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Dec 29, 2024 at 7:49 AM
Dec 20, 2015
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Massachusetts, USA
Cut flower/Produce farmer

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, Male, from Massachusetts, USA

farmerguyson was last seen:
Viewing thread Question regarding Trial Chambers, Dec 29, 2024 at 7:49 AM
    1. farmerguyson
      I tried multiple times yesterday to buy another Minecraft account from the site but kept getting an unknown payment error. I was using a credit card. Has anyone else run into this problem that could advise me on a fix. The credit card is good, so rule that out.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. farmerguyson
        A couple Google searches came up with that as being the issue and the suggested fix is to purchase a reedem code from a store based in the US. I have to keep searching since most of the common sites are currently sold out.
        Jan 12, 2022
      3. ChespinLover77
        I had that problem with one of my accounts a while back, I can’t quite remember the details but I think I may have been using a gift card or smth and that may have been part of the problem that you can’t buy with cards with like prepaid balances? May be similar with a credit card, are you able to use a debit card by chance? Or yeah as said above, redeemable codes are always my go to for the rest of my alts
        Jan 12, 2022
      4. farmerguyson
        I tried a debit card yesterday and got the same error. I'm going to wait now until I can get a redeem code from a store. Tbh the error kind of defused my fun, spur of the moment purchase of a couple of alts.
        Jan 13, 2022
    2. farmerguyson
      Still having fun roaming the Wasteland, way out by the border where not many have gathered resources. The barrier has a hypnotic effect. It draws me towards it and teases me with the untouched terrain it keeps safe on the other side.
      1. UltiPig likes this.
      2. ultipig
        Most of the wastelands is still untouched, though…
        Jan 11, 2022
    3. farmerguyson
      This status is unknown
    4. farmerguyson
      Been flying around the Waste on 3. There are actually some nice areas with floating chunks of mountain terrain where you can fly through and underneath them. Been imagining I'm in a flying suit but of course I do crash at high speed so luckily it's not real life.
      1. UltiPig likes this.
    5. farmerguyson
      Patiently waiting for the Shepherd's pie to come out of the oven. In the meantime I'll collect a few shulker shells.
    6. farmerguyson
      Midnight Moonlight - The Firm. My latest play on a loop song while driving.
    7. farmerguyson
      Deep frying Chicken 65 right now. Happy New Year everyone!!
    8. farmerguyson
      Waiting patiently for the almond and chocolate scones to come out of the oven. 🙂
      1. UltiPig, CarFryer and MoreMoople like this.
      2. MoreMoople
        Yummy! :D
        Dec 22, 2021
      3. CarFryer
        Ooo, those sound so good, I want some!
        Dec 22, 2021
    9. farmerguyson
      Just read on BBC site an article about the fossilized remains of the biggest bug to have ever lived. Imagine watching a 110 lb, 8 ft long millipede walking through your house?
      1. UltiPig, MoreMoople and CarFryer like this.
      2. TomvanWijnen
        To be honest, I'd rather not imagine that. :P
        Dec 21, 2021
      3. CarFryer
        Dec 21, 2021
      4. MoreMoople
        Oh my, I don't think I'll be inviting giant millipedes over for dinner anytime soon. o.o
        Dec 21, 2021
    10. farmerguyson
      I am now an Empire Ancient!
      1. MoreMoople and Nickblockmaster like this.
      2. MoreMoople
        Congrats! So old ;)
        Dec 21, 2021
    11. farmerguyson
      I'm at my outpost on 3. Haven't been here for a while and of course I forgot to bring a few items. It would be nice to be able to tp back and forth instead of flying.
      1. Nickblockmaster likes this.
      2. Nickblockmaster
        You could empty your enderchest, set a bed, walk back, grab your stuff, enderchest it, die. And you’ll res pawn at the base. It’s better than nothing.
        Dec 21, 2021
    12. farmerguyson
      Is it possible to get a Turkey Slicer drop from a Super Turkey using diff level 5? I've kill quite a few now and was just wondering if I was doing it right.
      1. AncientTower
        Yeah you can get the drop at 5. That’s what kill them at and have gotten the slicer. I’m using a sword with looting 3 on it.
        Dec 18, 2021
    13. farmerguyson
      The router upgrade fixed my serious lag issues. From 2340 ms to 32 ms ping! All is right in the Minecraft world again.
      1. weeh, UltiPig and Nickblockmaster like this.
      2. Nickblockmaster
        Must be nice! Cant wait til I can experience a connection that good. It’s pretty upsetting getting disconnected constantly.
        Dec 17, 2021
      3. farmerguyson
        Have you done a speed test to see what your up and download speeds are? Mine were pretty good, 118 Mbps download. Yet I was experiencing lag so it had to be the router, and that smart tv.
        Dec 17, 2021
    14. farmerguyson
      I just ordered a router to replace the old one I am using. I think that is causing my network problems.
      1. St3rButterfly likes this.
      2. aletrisrex
        Yep, usually default carrier provide a terrible router for temporary use and sometimes, it can become a trouble maker.
        Dec 16, 2021
      3. farmerguyson
        It is the original router. The modem was upgraded a couple years ago but not the router. It's arriving today so hopefully I'll have a good connection for getting in game tonight.

        Nice name change BTW. 🙂
        Dec 16, 2021
    15. farmerguyson
      The ground was coated with a little snow last night, as if Blizz Ard passed through. It's enough to keep me in though. Gave me a chance to package up the Quince candy I made a few weeks ago, as well as start a batch of cheese and make a Banana bread. Sitting by the fire now. 🙂
      1. Nickblockmaster
        Sitting by the fire... you almost had me, but then I saw no hot chocolate... rip!
        Dec 14, 2021
    16. farmerguyson
      I had an interesting time yesterday laying down 9 short hopper minecart rails. I wanted them side by side to gather drops at my res but they kept auto connecting in random pattern as if some alien civilization was trying to spell out a msg to me.
      1. farmerguyson
        Someone in game gave me the tip to lay out the first track longer tham the 2nd one then break off the extra length of the 1st. That worked for 2 tracks but the 3rd messed them all again. I figured out but shear dumb luck that a powered rail at the ends of the track prevents them from auto connecting. 🙂
        Dec 7, 2021
      2. JesusPower2
        tracks have a preference for how to link up, either north-south or east-west. It can be really annoying sometimes. You can also use a redstone signal as a last resort to change the direction of a turn.
        Dec 7, 2021
    17. farmerguyson
      My in game time is under attack by the bandwidth devouring smart tv we recently installed. Typically my wife would watch over the air programs with our "dumb" tv. Now she is watching back-to-back shows she missed all those years. Might be time to buy a 2nd internet feed.
      1. W1therRex and wafflecoffee like this.
      2. triphora
        Awe, that's cute!
        Dec 3, 2021
    18. farmerguyson
      Error: Human verification required
      1. UltiPig likes this.
    19. farmerguyson
      I updated my avatar a couple days ago. I forgot to add a comment at that time. It's our youngest dog Fern. We were going for a ride and she loves to imitate the way we sit.
      1. MoreMoople likes this.
      2. MoreMoople
        Fern is adorable!!
        Dec 2, 2021
    20. farmerguyson
      Was working on stacking firewood. It's cool out and now I'm thinking of hot chocolate.
      1. MoreMoople likes this.
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  • About

    Massachusetts, USA
    Cut flower/Produce farmer
    I'm a farmer in real life.

    I took the picture below in 2020. People enjoy sunflowers so I grow as many as possible each year.

    That's the upper part of my field and my house in the background.