18200 Empire Minecraft Museum!

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by FDNY21, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. It is the same as last year's, I already have some but thank you :)
    Correct, cheers Builder :)
    607 and fBuilderS like this.
  2. Well I mean, look at your teleporters.
    fBuilderS likes this.
  3. Is this in reference to fake items? The teleporters are not meant to hold the real items, the real items are on the floor when you teleport up onto them. Think of it as a preview or a taster of what is actually on the floor - but I'm sure that you know this already.

    Why would I put the real items in the teleport stands? I probably have enough spares to do so, but that's not the purpose of the stands.
  4. It was just a response to you saying you didn't use fake items. It was just a joke made from a technicality you overlooked.
  5. It was a joke? It was so funny, I almost laughed. :p The teleports show previews, the actual floors show the actual items (not fakes) and have the information displayed with it. :)
  6. I have updated the heads floor :) I will wait until later on/possibly even after Christmas items are out to put the latest promo items into the museum, but don't you worry, I'll have them up there eventually!
  7. Update #53! :)
    • Updated the information for the Avalauncher to accommodate for the new one now being released!
    New items from the latest promos are still not in yet but HAVE been obtained. They will go in after Christmas, just in case I need to add another Christmas promo at the same time! :D
  8. Dasher will be added to the museum with the other items when I next get around to the museum update :)
  9. New Years firework has been added to the preview chest for New Years fireworks :)
  10. Looking good! Gotta check this out!
    FDNY21 likes this.
  11. Thank you Agent! Let me know what you think!
  12. Update #54! :)
    • Closed the showroom for now as Faithcaster's items have been returned to his museum, thanks very much to him for letting us borrowing them again and we hope to see them again in the future!
    • Added AnonReturns's head to the player heads floor, staff section!
    Faithcaster likes this.
  13. Prices are now cheaper for MatthewDA's items in the gift shop, make sure you come over to the gift shop and have a look to see what you want to buy! :)
  14. Update #55! :)
    • Added Dasher and information to the Promotional Items floor!
    • Converted Remembrance Poppy item frame into a preview chest, now added the 2015 version too!
    • Converted Headless Horseman items to preview chests and added the 2015 Halloween items, both the mask and axe!
    • Added Dragon Egg and information to the Super Rares floor!
    • Added an ex-book to the Gift Shop for 50k, this book is the book that used to be for the Headless Horseman Mask 2014 stand but it is no longer in use so I've signed it on quattro and put it up for sale!
    We are slowly becoming more reliant on preview chests for items that have been released multiple times. While this is not my intention, we are running out of space on some floors and if I am to keep adding to the museum, then I have to make a compromise somewhere and the preview chest is a good space saver to rely upon. I hope that you are all happy with this decision!

    For now, item frames are still used primarily, but for the items that are re-released and are part of assortments, preview chests are beginning to come in to play :)
  15. Removed Faithcaster and haast from the loan list - big thanks to haastregt for allowing us to borrow his Empire Builder Wand for a while! Items on the Super Rare Floor have been moved slightly to accommodate for the departure of this item from the Museum :)

    Next up for the Museum, when I get around to it:
    • All Blizz Ard items move to the Mob Drops floor
    • Addition of Aikar's New Year Head 2016, possibly to the Event Items floor
    • Addition of the 100k member set and the re-arranging of the tutorial/60k set floor to accommodate for another set being there
    607 likes this.
  16. Price change at the Gift Shop, lowered Stable Vouchers and the 18200 ex-info book! All stock looks good for now! :)
  17. The museum is now stocking the EMC story about Resik's Tomb on the Gift Shop floor. This book is brought to you by ResikDragonTombs and is on sale for only 3k so make sure you pick them up! The books should be restocked when they go out of stock so if you don't manage to grab one some time then make sure you come back! :)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  18. Never thought I'd say this but we're actually running quite high on Vault Vouchers... The price has hence been reduced to 11k per! Stable Vouchers are still only 10k, get them while they last!
  19. Lending my UHC Golden Apple. I want it in the Event Promo section.
    ShelLuser and FDNY21 like this.
  20. Thanks very much Foxy! I'll be sure to put it up soon. What would you like me to do with your book?