morons. Go with the fascist.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  2. Im American, and even I will admit... the majority of Americans are complete idiots. I respect how we are able to voice our opinions and act however we want, but when Trump is the leading candidate it makes you truly wonder what is wrong. Im not anti-american, I am American. I mean we have elected complete idiots before but this... this is ludicrous.
    ESSELEM and StoneSky like this.
  3. I know.
    Hi, American here, most of us are a bunch of idiots.
    AmusedStew likes this.
  4. The mindset that there are only democrat and republican candidate and they are the only ones that matter is a falsity perpetrated by these parties themselves to remain in power, making people think that not voting for them means that that vote is pointless and because enough people are gullible enough to believe it, the lie perpetrates itself. And while speaking about gullibility, we should demand these candidates to outlaw this extremely dangerous industrial solvent that is extremely fatal and yet able to used by everyone freely including hospitals which regularly have to treat patients for it toxicity.. This chemical, of course, being Dihydrogen Monoxide. (also know as H2O)
    ESSELEM and StoneSky like this.
  5. I 100% agree with it. It saddens me that not one candidate has talked about it even though the facts are there.

    Every study has shown that people who ingest Dihydrogen Monoxide die. It is not 50% of the time, it is 100% of the time. To make matters worst, there has been trace amounts of it is my state's water.
  6. So we have two Americans that think Americans are a bunch of idiots. It begs the question if it is so bad here why stay? And don't say for your family. Plenty leave and come back to visit. I hear Snowden is looking for a roommate. I'm sure Russia will not have all the idiots that the US has. And is a much better society. Is that harsh? I love my country and think it has a lot of amazing people. I know it's not cool to think that. But what can I say. I caucused for Bernie but what can you do. You do what you can.
    TuckerAmbr and MrsWishes like this.
  7. As I've said before, the person who controls the US controls the world. That's why we care. If this was any other country except my own, I wouldn't give a crap - I care for the US one because it affects everyone, no matter where you are in the world.
    ESSELEM likes this.
  8. See, if the UK leaves the European Union, I'm most definitely leaving for Frankfurt as soon as I can. That's what'll seal the deal whether I move out of here or not. Right now, I'm unsure of if I'll move or when I'll move out of this nation, because I want to see my four year old brother grow up and I want to make the most of having my parents around while I still have them. Visiting every few months or once a year won't allow me to do either of those. I think the UK is inhabited by a bunch of stupid pricks but I'll still stay for family. Anyone moving out of the US would probably have cold feet about it because of that same reason. So, yes, they can say for family.

    EDIT: Also, culture shock. People who cannot adjust to change as easily will leave. It's also likely the country you're moving to speaks a different language, which are hard to learn and secondary/high school will teach you nothing about that if they ever taught you a language.
  9. Notice how I never said all Americans are idiots. A fair majority are though. I have been to school in many different states (just grade schools k-12), and theres those few students that do their work and try their hardest. However, there are those classrooms that... I see people and I want to slam my head into the desk every time they speak. I'm lucky enough to be in a school that focuses on the student and the majority of the students are intellectually "lifted" (not quite gifted, though there are some). I cant stand people that dont try in life. And as to why stay, I like America and love living here but I cant speak for anything else because I've never crossed anything but state borders. And Snowden is/was a controversial topic. Was what he did in the act of a traitor or a patriot. I think the NSA is a very important organization and in SOME cases, not all, should be allowed to spy on certain American's with bad intentions. But, he brougt the whole NSA spying thing to light and it was an important tthing to know about... We do have alot of amazing people but if you have ever spent time in public you have to agree the majority are idiots.

    Would it be better to use the word 'fool' over idiot? They both work either way. You cannot honestly tell me you trust trump with our nuclear codes. I'd trust the codes in the hands of almost anybody else.

    If Trump is elected 2016, it will just show that when Kanye runs in 2020 how much we care about the presidency anymore. But, then again, this is if we havent been screwed by 2020.
  10. AmusedStew likes this.
  11. Jumping back a bit. Why aren't people allowed to change their opinions?

    There's a lot of times in which I've held one opinion, but something or other has caused me to change it.
  12. From the above article:

    So basically, if you vote for Donald Trump you're a racist, bigoted, misogynistic jerk. Alternative article title: "How to win friends and influence people". :confused:
    DH32 likes this.

  13. Have you ever been to one of Trump's rallies? Just curious.
  14. I don't attend political rallies of any kind.

    What I do know is that the above statement also written by the author of the article doesn't square with the other I posted. He's all over the map. If he's trying to attract fence sitters to his side I would respectfully suggest that insulting his audience while touting his own supposedly superior virtue and intelligence is not an effective strategy.
    DH32 likes this.
  15. These people have. And Trump really IS a hateful person.

    You might like his rallies in particular. Who knows, it might be an exciting first time for you.

    This is exactly what Trump is doing: insulting his own audience by testing their intelligence -- er, lack thereof -- through the means of inciting unnecessary hate while, at the same time, "touting his own supposedly superior virtue and intelligence." "How to win friends and influence people" indeed.
    Explain in further detail how the author is insulting you in particular, though.
    I mean, you made it clear at this point that you're a Trump supporter, or you wouldn'tve been insulted at all by what he wrote to begin with.
  16. I never said I was directly insulted. I said an author who writes an open article with the intent to persuade people to his cause is not likely to be successful when he insults the very people he is trying to reach. It's a poorly designed and written piece.

    Hysterically denouncing people you know absolutely nothing about as essentially Brownshirts without listening to and countering the merits of their positions is not the way to construct a winning argument. It actually comes across as quite desperate.
    DH32 likes this.
  17. As I have been reading in this thread, I find that we have people saying Americans are just all idiots? Or maybe that most of us are idiots. Did not Jesus caution us in Matthew 5:22 on calling others "fools"?

    It is just frustrating to see someone say:

    All the while having a signature line that says: "It takes more courage to stand up to your friends than it does to your enemies. Don’t give in to peer pressure. “If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.” Galatians 1:10"

    The Bible also suggests: Matthew 5:43-44

    43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

    Loving your enemy can be a pretty hard task. Especially, when loving your friends can even be trying. How can one do such a thing?

    The Bible recommends in Ephesians 6:11-12

    11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

    And before anyone tries to take that out of context and apply the rulers or authorities to humans just note that it specifically said our struggle is not with flesh and blood, but that the struggle truly lies in a realm that is unseen to the human eye.

    To basically recognize that you are not at war with those that seemingly do harm to you, but rather you wrestle with the forces behind the scenes that for whatever reason have control, and will do whatever they can to promote their agenda. Yes, once again that could sound almost political, but it was in reference to the supernatural realm and those entities that are spiritual.

    Then another comment such as:

    If Trump supporters were the least likely to go out and vote, then he would not have won the GOP nomination. I fail to understand the logic behind that statement. If anything, the movement that has erupted behind Trump should show that they are more than ever ready to vote. Then you make the statement that "none of us seriously want Trump to win", even though it can be seen on this thread poll that he may be trailing by a few mere votes, but it should indicate that there are several of us who do indeed want Trump to win.

    And finally in regards to this comment:

    I just wanted to point out that Microsoft bought Mojang. Last time I checked Microsoft was still headquartered in Redmond, Washington, which makes Minecraft an American game now. :)
  18. I'm going to have to stop you there, as the author does, indeed, know these kinds of people -- and has most likely came face-to-face with them before on more than one occasion. He also cited direct quotes from Trump himself.

    For me, I don't support Trump at all. It's not because of politics or what side he's on or anything like that. No-no. I could not care whether he's a Democrat or a Republican. It's because I do not support his ideals and beliefs as a person. The only real people who are supporting him are white people still literally stuck in the past, thinking that white people (particularly, white male straight people) are automatically superior. He also reminds me a lot of my own father who, again, I do not agree with any of his ideals, nor the way he treated me and the rest of my family, even his own siblings. My father seems just like the kind of person who would vote for him and his destructive ideals, because I lived with him for several years so I know just what kind of a mindset my father has. And yes, it is very akin to Trump's. My father cannot love. My father will not love. My father is only out for two major interests above all: himself and money. And to everyone who is a proud Trump supporter, I suggest you join at least one of his rallies (if you haven't already) and I can guarantee you that what you'll find is the complete absence of love, and more of Trump's flatulent ego. Trump cannot and will not love, and neither can or will his supporters. If there was any other Republican running, trust me: I'd vote for that person WELL over Trump.
    SirTah likes this.
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