1.13 is coming!

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by ShelLuser, Oct 25, 2017.

  1. i discovered something 2day while playing with the snapshot and im not too excited about it :confused:

    they changed the bark blocks so they show the cut texture again but more vague. and i really dont like it b/c the bark blocks were cool just b/c u did not have those cut textures. some1 told me that this was done b/c if u right click with ur axe on a bark block then u get the normal stripped log. so to explain for that they re-added the stem texture :(

    i think it would have been much better if they would have added stripped bark blocks instead.
    Otus_NigRum, 607, MoreMoople and 3 others like this.
  2. So if you were to right click again, you would get the stripped texture?
    We3_MPO likes this.
  3. Not right clicking again... You need to craft bark blocks: 4 log blocks get you 3 bark blocks.

    But yeah: those bark blocks behave as regular log blocks. So you can craft 4 plank blocks from them and you can right click on them with an axe which will then get you a stripped bark block (=a wooden block without the bark texture but which does have the stem texture on 2 sides).
  4. Apparently it's world ocean day today (8th of June):


    So that can only mean one thing... the whole world is anxiously awaiting the official release of Project Aquatic! :D

    (oh dear, such a lame joke, I agree ;) ).
    607 and We3_MPO like this.
  5. When 1.13 comes out then this means that a lot of things are going to change, especially with the commands. Some players aren't too excited about it while others (this includes myself) are very enthusiastic.

    One of the things I appreciate the most is that 1.13 will allow us to become a bit more independent when it comes to creating or generating customized items. It'll make things easier too (and harder ;) )!

    For example... How about I give you a diamond chestplate which has Protection IV on it, and Unbreaking III?

    I so happen to know that the ID's start with the Combat tab (the enchanted books) and that Protection is actually ID 1. So:

    (in 1.12): /give @p diamond_chestplate 1 0 {ench:[id:1,lvl:3]}

    ...but what on earth is the ID for unbreaking again?

    For that you need to know another 'trick': that the Tool tab starts counting at ID 32 (which is Efficiency). So I can easily deduct that Unbreaking has ID 34. As such: /give @p diamond_chestplate 1 0 {ench:[{id:1,lvl:4},{id:34,lvl:3}]}.

    Great, could you now please put the curse of vanishing onto this?! ;-)

    uuuhm... This is actually where things go haywire. Mending has ID 70, and I only know this because I've used it a lot. One of the curses is above it with 71, but the other sits as low as 9 or 10 (note: from mind). In other words: I'd have to look it up.

    1.13 helps us with this, a lot. Note: the goal here is to come up with the command to get me this item. Not so much to enchant the item. Because... if you want to quickly get yourself something enchanted without all the hassle just use the /enchant command.

    Why do we want this command? Well, for example in a command block or... what about: let's make ourselves a God bow with infinity & mending on it. In 1.13.

    First we need to find out what the ID is. And in 1.13 we have an invaluable command for this: /data.

    • /give @p bow
    • /enchant @p minecraft:infinity
      • remember that tab completion is a thing here!
    • /data get entity @p Inventory[0]
    And see:

    Now we know everything we need to make this work. And we got Mojang to thank for it ;)

    I mean... you do realize that Mending is basically called minecraft:mending, right? So how to make this god bow? Easy! (though we do need to type out more):

    /give @p bow{Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:infinity",lvl:1},{id:"minecraft:mending",lvl:1}]}

    ...and done! I've simply literally followed the example which /data gave me. Nothing more, and certainly no less ;)

    I hope you guys can agree with me that id:"minecraft:mending" is a lot easier to remember than ID:70.

    ... if only we could give it a cool Minty name in italics. hmmmm ;-)

    /give @p bow{Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:infinity",lvl:1},{id:"minecraft:mending",lvl:1}],display:{Name:"{\"text\":\"God bow\",\"color\":\"green\",\"italics\":\"true\"}"}}

    (note: you don't really need the 'Italics' part because it's default for renamed enchanted items, but I prefer not to take shortcuts).

    Oh wait, I forgot unbreaking III :) => /enchant @p minecraft:unbreaking 3.

    Yes, stuff is going to break. Yes,we'll be required to type out even more text (ench:[], vs. Enchantments:[]) but the benefits are huge. You don't need to remember numeric id's such as id:70. Just remember id:"minecraft:mending". And if you don't remember the exact name of an enchantment (is it frost_walker or frostwalker?) then just use: /enchant @p frost<tab> and.... Yups, it's: minecraft:frost_walker.

    Now, to give you guys a quick preview of something cool which I discovered....

    /data get entity @p Inventory[0].tag.Damage

    Have you ever wanted to know how much damage one of the items in your inventory has taken? This command give you the exact numeric value. Wondering why we'd want that?

    Have you ever heard of the new: /execute store command option? This stores the output of a command (usually a numeric value) into something else. Such as a bossbar or even a block.


    Could this maybe allow us to make a game where each member of the same team shares the same damage done to their gear? ;)
    607 likes this.
  6. Did everyone that doc77 said at the carater summit that the combat system would receive a overhall and maybe villagers
    And have announced that there will be 3more updates planed

    More on the story at minecon earth
    Back to the studio with shelLuser
  7. And now for some bad news... :eek:

    A lot of people are very excited for 1.13 (myself obviously included) and although we know that it will break plenty of stuff because of the command changes most of us can accept those as necessary because of all the advantages they give us.

    But there are also some changes which seem a bit peculiar and I discovered some while checking up on mine and other bug reports on the Mojangs bug tracker. Especially because they weren't announced as planned changes and their bug reports have been dubbed "resolved". So here's the weird thing: they're considered to be fixed, but the affected version is "Future version 1.13+".

    The good news is that we can now be pretty sure that we'll eventually be getting a 1.14 version. The bad news though....

    MC130722 - Slime blocks now block light.

    In the current version of 1.12 slime blocks can be used to build on (you can even place redstone dust on top of them) while they don't block light. So they behave a bit like glass but without the setbacks which glass has (glass is a redstone conductor insulator; it can't hold redstone charges nor can it interact with any redstone material at all). Just to make sure: you do realize that doors, pressure plates, fence gates, etc. are all considered "redstone material", right? You can't have a door in a glass house for example..

    So the problem is that some designs, such as the Iron Phoenix, rely on this feature: the ability to have a solid block which you can use to place redstone blocks on top while it still passes light.

    Anyway, this intrigued me so I've begun rebuilding the iron phoenix to see how well (or bad) it will work. I'll keep you posted.

    MC130858 - Pistons are no longer transparent.

    Same issue as above. But the other issue here is that this means that pistons can now very well trigger light updates. In case you're not familiar with it: this is a mechanic which can cause some very nasty lag on a server.

    For example... stand on the ground in an experimental world and try: /fill ~1 ~ ~1 ~20 ~ ~20 minecraft:cobblestone. You will notice that the platform of cobblestone appears pretty much instantly.

    Now start flying, teleport yourself approx. 150 blocks up and use that same fill command again. This time you'll notice a bit of a delay before the platform appears, even though it is of the same size. The reason for this is because the cobblestone blocks light, so Minecraft now has to calculate the correct light level for every block below it, including air blocks! And that takes some time..

    So what does this mean?

    There are some players out there who already start up doom scenarios how 1.13 is now going to break everything (it already was going to do that ;) ) and quite frankly I think most of those players are seriously overreacting.

    Why? Because those seem to be the same players who have no problems using tons of comparators and repeaters in their builds. Even though... I kid you not: those blocks trigger light updates too. This is why anyone who knows a bit more about redstone and Minecraft mechanics will ensure that such blocks are either placed in small dark areas (few air blocks means less updates needed) or with plenty of torches around them (maximum light from the torch, so no varied light updates from the redstone blocks).

    Of course there is more to this than that... Because pistons and slimeblocks are also often used to make flying machines. And then we're entering a major problem on 1.13 because of the reasons I mentioned above (the cobble platform with the /fill command).

    Thing is though.. From what I know a lot of servers (including the Empire) frown on the use of such flying contraptions because there's a risk of glitching which can result in sporadic block duplications. Which is obviously not allowed on serious servers.

    As to the Iron Phoenix: the main reason for those slime blocks was to allow light in so that no hostile mobs could spawn. But you can achieve the same thing by using slabs or simply placing a few torches. Problem solved.

    So yeah...
    607 and We3_MPO like this.
  8. Good news, Minecraft is saved! :D

    this is a super way 2 start the weekend: Mojang listened to us fans!!!

    i was trying to start the snapshot but couldn't connect to a friend snapshot server, then i saw that i was running pre2. so i made a sillysingle player world and looked at the blocks... this is SO cool u guys!

    The bark blocks are back!!!

    Mojang said that they changed the bark blocks b/c if u tried 2 strip them with an axe u would get a stripped log block. but that didnt look like bark anymore.

    Some fans asked, and Mojang agreed! we now have the cool bark blocks back, but we also got stripped bark blocks, how cool is that?!!

    and for every1 wood type, the cool bark block and stripped bark:

    This is super duper good news for every1 who likes building with wood!

    and we got more :oops:

    We can now craft packed ice! :eek:

    So if u got 9 ice u can make 1 packed ice. and if u got 9 packed ice u can make 1 blue ice.

    And if u got 9 blue ice you can almost make a nice ice wall! ^.^

    it looks really good i think:

    im really happy about the bark blocks, this made my whole weekend great again! ^.^
  9. I am most impressed. Within the hour of the 2nd pre-release. AND they didn't create a new blog post about it - so I would have missed it (We have an rss feed that tells us when new blog posts are shared).
  10. Within the hour? Well, then I am "annoyed" (naah, just kidding!) because apparently you're slow with updating a LAN server if it hasn't been done within an hour of release :D

    Just goofing here.

    I made a promise in an earlier post about the new added music so I figured I'd follow up on that. So I started a new game, set my music volume to 70% and well... Minecraft is evil ;) But in a good way.

    But I think it's fascinating how Minecraft can really play with your emotions if you let if affect you like that of course. Take for example this scenery I just witnessed:

    So: during the night time a turtle climbed onto the shore and started crawling towards those eggs. Aya had asked me to place some fences around it to prevent zombies and drowned from destroying them. But when I saw this I obviously decided to make an opening. So far, so good.

    While this was going on some very nice piano music played. It really set the atmosphere and suddenly my fantasy also kicked in a bit. These were obviously the turtles who laid those eggs in the first place and they now returned to this area to see how the eggs were doing. Basically triggered by the music.

    Those are moments when I'm really impressed with Minecraft. Of course those moments also don't last very long because once you turned on the music then it basically never stops. The piano music definitely enhanced the scene above, but after hearing various piano scores for the next 20 or so minutes they also became redundant again. That special moment above? Duh, 15 minutes later I see dolphins and fish swimming in the water while another piano score played. Enjoyable, sure, but... who cares? Just wait a few moments and it'll happen again.

    Which is sometimes my only "complaint". Maybe they should add much longer pauses between music plays.

    Anyway, back to my earlier promise:

    Looking back I know that promise seems a bit stupid because everyone can probably figure this one out quite easily ;)

    Even so, as far as I know this is the best way to listen to the new underwater music. So, for example:

    /playsound minecraft:ambient.underwater.loop.additions music @p

    ... and remember that tab completion is a thing :)
    __Devil_ and We3_MPO like this.
  11. Huh, I thought the pauses were quite long already. In the console versions, the music plays constantly.
    I think even I haven't played with music on in a while, though, so I suppose I don't know too well... on second though, I haven't really played Minecraft in a while in general. :p
    ShelLuser likes this.
  12. Edits are in bold green.
    ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  13. ^ It is worth noting that they will be Future version 1.13 until they actually release the snapshot/pre-release where it is fixed. If one checks those links now - they will show pre-release 2 being the fix version.
    We3_MPO and ShelLuser like this.
  14. Finally, the aquaria are coming! :eek:

    This is obviously the feature which everyone has been waiting for :cool: Unfortunately I've been told that it doesn't support fish as of yet and that has something to do with the small size of the cable which is required to fill the tank with water :D

    Those weird looking tools in my hotbar? Yeah, now that you mention it... That's probably a small glitch with my texture pack, not that I have been tinkering or anything :p

    ok, ok, ok...

    1.13-pre3 has been released last week, together with a new version of the Minecraft launcher (2.1.1143). And it basically only consisted of dozens of bugfixes. So yeah, if there's not much news to report you should do what many news agencies do: add unrelated stuff to spice up your stories! :D

    A little more serious though.. Mojang are really keen on making 1.13 as painless as possible, and it is really showing if you check the release notes! Heck, I even experienced fixes. For some time now my game would constantly crash whenever I closed it. Not just that but it would make the launcher crash too for some reason.

    Another ongoing issue has been that the 1.13 snapshot didn't really work well on 32bit machines; it would crash unless you added a specific JVM property which would assign some extra required bufferspace.

    All of that has been resolved with 1.13-pre3 (and a whole lot more!).

    And there you have it!

    Although I prefer playing with vanilla Minecraft I also sometimes like to play with what I refer to as "tech mods". These are mods which add new things to do to the game, and of course new blocks. Mostly specific machinery which can "do" something for you.

    What you're seeing above is a so called "Tink tank", which is provided through the Tinkers' Construct mod, a very cool mod which seriously enhances your normal gameplay options.

    Those weird looking tools? Yeah, they'd better look weird because I made them from all sorts of materials. It's not just only sticks and iron anymore. For example: in some cases I made the handle from bone (made from bones dropped by skeletons), the blade of an axe from flint, the blade of a sword from iron yet also enhanced it with two diamonds for extra robustness, and so on.

    And those blue pipes? Courtesy of Integrated Dynamics (backed by Integrated Tunnels). That allows you to create a whole network of pipes and monitors which can move several things around. From items in a chest right down to (as shown above) water blocks which get stored in a giant tank.

    For some reason playing Tech had become a problem for me (my FPS would more than often drop down to 2 or such) but that appears to have been fixed with the latest releases of Forge, LiteLoader and the mods I like to play with.

    From right to left: lava tank, smeltery, furnace and several crafting tools.

    This is my "TinkCreative" world which I use to test and play with designs before I try to use them in my normal "TinkWorld"; that's where I play in normal survival mode.

    Right now my game mostly focuses around Industrial Craft, backed up by Tinkers' Creative, Integrated Dynamics/Tunnels and Applied Energistics 2. (reminds me that I was planning a review of those) :D

    Aaanyway, if you ever get bored and want to play a "different" Minecraft game then I can highly suggest the small collection of tech mods mentioned above. So far it's been my experience that these three interact really well and most of all: they really enhance your gameplay. Sure; you can get 8 cobble and then build a furnace and call it a day.

    You can also try to get your hands on 'grout', smelt that into seared bricks, use those to make seared brick blocks and then use that to start building the foundation for your Tinker Furnace. Although it's seriously faster than your regular furnace it's also not too overpowered.

    aaaanyway, enough offtopic ramblings from me :)
    __Devil_ and 607 like this.
  15. If you start something you should look it through. We're at pre5 now but there still isn't too much new stuff to report other than Mojang addressing and fixing a lot of bugfixes.

    So what do you do if you should no longer update the game? Easy: update the launcher! ;)

    As you can see we're now able to influence the sorting order of our profiles. Usually the profiles you recently used would find their way to the top of the list and the others stayed down. Now you can chose between that normal behavior and an alphabetic sorting order. Pretty nice :)

    And there's more!

    I really like this because sometimes you just want to try things out without the risk of that affecting your current profile. Now you can: just copy the whole thing and then do your stuff.

    Anyway; pre5. We're getting closer!
    607 likes this.
  16. Pre-release 6 was released today, with lots of bugfixes. Mojang is not sure when 1.13 will be ready for its full release. They "hope" to have the Update Aquatic for MC Java out by the end of this month (July).

    I'll reiterate myself, as I believe this information is very important to EMC players:

    Given the development state of 1.13 and the major technical changes included, I don't think EMC will get the Update Aquatic this Summer. A lot of existing things are going to break.
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  17. I'm still waiting for andesite slabs
  18. I think we'll get them for 1.14.
    ForeverMaster and ShelLuser like this.
  19. [Disclaimer: I'm really, really, tired at the time of writing (the heat doesn't really help), I'll proof read tomorrow.

    One of the things which has always been a bit tricky with Minecraft is creating custom stuff. If you try to give yourself a spawn_egg in 1.12 you'll get a white'ish egg back and that's about it. Only after you also specified some NBT magic will it turn into an actual (and usable) spawn egg.

    The same, somewhat, applies to enchanted books. Somewhat; while you can use the StoredEnchantments property to add stuff I seem to recall that there were some difficulties here and there (I could be wrong!). Wrong or not, it doesn't take away the fact that even here 1.13 is going to amaze:

    As you can see: not only does this enchanted book have a fancy name, it also contains enchantments which are usually impossible to obtain. The best part is that creating these books will become extremely easy in 1.13:

    /give @p minecraft:enchanted_book{display:{Name:"{\"text\":\"Book of Power\",\"color\":\"blue\",\"italic\":false}"},StoredEnchantments:[{id:"minecraft:unbreaking",lvl:5s},{id:"minecraft:sharpness",lvl:10s}]}
    Sure; it's a lot of text to type out, but because of that it also makes it a lot easier to create this stuff from mind. Just make sure to use StoredEnchantments and not just Enchantments, otherwise you'll get a book which looks as if it would work but it won't be recognized as such. That's because the enchantments wouldn't be stored but actually applied on the book.

    Of course there's also a bit of 'bad' news; the system will not allow you to actually use this book in an anvil. That is: it will, but the normal maximum levels will apply. So you'd end up on Unbreaking III and Sharpness V.

    Could make for an interesting "troll book" :) hmm, I should try that :p

    aaanyway, bedtime. Fortunately it's Friday tomorrow, might take the day off and play some EMC. We'll see how it goes.
  20. Why do you need to add all of those backslashes?
    ShelLuser likes this.