2016 - Make a Million in a Year

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Builder_Wolff, Jan 1, 2016.


Do you think I can make it?

Yeah! :D 81 vote(s) 85.3%
No! -.- 14 vote(s) 14.7%

  1. How am I ever gonna aquire rupees again :mad:
    PenguinDJ, FDNY21, 607 and 1 other person like this.
  2. Anyone want to buy a dragon egg?
    ItsMeWolffpack likes this.
  3. So far I'm failing at this.. I only have 14k rupees. :eek:
  4. Bump! It's not too late to start :D
  5. I love how I had to be stated in the rules... Good luck! :p
    For one million? Sure ;)
    Sorry Faith, I can't give you any more precious ruppez :eek:
    607 likes this.
  6. Fun challenge ;). The rupee making secrets (that does not involve any promos) isn't too terrible nor time consuming.
    Think of the things that people want, the things that cannot be 'farmed' and get in it to win it!
    So, how is it coming along so far? Are you where you expected to be?
    607 likes this.
  7. Everyone wants jungle leaves.
    PenguinDJ, 607 and highlancer54 like this.
  8. Actually, over 25% done with my goal =P
    Abele likes this.
  9. I think you can do it in a month. I probably would be able to, if it weren't for other interests/laziness.
  10. I might as well jump into this. As of now, I have 100k.

    Anybody up for buying overpriced stone slabs?
  11. Shh, they aren't overpriced as something that glorious is worth that much.
    StoneSky likes this.
  12. I'll take that as a yes?

    1,000,000r per stone slab please. :p
    ItsMeWolffpack and Keliris like this.
  13. So how exactly do you get that much money that quickly? I manage like 20k in a month xD.
  14. So far I have about 400k. I'm going to go slower in the summer months so it'll be a good thing I got 400k XD Not a clue how I got so much XD
    ElmofiedBoby likes this.
  15. Use a few more stable vouchers and that stable fee disappears.
  16. I'll just go on my alt "bank account or savings account" there I have that much..... you can make 1 mill easy, just sell items people are looking for.... for example 12731@sell I am buying items for a build...
    ItsMeWolffpack likes this.
    • Be informed. Survey some of the larger malls to get a sense of item values.
    • Be prepared. Obtain a set of max tools. Gain access to an XP farm. Establish a base.
    • Be efficient. Don't waste time farming items that are cheap.

    PlayerA spends an hour chopping wood. Sells it for 10k. Uses the money to build an XP farm.

    PlayerB has a base setup, so spends an hour doing ___ and makes 20k. Buys the wood and keeps 10k profit for the hour.

    You'll start as PlayerA. The goal is to become PlayerB. The way to do this is to find the most profitable ___ . (There are many answers, you'll find them in the malls.)
    ElmofiedBoby and 607 like this.
  17. Thank you so much for the tips! I'll definitely start this.