Comments on Profile Post by farmerguyson

  1. chickeneer
    Since it is a payment error. We really can't eliminate all possibilities relating to that specific card.
    I would ask if other online payments have been made with that card. As a card could be not setup for online orders.
    Jan 12, 2022
  2. farmerguyson
    Thank you for your comment Chickeneer. I have made other online purchases within the past month so the card is setup for that. I think the problem has to do with international purchases with a credit card issued in the US.
    Jan 12, 2022
  3. farmerguyson
    A couple Google searches came up with that as being the issue and the suggested fix is to purchase a reedem code from a store based in the US. I have to keep searching since most of the common sites are currently sold out.
    Jan 12, 2022
  4. ChespinLover77
    I had that problem with one of my accounts a while back, I can’t quite remember the details but I think I may have been using a gift card or smth and that may have been part of the problem that you can’t buy with cards with like prepaid balances? May be similar with a credit card, are you able to use a debit card by chance? Or yeah as said above, redeemable codes are always my go to for the rest of my alts
    Jan 12, 2022
  5. farmerguyson
    I tried a debit card yesterday and got the same error. I'm going to wait now until I can get a redeem code from a store. Tbh the error kind of defused my fun, spur of the moment purchase of a couple of alts.
    Jan 13, 2022