[April Fools] Empire Minecraft - Under Attack by Zombies!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Aikar, Apr 1, 2014.

  1. Is this itself a joke?
    If it is not, can we kill the zombies or just get infected?

    Trust nobody.
    Jelle68 and 607 like this.
  2. Why is there nobody online? :(
  3. Workday/Schoolday in the morning of the US... Not our prime time.
  4. Time to see what this all about :p

    Edit: I think I survived about 2 seconds before getting infected by darksuperlord xD
    Same with Jessicaf1, apart from that was Qwerty -.-
    gg guys
    Now we're just laughing at the villager sounds xD
  5. Just remember, April fools ends soon at mid-day
  6. Awesome.
    Do /p playername, see if they are infected!
  7. When will this be over? A lot of us are at school.
    607 likes this.
  8. What?
    MrUnknownian, jkjkjk182 and 607 like this.
  9. It ends 10 o'clock pm mountain time or 12 pm est.
  10. Some say that April Fools Day ends at midday, others say it ends at midnight. I've always enjoyed a good prank, so I go with the midnight belief. :p
    JZH1000 likes this.
  11. I've never heard this mid day thing. That would be silly since most people get up at 8am+, what good is a 4hr window for it?

    No-one stops mid day, Google doesn't, and we all know Google = the template for everything.
  12. If you fool after mid-day, you are the fool
    or something like that :p
    Silken_thread likes this.
  13. But all day erry april 1st (see what I did there?)
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  14. some of my mob head in the shop have turned into villager heads
    607 likes this.
  15. 607 likes this.
  16. Why do I today have to do a lot of work for school :(
  17. How does this work? I was undisguised? Wut?
  18. It says that to me as well
    I'm guessing it's just how the zombies work, mob disguise
    607 likes this.
  19. If you do /d it says you are disguised as a zombie
  20. It would be nice to know how this works before I jumped in.

    EDIT: Just read the blog post. Still wondering how I got infected even though I was logged off.