2016 Redstone Competition! (April 22-June 3)

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by AmusedStew, Apr 18, 2016.

  1. my question goes about this:

    I am talking about a such complex design that size doesn't matter annymore, so, one of the critiria doesn't make sence annymore. And, just so you know, I HAVE read the main post, I hope everyone with a question does do that, so, why whould you just quote the main post, I mean, the fact that I have this question, means that I didn't understand that part of the main post or that it isn't in the main post.
    One more thing: In case I didn't read the main post did you say "idk" wich means (as far as I know) "I don't know" wich makes me (as an autistic) think that you don't know. I do now understand that you didn't mean that, but only AFTER you said so...
  2. This is really cool! I will be competing in this for sure. I came up with a redstone contraption a few weeks back that has a light display that goes down over time. If I can implement this into something useful, I think it would be pretty neat. Now to work on said contraption. First step is to build it in a PC world, as opposed to the PE one I was working in.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  3. alrighty m8 since you wont and dont want to understand, it can be whatever size you want and in your case its 1000x1000, when your able to shorten it and make it 1000x950 then your 1000x1000 isnt compact
  4. You can enter a design that big if you wish. Remember, the only criteria that 100% matters is that it works on EMC. Just because it is 1000x1000 doesnt mean it cannot be built in the wild with that space. However, when you are judged, one of the sections has to do with compactness; is your design as compact as it can be (are all 1000x1000 blocks used or is there a crap ton of spacing etc...)?

    Just so everyone knows- It is not required for it to be compact. However, the judges give "brownie points" to those builds that are more compact.
    607, ShelLuser and Jelle68 like this.
  5. I am trying to do it with an smaler 9x9 touchscreen now, so far so good:

    (Indeed, this is the first mc screen with 1 lamp 1 pixel (all others are 2x2 pixels) and the first mc touchscreen)
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  6. Just remember to submit with the link in the OP. :)
    Jelle68 likes this.
  7. Forgot to bump yesterday, sorry!
  8. Would it be ok if I submitted my build via google docs? Mediafire hates me. =P
  9. Sure
  10. Its been a week in and we already have a couple submissions :)
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  11. daily bump
  12. bump. expect prizes to increase soon
  13. I'm almost done with recording for the video that I'm submitting, expect something from me soon. :D
  14. Daily bump, added 20,000r in prizes.
  15. Daily Bump
  16. ima join in too!:);):cool::eek::rolleyes::p:D:mad::(:oops:
    ShelLuser likes this.