2016 Redstone Competition! (April 22-June 3)

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by AmusedStew, Apr 18, 2016.

  1. #superexcited! (seriously)

    I have been waiting for this moment for way too long ;) Ok, so people who know me know I love redstone. I think it's one of the major things which makes Minecraft.

    Now, all the judges are different (that is what makes a good jury!) but I just wanted to share that for me quality goes over quantity. I had the honor of being invited into this so I am obviously going to be critical. But seriously: if you make a cool circuit which is kinda small then don't worry: I do not look at size alone.

    I'll probably also be bringing a friend along ("uh oh, here he goes again :D") who will help me and my fellow judges (?) when you build something large enough. As a matter of a fact you should thank her ;) I just got reminded that us judges get 5k for our work. Yeah, not for me. I hereby forgo my 5k and insist it to be added to the prize pool.

    Uh, oh: Stew, work to do! :)

    More to come soon, but yeah: I am excited.
  2. Would it be okay if we submit a video of our own using our redstone inventions?
    ShelLuser likes this.
  3. Perfectly fine.
  4. Send us your submissions! I am excited to see all of your creativity!
  5. bumping this
  6. bump! dont be afraid to submit! :)
  7. Ok I made something; its a floor piano, idk if there is any videos on youtube of how to make this but I thought of it and made it

    ps. sorry for horrible video
  8. Please use the link in the OP and follow instructions under "how to submit"... btw I hate auto correct
    ShelLuser and ArkWarrior1 like this.
  9. 7:35

    Edit: I dont know why I posted 7:35 as a bump... bit weird imo.. not sure what I was thinking anyways...
  10. Am I allawed to enter with an "extreen large" creation, of say, 1000 x 1000 blocks, I mean, it isn't designed to be use three redstone more or less, it's just very special that it works (a 10 x 10 redstone-lamp one-lamp-one-pixel touchscreen with drawning program and memory)?
    ShelLuser likes this.
  11. idk
  12. Tip: only post if your post makes sence :p I mean, there should be dosens of people who do also not know the answer on my question, but I'm asking for the one who does know :p (no problem though :) )
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  13. i literely give u the wole anser frum teh main post, it dos make sence
    robbi_j likes this.